M. Evan Bullard

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  1. The angels in revelation are as follows: Adam Enoch Noah Abraham Moses Joseph Smith Jr. Elias (prophet immediately preceeding millennium). D&C 77 defines the 7th angel *who appears in Rev. 10* as Elias. It's not about "dispensations." This model follows chapters 2 & 3 where John writes letters to these angels (or servants of the church in Lydia/modern-day-Turkey who symbolize these angels) John's Revelation repeatedly references these individuals in this order when chronology is relevant: Adam, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Joseph Smith Jr., and Elias. When chronology is irrelevant like in chapters 2-3, their order is reversed to be a hierarchical succession: Elias, Joseph Smith Jr., Moses, Abraham, Noah, Enoch, Adam. Okay, you're probably wondering, 'Who is Elias? And why does he fit into this model? Each of the former prophets are rhetorically expressed through common themes. Here are the fundamental definitions of these themes. Adam- Creation, Existence, and opposition to pride. Enoch- Foreshadow, desires, passions, and opposition to adverse emotion (most often wrath). Noah- Action, ministry, work, and opposition to sloth. Abraham- Nobility, authority, partial fulfillment, and opposition to envy. Moses- Reevaluation, references to Exodus and Deuteronomy, initiation towards holiness, and opposition to gluttony. Joseph Smith Jr.- Endowment, Knowledge, reception of gifts, and opposition to greed. Now, Elias has his own theme also- sabbath, rest, connection to spirit/God (hence preparing the way before the coming of the Lord). He is in opposition to lust. Not "sexual temptation." This general and original definition of Lust is unbridled passion or overzealousness. Elias also reprises the themes of all the former prophets. In chapter 10, John describes the angel he sees. Each of the characteristics attributed to Elias represent the mantle of the former prophets. There is plenty of support for this model, but due to my late entry to this conversation, any who see and want to understand more (with references and more context) please leave a reply.