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Everything posted by Drimcynn

  1. People are all at different levels of understanding or levels of spirituality. Clarification and revelation constantly are flowing. I have no problem believing that The definitions by Joseph and his Brother Hyrum after the revelation was given isn't good enough. Though I would debate with some members the reasons. Specifically the focus on caffiene by some. Coffee & Tea are harmful in many respects. I do it not only because the promise heavenly father gives us in doctrine & covenants but because it is a commandment. That is from my heavenly father. I think it is great that they clarify for new members or investigators some of the basics to help understand the beginning principles of the Word of Wisdom but since it doesn't stop with just strong and hot drinks the spirit will direct you and you will know if you are playing on the wrong side of the fence in this topic.
  2. they already explained the magazines to you.... I recommend mormon.org as a good reading spot for learning about the church. I wish it was available when I was Catholic and studying about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I probably would have learned that much faster. :)
  3. 4 things... 1. That Christ is the son of God, that he atoned for my sins and provided me a way to return to my heavenly father and that He and my heavenly father are alive and love me. 2. Knowing that I can be with my wife and chidren not only 'till death do us part' but that we are sealed together for all eternity and have the chance to all live together forever. 3. Not only believing but knowing that the gospel of Christ is real but that I have to worry about knowing what is right and wrong and what my actions should be. 4. The gifts of the spirit that have helped me throughout my entire life after being given the spirit after baptism. It has been invaluable in guiding my life and making me feel whole.
  4. I guess I've never worried about the Prophets contradicting the scriptures. I believe the scriptures are the word of god and I believe the the aposteles and first presidency are prophet, seers and revelators. Meaning giving us modern revelation. With that said, I don't believe they will ever contradict but would they ever really need too? IN my opinion know. The scriptures are the foudation for us in learning the gospel but it doesn't tell us how we assist members in getting welfare or education or what the dress standards are for youth activities. KNow what I mean. Yes it gives us the basic principles but we have to have proper direction on certain topics. Rarely if at all do you see in General conference, do you hear the Leaders of the church giving a mystery of the gospel or some deep doctrine point none of us are aware of. Why? Because they want to teach us how to put our lifs in accord so that we might recieve some of that ourselves through prayer and study but that helps grow our testimony. See my point? I don't think really go hand in hand at times. The only 2 times I would have ever seen modern revelation that might change the scriptures and even that is questionable is the 2 official declarations in the doctrine & covenants but that just shows we have a living god. If we didn't expect more scripture and revelation than everything would have stopped with Adam, Enoch or Moses I guess and they would have told it all to us. Personal revelation is a really neat blessing. I guess I don't expect heavenly father to give me revelation that contradicts the scriptures but I am sure presonal revelation could contradict perspectives? anyways you asked for thoughts there you go.
  5. The funny thing for me is I constantly hear scientific evidence about drinking alcohol or coffee is good, bad, good, bad, good, bad. It tends to go back and forth over the years. Another reason why such a study doesn't bother me because i have heard good, bad ,good, bad on the subject. Life goes on!
  6. Just wanted to say hello. i'm new to ldsforums and to be honest new to any lds based forums. I live in North Central Missouri and serve in the local branch presidency. I converted to the church in 1991 in Southern Indiana. Where I was attending a private Catholic school and served as a alter boy. Served a mission for the church in california arcadia mission (spanish). Graduated with a B.S. in Computer INfo. Sys. from Purdue University where I also graduated from the church's institute program. Sealed to my wife in Salt Lake temple and have 2 wonderful children. That is about all there is to know about me from a info standpoint. I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you and see what it is like to discuss things on an lds forum. I'm sure i'll have some learning to do, but it should be interesting.
  7. Well stated DrewM! Very clear and understandable. One thing I found interesting on my mission is when a evangelical christian was trying to tell me why they couldn't believe in the Godhead, was that a Pastor told them the Trinity was like an egg. yolk, albumen(egg white), & the shell. I was confused as a catholic before I converted to LDS and the analogy of the Egg didn't help me understand this family's feelings either while serving my mission. It is truly a comfort that the gospel makes it so easy to understand the Godhead.
  8. Why do members speak as if they are of one tribe making them a literal descendent of a specific tribe? I doubt anyone has geneological backing on such things. The odds are high that we all have blood from many different tribes. Especially if we live in the United states and or the European continent. A true melting pot over the generations. Knowing which tribe we are in or have been adopted into is important to know for the blessings based on the Abrahamic covenant and those promises. The tribes were lost and are being found by the Missionaries daily. While serving my mission in California, our mission president allowed us to make our own curriculum after completing the other programs, I focused my studies on the 12 tribes. I still find them interesting today. All very interesting. McConkie's works are by far the most thorough on explaining things. While on my mission from time to time I would ask people (if they were willing) what tribe they were in. Many were of Ephraim which makes sense as we know where their inheritance lies, but that wasn't always the case. I spoke to people who were of many of the different tribes, even different within the same household. Current location has nothing really to do with it. Something I did find interesting was many of the Hispanics I spoke too in California tended to be from Mannessah. Though like in all casses not all.