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Posts posted by FairChild

  1. Don't worry about your friend's advice, so what you have to do remembering it will take both marriage partners working together to rebuild and strengthen your marriage. If you don't journal, now is an excellent time to start. Also if you have good mental health professionals to work with, please do you. A lot of damage has been done and everyone, including your children will need to heal. FC

  2. He's abusive. You really need a lawyer. If you can't afford one, try calling the local domestic abuse shelter and talk with them. They will give you ideas on how to document and possibly find a lawyer that will work with you. Prayers are come to you from me. You will make it. It won't be easy, but it will be possible. FC

  3. Sometimes when we ask our Heavenly Father for things that are important to us, we need to follow up with the work required to have the blessings we asked for. Have you gone to your school counselor and tell him that you feel socially insecure? Have you joined any groups or clubs? Do you do scouting or any volunteer work? Tell him that you are having problems with some of your classmates? I know it isn't easy because I was bullied all through school. It hurts like nothing else hurts. But now, because I have done the work, I have the blessings of having friends. I am safe and I feel safe. I enjoy my life in ways I did not know that it would be possible to do. I will put you in my goodnight prayers tonight. Please, keep talking and searching for answers. FC

  4. There is such a thing as auditory dyslexia. If your wife is able to better process information through text and emails, then use that form of communication. She may also be passive-agressive, but still could have other undiagnosed problems as well.

    As for the counceling, if she won't go with you, go for yourself. The more you learn how to work with her, the better you will be able to do so. It sounds as if you have some major decisions to make. I wish you the best.


  5. I have not been diagnosed with PCOS, but have wondered if I have it. In my 30's I used Clomid, concieved twice with it, miscarried early with the first Clomid pregnancy and became pregnant again 3 months later (Clomid again). My son is now 20, soon to be 21 years old.

  6. Might sound crazy, but write down things you really like doing and write a list of what you really hate. Take the list and start looking on-line at all the job websites. It might give you some very interesting job choices you may have never thought of. With your brain injury, would you qualify for

    Voc Rehab? It may be a way to pay for some of the costs of educating yourself. Good luck and best wishes.

  7. Do you have a septic bed? If so, perhaps the problem is the tank is not draining into the bed and that is why it is filling up. The tank mostly holds water and solids, so I don't see why that would need replacing. Have you driven over or had something heavy on top of your septic bed? if so, that might create some problems.

    I wish you some very good things so that it gets straightened out pronto.

  8. Since you have been talking with him, he send one not a one dozen roses, plus the candy and cat were a nice touch so it wasn't over the top expensive, I would think he is nice at this point. I think it was sweet.

  9. This man is an abuser, manipulator and very scary.

    If he harasses you in church again, pull your bishop aside and hopefully a 2nd brother (perhaps one of your home teachers), go into the bishop's office and have a talk. Talk to your bishop and give him a heads up on what is happening here. Tell this man that you want no further contact and that includes no contact for your child or family.

    Refuse any further contact from him. Start documenting. Talk to the PD and give them a heads up on what is happening. Ask them what can you do to help yourself stay safe. If your son is in school, I would take a picture of this man to the office and explain this person is to have no contact with your family. If he shows up or calls, please inform you of this.

    Always carry a cell phone. On your list of contacts, I would use A 911 as the name and number for the police. By using the A as the first part of the name, it makes the phone number go to the top of the list. That way you won't have to look up the number, just punch it in. Talk to your child about the fact that this man is to have no more contact. Teach him how to dial 911. You need to explain that this person is not a good person for you to have a friendship with.

    This is a really sick guy. Don't allow him to hurt you or your family. You need to stay safe. You can also call the local abuse shelter for advice on how to best handle him and protect yourself. Don't let manners or kindness get in the way of your safety.

  10. You need to find out what you have to do legally to evict your friend. Some states if you have someone stay 30 days or longer, rent or no rent, you have to go through the legal process to get someone evicted from your home. Document everything you can with a time on it. It doesn't have to be fancy, or lot of words. Just the simple truth would do. Have people around you for safety's sake. Call the police. Tell them about your concerns. They can be there when you tell him and be there when your person removes his possions from your home. Change the locks. If you can, take pictures of everything before you tell him. That way you can show you didn't damage his possesions before he moved.

    Question, cause I don't know, why would your friend have a script for pot? Because of the bipolar? Something doesn't seem quite right there.

  11. Many people minimize verbal and emotional abuse and really don't understand how deeply painful it can be. They may not see it as abuse, but it is still abuse. Perhaps it is time for you to take a break from the relationship and be able to give yourself a fresh perspective. When he is saying it is ok for you to take medication, but not him is a way of placing all the blame on you. It's your fault because you need the help, but I really don't. I hope you are writing down what is going on in a journal. It will help if you wind up going to court. When I did the journal writing, it helped me make healthier choices. I wish you well. Please take care of yourself and stay safe. FC

  12. Has she talked to the Veteran's Adminstration to see if she can get some payment for the problems induced by his military service? It's a thought. I hope it helps. I know if you are qualified as a 100% disabled sevice connection, your children can get their education (college) paid for. Now is when she needs to start documenting and getting the process started. FC