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Everything posted by sjdean

  1. Ooh, if taken literally then, I interpret the WoW from my own brief look, I can drink beer - moderately, and I shouldn't drink any drink that is hot, whether it is caffeinated or decaffeinated tea or coffee or even hot chocolate or fruit tea. But that would be my interpretation.
  2. I like to think of it as our world not mine. To be enjoyed by everybody and anybody. The kind of person I am, is that if I smoked, I'd be deeply embarrassed to do it in public in case I upset others. It's for me and no one else only! It's the same reason I don't take photos in public. I worry too much about how my actions impact on others. It's a sad sad shame that more people can't think like that. Sadly, our world is trying to do the exact opposite and ensure people only need to think about themselves. For the drinkers of the world, why bother to think if you're drinking too much? We're in a society that would rather ban it, or prevent you from drinking too much by raising the price and setting arbitrary limits and passing nonsensical laws rather than making you think about your actions and take responsibility for yourself. Seems we're not teaching the right lessons. Cya Simon
  3. I can so appreciate your story. I don't know where I've had my upbringing. My parents clatter around the house at all times of the day and night, louding and unloading dishwashers, clash bang clatter. If I get up early, I try to be deathly quiet. I shut the doors, take things out with microscopic touches. It's not my place to upset others for my convenience. With regards to music, I generally don't see a problem with playing music til about 8pm - unless of course your neighbours have a problem with that. At the end of the day, we all have a right to live and enjoy our lives. But we have a requirement to ensure we don't intrude on other peoples personal space. If having a party, why not ask the neighbours? You might be pleasantly surprised. I like to have a drink (which is probably why I havent become a mormon yet). It doesn't cause people to become loud, obnoxious and aggressive. They're already like that! It just makes them worse! Even after alcohol, I still have respect and compassion for people and still carefully monitor my own behaviour. I could start talking on a whole host of other topics about how society doesn't seem to take any personal responsibility for its own actions, preferring to blame other people or inanimate objects for their failings. About how our governments actually prevent us from taking responsibilty, which leads to no consequences, no mistakes, and no learning. But I won't. Cya Simon
  4. It's ridiculous isn't it. I mean I really have no problem with people who want to smoke. But people now do not have any time or consideration for anyone around them. Im allowed to smoke, Im allowed to bang on the walls, Im allowed to drive like a crazy fool, it's my right. Nuts. And yet no one seems to share my indignation, well, apart from you guys!
  5. Don't ask, don't get. Im strongly considering writing at least a letter of complaint to the venues concerned, the health and safety executive, the newspapers and the police. Some consider that overboard. It's only a gig. It's one cigaratee. It's one cigarette too many. It is illegal in this country to smoke indoors. Cya Simon
  6. I do like to think I can tell the difference between the two. I am overweight, but a regular visitor to my GP for one thing or another. Apart from the weight and an underactive thyroid, Im actually the picture of health! After I've said my piece, that's it, nothing else happens for a while. No, I definitely can move, and open my eyes. I see all the bad images and open my eyes. Nothing there. I close my eyes and try to put up with them then something happens, like I see an image of a face fly at me, or someone scream or yell into my ear and it'll jerk me awake. It's quite eery. Bizarrely, after reporting the first incident of someone whispering "I can see you", I told my sister about it. She reported a very similar incident getting ready for a bath the one day - in a different house! Cya Simon
  7. Good question. I certainly don't just ask "Make them go away, thank you", I pray earnestly for the Heavenly Fathers guidance, compassion, that I might feel his love, warmth and light. That he might banish the evil things from my spirit, give them no place in my heart and give me the strength to battle the temptation of sin and what might leave me open to the devil. It seems to work for me. Cya Simon
  8. See you. Or Bye bye. I think I've had three, or four discussions with the missionaries. I havent actually been to the church. The reason why I cut the sessions short was because I wasn't sure. I remember reading somewhere that it is better to have not received the fullness of the gospel, than to have it and ignore it. It wasn't something I was comfortable with in "going all the way" as it were until I was assured that this is what I want to do and here are my reasons behind it. I havent attended a church meeting - again, purely because my family aren't religious and would frown upon attending an LDS Church. Thanks. With regards to "inspired by the devil", I think what was going through my mind, was that obviously it leads some people to Jesus. But what if that isn't the intention of the Book? It may lead us to something else that we mistakingly believe to be Jesus or the teachings of Jesus. But the argument to this, which I find illogical is that because it brings us closer to what we believe to be Jesus, it must be of Jesus. It's like... It is because it is... What if, just for the sake of argument, that it promises Jesus, but on accepting it, you fall away from Jesus while still believing it to be his teachings - you may even feel that peace and joy feeling (that I get after alcohol - even things that feel good can be bad). While those that don't accept have a better understanding of Jesus and follow the path of another religion. What if its to tempt us away to a false religion. The critical person would suggest that a similar argument is used by the LDS to say how false the other religions are, so why can't the same be true in reverse. It's a hard concept to explain, and perhaps you need an odd brain like mine to even contemplate it!
  9. Again apologies if this is in the wrong area... At the risk of making myself sound like a fool, does/did anyone experience odd sensations as they're trying to get off to sleep? I can differentiate between between being comatose and being awake, and I can swear I am quite firmly awake. There are times when things will happen, like, I hear voices, or with my eyes closed, I witness images. Last night, I could sense the hands, flying all over me. Suddenly, this twisted distored face flew at me. Once I heard someone whisper "I can see you" followed by an immense whoosh and crash in my right ear. Whenever I get those sensations, I pray and pray, and it all goes away. Am I an idiot?
  10. Ahh. But is that not a cop out? If anybody argues with me, then they're wrong automatically? I guess its the nature of the argument, and I think you do say it there - if you argue with anger. I don't think there's anything much wrong with an argument par se. But some people seem to thrive on disagreement. You do seem to know in your heart when you're arguing with truth and knowledge. It seems to me, that if I am to appreciate the teachings of the Book of Mormon and to understand the LDS faith, I should take my time to read the Bible first and come to a personal understanding of that.
  11. Non LDS here again, but you guys have been really helpful and friendly and for that I thank you. I was reading another post about an individual with certain vices (good to see that's going well), and Im reminded of a conundrum I've found. Im trying to find an answer online and stumbling. Im not a smoker, but despite the smoking ban in England, people still feel the need to light up in pubs and clubs, even at some concerts. It's not just cigarettes, but the old weed too. Im a liberal, so if people want to do that, that's up to them - but keep out of my face. It seems society does not respect each other any more and the fact that their are people around them. I don't even take photographs in public in case it irritates people! Apparently, in the UK, we're not allowed to voice our concerns over smoking because it is "gig culture", but why should I be denied the opportunity to enjoy one of my favourite bands without the risk of intoxication? (As a sidenote, I started developing an idea about alcohol... in that with alcohol, you find abominable behaviour - people around you smoking drugs, urinating on the walls and floors, etc as acceptable - what's the point of alcohol? I get more enjoyment from food). I digress. What's the position of the church on passive smoking? It's something we can't control, and might not even be aware of until too late. Even if we are aware that there is a good chance that this will happen, is there an issue with passive smoking, or should I take all efforts to avoid? Thanks Simon PS: Sorry if this isn't in the right area of the forum...
  12. When I read what you say, I don't feel like arguing. It makes sense and my heart feels full of warmth. When I switch to the "But what about this, or that, how can I get this that and the other answered" I lose that feeling. And that's what I mentioned previously I think, in that, Im fairly sure that this is truth, I have a faith and a rough guiding belief. But there's just those few stumblings blocks Im trying to get over - and they're probably the biggest ones of all! Cya Simon
  13. Some wonderful responses and excellent thoughts. Thank you so much. I've just reminded myself of something else I meant to say regarding the YouTube videos and the differences between those that have just joined the LDS faith and those that have just left. The LDS dialogues were a little hesitant, while the non-LDS dialogues were fluent and flowed well. Im just really intrigued by that. I was thinking of some thoughts this morning in response to inthearmsofsleep suggestion, why would the Devil try to get people to go to Jesus? Answer, if (and Im not suggesting it is for one minute as it has given me great joy, but, just for pondering, if) it was a false book and only pretended to bring people closer to Jesus while in practice doing the very opposite. What I started thinking this morning, is that upon being presented with the Book of Mormon, we have two choices. To either accept the Book of Mormon, or refute it. Perhaps at the time of great stress, we do seek Gods influence and welcome him into our lives. But being wide open as we are, we are vulnerable to those that might seek to deny us the truth - by those that call themselves the one true religion. Im not being specific here, but you get the idea that it could apply to those that are not true. Six years ago, I was inspired to learn more of Jesus Christ through the Book of Mormon. I then have the choice to accept on religion which has found me which could be true or false, or skip temptation and find another religion which could be true or false. Perhaps imagine simply that the Book of Mormon and the promise of Christ, was like a big bag of candy offered by an old paedophile to a young girl from his car. The candy looks nice, but the consequences in the end are dire. We then have a choice to either accept or run away, as we can then go and buy candy from the shop. It's a bit of a scary prospect for me. Im not saying that it is wrong, or any other religion is wrong. I just want to know and be assured in my own heart that what Im reading is of Christ. It's a bit of an illogical argument for me to hear that is is good, therefore it is of God. There are many things that people consider good to them which are not of God. Or there's even the argument that it is of God therefore it is part of the Gospel. But the problem is, is in being sure it is of God. And the problems with going by gut feelings, is that many people have their own gut feelings. Im sure many Muslims have the same gut feelings about their own religion. So it's a very tricky thing for me contemplate. AutumnBreez You are right in that I take no heed of much of the criticism of the LDS faith. I've heard most of it, and found it to be extremely arrogant, misguided and bigoted and have no time for it. Many many people out in the world have extremely narrow viewpoints. They cannot consider anything outside of their own little bubble. And this is something though that appeals to me about the LDS faith, that there doesn't seem to be this irrationality amongst its peoples. I've found most Mormons I've met (sure it's not a lot, but those I have met) have been peaceful, serene, calm, well mannered, considerate and can argue with understanding and passion. I read when you say It is like in my argument, to me sounds like saying "This is what Jesus has planned because the church of Jesus". But there's nothing suggesting how we know it is definitely of Jesus. Just saying so, or wishing so, doesn't make it so. Again, the problem is for someone on the fence (like me), is that it seems all the religions have similar stories. They're sure that their prophet is the one therefore their religion is correct, and they have this gut feeling, and this love that makes them know so. However... Im fairly sure that that the LDS path is the path I want to choose. I've seen and heard so many good things, and had a lot of good experiences. But I still lack the confirmation as detailed in Moronis promise. As I question further, I get more questions, which I would like to answer, contemplate, and discuss with others. But Im still pulled towards LDS for some explicable reason. As I said above though, a few things stopping me so far. Firstly, the life style changes. Secondly, parental opposition. Thirdly, knowing that the Book of Mormon is of Jesus and not of Satan and having that personal revelation. Cya Simon
  14. I dont see why. What if the "additions" to the scripture (aka Book of Mormon), are actually the abomination - and it contains requirements that are not necessary and in following its precepts more closely than the precepts in the Bible, it actually distances yourself from Jesus while it pretends to do exactly the opposite? I guess it is true however what "inthearmsofsleep" says, in that why would any book of the Devil actually bring anyone closer to Jesus?
  15. I have never read the Bible. I am currently reading it, and will go back to the Book of Mormon when I am finished. This time Im taking it a little slower and trying to take it all in. My memory isn't good though and I don't grasp the concepts behind the writings - all I grasp is that they are words on a page. I find reading very difficult but Im trying this time. This is the answer before my question above... in how I noticed that on YouTube, many people converting to LDS seem to be at a low point in their lives when the Book of Mormon finds them. Aren't you most susceptible to the Devil at that low point? Perhaps not if the story of Jesus and 40 days is anything to go about. But still, I want to make sure before pondering anything, that I am spiritually strong to resist false temptations. Cya Simon
  16. Hrm. Thank you. I think my question is a little more specific. I've seen the videos on YouTube of recent converts to the LDS faith. I think they were put up there by the More Good Foundation(?). Anyhow, in these videos, I notice two things. Firstly, the people seem to be very unsure in their dialogue. Their speech is often stunted and hesitant. Secondly, the people seem to report similar experiences to mine, having had some personal life issues and then found the Book of Mormon purely by chance. Under such times of personal duress, is that not a time we would be most susceptible to the Devils influences? The LDS argues that the other churches do not have the fulness of the gospel. This argument however, can also be used by its critics, suggesting that it to add a Book to the accepted scriptures is diluting and therefore weakening the messages in the Bible - an unhealthy distraction. Is the Book of Mormon inspired by the Devil? The Devil could be inspiring people when they are at their lowest spiritiual point to join a church by pretending it is for Jesus, when instead people are just being pulled further away. It greatly concerns me. I need to pray earnestly still, obtain confirmation, and do everything in my power to ensure that that confirmation is of God and not Satan. Thanks Simon
  17. Hi There, And thank you for setting up a wonderful forum and for being so active. I am not a Mormon. However six years ago, I had some personal issues and was at a really low point in my life. The Book of Mormon found me. I wasn't looking for it, but purely by chance, I met the Missionaries who walked with me and gave me a copy of the Book. I found it to be very uplifting and a great joy to read. However I've never received an answer I can understand with Moroni's promise. I tried taking the next step in discussing with the missionaries. However my family are not church goers and tend to frown on the idea of joining the Mormon church. Anything outside of the Church of England is a big no. Plus there are all the lifestyle changes (but more on that in another post). So I got cold feet and moved on. But I still keep being drawn towards the LDS Faith. There's a little bit about me. I have some questions I would like to ask if you would be so kind as to consider? Some people might consider them trolling, but I promise they are not. They are questions I have thought of in earnest while trying to follow my heart. Can I ask? Thanks Simon