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Everything posted by ktfords

  1. I can assume, you didn't even read the article. Of the 13 million, all are active? No one has left? No jack mormons? No excommunications? No falling away? How about some comment on the original article? If this statement is going to be used by its members and the Church, boasting of its membership, enlighten us why the numbers don't match up. Other religions have numbers, they don't use them as a sales pitch. You don't have Catholics going around saying, "we have 13 million members, it must be right".. Instead of looking at the article, it is easier to get rid of him.. The BYU professor, guessed it was around, what was it 40% or so active.
  2. Response to Vanhin from MA. [You said, “Are you under the impression that Latter-day Saints, in general, do not know the doctrine that they adhere to, and that you are in a position to enlighten us?”] I said, “Yup, Sure am.” [You said, “I recommend that you listen to what members of this faith are saying, they not only understand the doctrine, but they live it, and are therefore intimately familiar with the doctrine.”] ________________________________________________________________________________ Most LDS people do not want to talk about the truly Mormon doctrines. They certainly don’t study – Study the Book of Mormon like the Christians study the Bible. Ever heard of Bible studies? Not at Mormon’s homes. Ever heard of Book of Mormon Study groups? Never! There is a good reason. The Book of Mormon’s teachings on God and the Gospel are absolutely against Mormonism. I tried to start a Book of Mormon study group at work and not one Mormon would join. Mormons are afraid to study their faith because they might find out that it is wrong. You gave me all those points on your belief in the gospel of “Eternal Progression” and how you can return to your heavenly Father. I find it interesting that you – like so many other Mormons leave out many key points. Like God the Father has a Father who has a Father – almost never mentioned. You get to be sealed to your family and this saves them even if they are mass murderers child rapers etc – or the temple work for them is done in vein (a waste of time). The Book of Mormon is against eternal progression and a second chance after death. The Book of Mormon is against Baptism for the Dead! Study Moroni 8:18 – God was never a man because he has NEVER changed. Study Alma 34:32-36 If you die a sinner the Devil seals you his and this is the FINAL state of the wicked – no second chance. Find me any verse in the Book of Mormon that teaches eternal progression. This is the foundation of the gospel of Mormonism. Show me any verse that teaches that God is married and was once a man. If you can’t and you can’t then the Book of Mormon does not contain the FULLNESS of the everlasting Gospel. It is against that very gospel and every Mormon who claims a testimony of its truthfulness is wrong. Mormons just don’t pay attention to what the words in their book say. Try to start a Book of Mormon study. Hah, fat chance. The Bible states, “Study to show yourself approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing (understanding) the word of truth.” I have NEVER done a public debate on Mormonism. That’s because I have not found one Mormon who is confident enough in his faith and trusts his God and his prophets enough to stand in public. I have challenged Mormons everywhere for over ten years, “come out come out wherever you are!” There is only snivel for an answer. No Mormon trusts in his God or his gospel enough to stand in public. I did a fair booth in my local fair for 19 years challenging the Mormons to a public debate in the open air at the fair. Most wouldn’t even talk. Afraid. I can only conclude that Mormons do not have courage to stand for their God and their gospel. I live in Washington State and will pay for you or any Mormon priesthood holder to come out of hiding and debate me in public. No takers yet. Do you have courage? MA from Washington
  3. ["Surely you don't believe that 13 million people are put into this one tiny category...? To me that's like saying "all blonde women are stupid."] Try reading this 2006 Salt lake Tribune article on the LDS church membership. Please read all of it. Keeping members a challenge for LDS church - Salt Lake Tribune
  4. Vanhin. I have only been learning about Mormonism for about six years and I agree I do have more to learn. I do seek wisdom from a friend from time to time. He is quite helpful. He did assist me on the last letter only and below is the answer to your previous answer. This is MA in Washington. [i appreciate you attempts to discuss our doctrine with us. I am a little curious about what makes you qualified to make a statement that I or anyone else "...has somewhat of a working knowledge of the requirements in the LDS gospel for qualifying for grace." Could you explain this to me?] I have studied Mormonism (theology) for over 25 years. I have challenged Mormons and others of other faiths to debate me in public for 19 years in a row at our local fair and they have always been afraid to own their faith. My challenge to you and anyone else: If you are NOT afraid and are confident that you are a true believer, stand up for your God and your gospel. If you are a wimp for Christ – Sit down and don’t waste my time by writing me back! [Are you under the impression that Latter-day Saints, in general, do not know the doctrine that they adhere to, and that you are in a position to enlighten us?] Yup, Sure am. [i recommend that you listen to what members of this faith are saying, they not only understand the doctrine, but they live it, and are therefore intimately familiar with the doctrine.] Most LDS people do not want to talk about the truly Mormon doctrines. They seem to want to sound like biblical Christians. I UNCLOAK them with the truth. I have helped many come to know the true Jesus of the Bible and the true gospel of the Bible and GET saved. [i submit that if you do not live it, you do not know it; beyond theory that is.] I don’t plan to become a Satanist to be able to understand devil worship either. However, if you would like to become a TRUE Christian, I can help you out with that. MA
  5. If you will notice, I never mentioned a "SET LEVEL" because the text doesn't say that. Don't accuse me of something I didn't say. I merely quoted II Nephi 25:23. If you don't like what it says get out of Mormonism. If you are going to stay in, then just believe what is says. Don't try to change the words or the meaning. Many people read the Book of Mormon and don't pay attention to what it says. Again IT SAYS that you get grace AFTER ALL you CAN do. If you are honest, you will admit that you are not perfect and can do more - every day. Just like me, YOU WILL NEVER qualify for Grace according to II Nephi 25:23.
  6. Vanhin, I will address the first one of them – Perfection. It appears that “Vanhin” has somewhat of a working knowledge of the requirements in the LDS gospel for qualifying for grace. Total Perfection. ( III Nephi 12:48 – {Essentially the same as Matt 5:48}, I Nephi 3:7, And D&C 1:31. Here is another perfection verse: - Moroni 10:32- “Yea, come unto Christ, and be perfected in him, and deny yourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness and love God with all your might, mind and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you, that by his grace ye may be perfect in Christ; and if by the grace of God ye are perfect in Christ, ye can in nowise deny the power of God.” I should remind any reader that the most famous LDS scripture on grace is missing from this list. II Nephi 25:23 – “… for we know that it is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do.” I would like to ask Vanhin a most important question, “Have you done all you can do?” and a related question, “When have you stopped sinning – become perfect?” and “How often do you repent?” Another question, “Since the Lord promised you that he would prepare a way that you can accomplish the thing that he commandeth – to be perfect – when are you going to receive his way/gift and stop sinning/repenting?” Remember, If you are still repenting - you are still sinning and have not become perfect. The Book of Mormon asks another question, “Are you sufficiently Humbled?” Alma 5:27-28 27 Have ye walked, keeping yourselves blameless before God? Could ye say, if ye were called to die at this time, within yourselves, that ye have been sufficiently humble? … 28 Behold, are ye stripped of pride? I say unto you, if ye are not ye are not prepared to meet God. Behold ye must prepare quickly; for the kingdom of heaven is soon at hand, and such an one hath not eternal life. A personal note from me: I know that it is impossible for me to ever stop sinning totally. I will never become perfect and that is the requirement in Mormonism. I know that I can always do better and do more. There has never been a day in my life in which I was be able to do all I CAN do. In Mormonism, I will never qualify for grace. Only Jesus was ever perfect and only he could qualify for Mormon Grace. I would like to respond to the five “we musts” next time - 1) have faith in Jesus Christ and in his Atonement, 2) repent of our sins, 3) be baptized by immersion for the remission of our sins, 4) receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, and 5) endure to the end by relying wholly upon the merits of Christ.
  7. Since were talking repentance, can you say you abandoned all of your sin? If not, could it be correctly concluded that your repentance is incomplete and forgiveness has eluded you? Does a person repent every day? On page 127 of the LDS Church manual Gospel Principles (1992 ed.), it states, “The prophets have declared that ‘this life is the time for men to prepere to meet God’ (Alma 34:32). We should repent now, every day…By repenting every day and having the Lord forgive our sins, we will experience the daily process of becoming perfect.” On the surface this may seems like sound advice, it actually contradicts page 148 of the Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith. Here, Joseph Smith said, “Daily transgression and daily repentance is not that which is pleasing in the sight of God.” If you find yourself repenting every day, doesn’t this prove that you have not “completely repented”? Why should people who have forsaken all of their sin while keeping all of the commandments need to repent at all? If D&C 58:43 is true, people who repent every day only prove that they have not completely repented and are not qualified for exaltation. President Kimball elaborated on Alma 34:32 when he wrote, “the time to act is now, in this mortal life. One cannot with impunity delay his compliance with God's commandments” (Miracle, p.10). Do you see a day “in this mortal life” when you will no longer need to repent because you are in complete compliance with all of God’s commandments? Perheps Rameumptom, you are trying your best. That is commendable, but the problem is President Kimball also said “Trying is not sufficient. Nor is repentance complete when one merely tries to abandon sin” (Miracle, --p.164). Rameumptom, if you carefully examine your life with the impossible requirements set forth by the LDS Church, you should readily see a giant disparity. Why would you want to hold on to a system that only guarantees your failure? Just trying to understand.
  8. That's not true, we are to follow God and and to do our best to follow his commandments. That is not what saves us. Works should be the fruit of salvation not the root of salvation. In the D&C, murder is an unforgivable sin. In, 1 john 1:7 says, "the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all unrighteousness". Kind David murdered uriah, and Saul who became Paul in the new testament, (he wrote nearly two thirds of the new testament,) he was killing Christians. According to the D&C, it says in 42:18 "he that kills shall not have forgiveness in this world or the world to come". In the D&C 132 26-27 reiterates the above statement. So, why would God use a murderer (Saul who became Paul) to write more than two thirds of the new testament? I believe he forgave him. and he will be in heaven because he was saved according to 1 John 1:7-10.
  9. Everything was fine, until the question came up about if we were LDS or not..My only answer was "no we're not". Nothing else was said after that, no discussion on beliefs. The phone calls would go unanswered after my kids just saw them get home. We were on the way to some great relationships, until that question was asked. PrisonChaplain, said the following: [i'm torn on this. We would not likely bar our children from playing with others who had a different religion, but, yes we'd be concerned. As much as we would want our children's lights to shine, and their faith to become stronger in the light of others who do not believe, we also are parents, with a natural desire to protect. And, we know that even adults can waiver, so children deserve extra care. Add to this general truth that those living in SLC often do so because it is a place where it is safe and supportive for LDS...it's not hard to believe that a few would go as far as to say, "Don't make close friends with unbelievers." I'm not even entirely sure this is completely wrong.] I have always thought the spreading the Gospel is always directed at the unbeliever? So, who would ever become LDS, if you you don't spread to the unbeliever according to the statement above?
  10. [What do you believe? What denomination or creed do you align yourself with? Bytor, you are correct, I have been out of line.and I apologize for my tone and and harsh words. I get frustrated as you do. I believe in true biblical Christianity. Christians believe that the Bible is the inspired, inerrant Word of God, and that its teaching is the final authority (2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 1:20-21). Christians believe in one God that exists in three persons, the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. Christians believe that mankind was created specifically to have a relationship with God, but that sin separates all men from God (Romans 5:12, Romans 3:23). Christianity teaches that Jesus Christ walked this earth, fully God, and yet fully man (Philippians 2:6-11), and died on the cross. Christians believe that after His death on the cross, Christ was buried, He rose again, and now lives at the right hand of the Father, making intercession for the believers forever (Hebrews 7:25). Christianity proclaims that Jesus’ death on the cross was sufficient to completely pay the sin debt owed by all men and this is what restores the broken relationship between God and man (Hebrews 9:11-14, Hebrews 10:10, Romans 6:23, Romans 5:8). In order to be saved, one must simply place his faith entirely in the finished work of Christ on the cross. If someone believes that Christ died in his own place and paid the price of his own sins, and rose again, then that person is saved. There is nothing that anyone can do to earn salvation. Nobody can be “good enough” to please God on his or her own, because all of us are sinners (Isaiah 64:6-7, Isaiah 53:6). Secondly, there is nothing more to be done, because Christ has done all the work! When He was on the cross, Jesus said, “It is finished” (John 19:30). Just as there is nothing one can do to earn salvation, once someone has placed his/her trust in the work of Christ on the cross, there is nothing anyone can do to lose his/her salvation either. Remember, the work was done and completed by Christ! Nothing about salvation is dependent upon the one who receives it! John 10:27-29 states “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any [man] pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave [them] me, is greater than all; and no [man] is able to pluck [them] out of my Father's hand.” Some may think, “This is great--once I am saved, I can do just as I please, and not lose my salvation!” But salvation is not about being free to do as one pleases. Salvation is becoming free from having to serve the old sin nature, and being free to pursue a right relationship with God. As long as believers live on this earth in their sinful bodies, there will be a constant struggle with giving in to sin. Living in sin hinders the relationship God seeks to have with mankind, and as long as one lives in sin as a believer, he will not enjoy the relationship God intended to have with him. However, Christians can have victory over the struggle with sin by studying and applying God’s Word (the Bible) in their lives, and being controlled by the Holy Spirit--that is, submitting to the Spirit’s influence and leading in everyday circumstances, and through the Spirit obeying God’s Word. So, while many religious systems require that a person do certain things or not do certain things, Christianity is about having a relationship with God. Christianity is about believing that Christ died on the cross as payment for your own sin, and rose again. Your sin debt is paid and you can have fellowship with God. You can have victory over your sin nature and walk in fellowship and obedience with God. That is true biblical Christianity. "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God--not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do " (Eph. 2:8,9).
  11. I do appreciate the uplifting tone of your letter Try reading my profile and it will tell you what I am, oh yeah, you were there. Nice attempt to belittle me in your email. I like people. I like people who don't judge me and look down there nose at me because of my beliefs or they think they are better than me. As for what I believe, I know what I believe unlike vast majority of mormons here in utah. When you ask questions, number one answer, I have found is "I don't know". Since, I have been here and at fairlds.org in the last week, I have received 8 emails from people within these organizations apologizing for their members conduct. Specifically the tone of letters. I have had a couple letters I have responded to that were very informative and lacked the "superior" attitude. Don't tell me what I believe, you have never asked.
  12. [Also think on this. if they were not lds they could have been members of any church, and would you be complaining about their behavior or would you go to them and ask the reason for their actions. Yes, I would complain about other faiths/ non believers doing this. I have lived in a lot of places, never, I said never, has another faith or a non believer done anything like this to me or my family before. Then, I had to explain the actions of those families and tell them (my kids) they did not do anything wrong. I have attempted to ask why, usually no answer at the door, see me coming and run in the house, or drive by looking the other way, but, I did wave a guy over, his excuse, was a "our kids aren't compatible", funny, they were best friends for weeks before this was said. Reminder, I did nothing except answer this question, "are you lds". I said "no I'm not".. Honestly, I thought this could never happen, until I moved here.
  13. If you read all my statements, I help all my neighbors, even the rascally ones..
  14. In the last six years I have been in SLC. I have had 4 different families deny my children a chance to play with their children (before this question, everything went great for weeks) , this of course happened after this question, "are you lds"? All I would say is "no, were not", nothing else. Next, day my kids have been told by their new friends they can't play anymore. 4 times this has happened in a couple different neighborhoods. This story is just one that stands out. In true Christianity, you are to love your neighbor as yourself and continue to love even if you don't agree. Why is this so common? I help all my neighbors, lds or not. I have been noticing trend, in the neighborhoods I've lived in , the lds tend to love thy lds neighbor. No one will help the elderly non lds, I took action and purchased a four wheeler with a plow (for snow removal). I now take care of all the non lds in my area (about 12 houses) every winter. This isn't so loving when I see 4 lds famlies (neighbors) drive by an elderly non lds man (84 years old and is the nicest loving man and friendliest person on the block, in fact he calls himself a jack mormon) and ignore the foot of snow he is attempting to remove. If a neighbor needs help, lds or not, I am always ready to help. As for having dialog, how can a non lds person have a conversation with a member of the Church, when the lds person has already condemned the other person's faith they are talking to? Below is directly out of JS first vision from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints website. This is from Joseph Smith himself. "I was answered that I must join none of them, for they were all wrong; and the Personage who addressed me said that all their creeds were an abomination in his sight; that those professors were all corrupt; that: "they draw near to me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me, they teach for doctrines the commandments of men, having a form of godliness, but they deny the power thereof." It is a one way conversation, lds are right, no one else is. So, please tell me how you can have an open mind, when above, JS's first vision, says different.
  15. Take a look on the web, you will be amazed of the amount of mud flying from both sides, particularly fairlds.org. This website and its reps, will acitively go after anyone who doesn't agree with the beliefs of the LDS church, they resort to name calling and nasty tactics. Google Louis C. Midgley (he is a professor of BYU), he is one of the editors, he has proven he is not a nice person. He is being aggressive(without love), is he Anti? This sounds like what the Anti's do. If it is not right, why are mormons doing it? It is just like the anti's are doing to mormons, it is not right. Just an observation.
  16. I'm not talking about those idiots down at temple square, I totally disagree with them. I'm talking about anybody who tries to speak their beliefs in love, as mormons do. Mormons goals are to convert as many as possible, as any other religion is trying to do. Mormons don't want to listen. They say "if it is not of our teaching, we won't listen". How about the open mind? If you ask questions, most mormons tend to shut down and label that person anti, instead of listening to their believes with an open heart as you say. If you your mind was open as you ask others to do, you would listen. Right? The questions, are usually of a nature, where I am asking for clarification only, asking them to explain this to me. Instead, the subject was denied and I'm labeled anti. If you belief it, claim it. This is why you don't have other religions knocking on your doors, they know mormons will not listen to anything not of their teachings. This is not all mormons, I have had some really good conversations, I feel it is the majority that will not listen, no matter what any other religions has to say. It seems to be a one-way road.
  17. [The Anti's to me are the ones who actively seek to turn people away from the church. I am not referring to a Pastor or friend who counsels caution to someone that may be planning to join the LDS church. They do so, hopefully, out of a lack of understanding. ] If Anti's are the ones who actively seek to turn people away from the Church. What is the difference when missionaries will come to my neighborhood, and tell my neighbors "mormonism is the only true christain faith" basically trying to convert them? [Anti-s are the ones that seem to have an axe to grind and are willing to do or say whatever will further their agenda.] This applies to both sides if you ask me. Isn't the Church's axe to grind, their mission to convert everybody else? Why is the mormon church any different than any other religion? The LDS church spreads their beliefs by use of the missionary field, and they bombard the tv with commercials. Christians, baptists and catholics will try to speak to a mormon, and consequently, labeled Anti. They are trying to spread their news as the Mormon church is doing the same. I personally have been told by missionaries, that they do not teach exaltation (becoming a god), I know you do. This sounds like the above quote by bytor. [are willing to do or say whatever will further their agenda.] If I am labeled an Anti for asking these questions of the mormon church, wouldn't the missionaries and the vase amount of commercials be considered anti-Christian, anti-catholic or anti-baptist? Can I label Mormons anti-whatever if you tell me about your beliefs? Just asking since there seems to be a double standard. Have the people of the LDS church ever considered, it could be offensive to other faiths? These are your beliefs, just as a Christian believes in Christianity, which is their belief. Help me understand this..
  18. Bytor, How can an "anti" use something that is published by the LDS church (Gospel Principles) against the church itself? It is what you believe..There should be no deception of what you believe. If you teach it, claim it. Just trying to understand. K
  19. from prisonchaplain. I can only guess that any the hesitation comes from those who may not know you, and believe you are looking for theological ammunition with which to criticize their church. Since LDS theology is heavily criticized in Protestant and Catholic circles, there may be very cautious approach give to outsiders who ask questions beyond the common basics. That's my speculation, anyway. So, does that justify being deceptive and lying about it? Shouldn't I know more than the basics if I am curious of the LDS? The truth would be awesome. LDS are required to speak the truth as it says below. Requirements for Exaltation The time to fulfill the requirements for exaltation is now (see Alma 34:32–34). President Joseph Fielding Smith said, “In order to obtain the exaltation we must accept the gospel and all its covenants; and take upon us the obligations which the Lord has offered; and walk in the light and understanding of the truth; and ‘live by every word that proceedeth forth from the mouth of God’ ” (Doctrines of Salvation, 2:43). To be exalted, we first must place our faith in Jesus Christ and then endure in that faith to the end of our lives. Our faith in him must be such that we repent of our sins and obey his commandments. He commands us all to receive certain ordinances: * 1. We must be baptized and confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ. * 2. We must receive the laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost. * 3. We must receive the temple endowment. * 4. We must be married for time and eternity. In addition to receiving the required ordinances, the Lord commands all of us to— * 1. Love and worship God. * 2. Love our neighbor. * 3. Repent of our wrongdoings. * 4. Live the law of chastity. * 5. Pay honest tithes and offerings. * 6. Be honest in our dealings with others and with the Lord. * 7. Speak the truth always. * 8. Obey the Word of Wisdom. * 9. Search out our kindred dead and perform the saving ordinances of the gospel for them. * 10. Keep the Sabbath day holy. * 11. Attend our Church meetings as regularly as possible so we can renew our baptismal covenants by partaking of the sacrament. * 12. Love our family members and strengthen them in the ways of the Lord. * 13. Have family and individual prayers every day. * 14. Honor our parents. * 15. Teach the gospel to others by word and example. * 16. Study the scriptures. * 17. Listen to and obey the inspired words of the prophets of the Lord. I completely agree with OtterPop and what is said below: bytor, Defining what constitutes doctrine is one of the ongoing debates about Mormonism. The statements you present can be interpreted to be circular in nature: that is, Harold B. Lee telling members how to determine whether something is doctrine, but implicitly acknowledging that his own advice is not doctrinal. I know this is a little ridiculous, and I'm not trying to be difficult. But I do want to point out that the idea that Mormon doctrine shifts over time can be argued quite legitimately. When you have a prophet who preaches consistently over years' time some points that are currently rejected, it does raise the question of what it means to have a prophet. You say that the Journal of Discourses is not doctrine, and I agree with you. However, I know that Brigham Young taught at least three things consistently through the years that are key points, but are no longer taught: (1) the Adam-God theory, (2) the necessity of blood atonement for some sins, (3) that plural marriage is an essential part of Celestial glory. I'm not saying that one can't believe both that Brigham Young was a prophet and that he taught these things. I'm am saying that "anti" arguments concerning this point of what prophets have taught in the past is not quite so simplistic as presented by FAIR in the quote above. Thanks for your time.
  20. Comes from the people at fairlds.org. Each one I emailed denied the Gospel Principles, Blessings of Exaltation, chap 47, number 2. They will become gods. Particularly. Louis C. Midgley of BYU and David Farnsworth. Explanation of Gospel Principles validity. Gospel Principles was written both as a personal study guide and as a teacher’s manual. Therefore, you can use this manual in many ways. It can help you— • Build your knowledge and testimony of the gospel. • Answer questions about the gospel. • Study scriptures by topics. • Prepare talks. • Prepare lessons for family home evening. • Prepare lessons for Church meetings. Gospel Principles Published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Salt Lake City, Utah © 1978, 1979, 1981, 1985, 1986, 1988, 1992, 1995, 1997 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America.
  21. Concerning my above post, about Blessing of Exaltation chap 47 number two. bytor said "Also, the Journal of Discourses is not doctrine". In the below Gospel Principles where I got the Blessings of Exaltation. It clearly says, you can use this as a personal study or a teaching manual. So, if you can use this as a teaching manual (lessons taught) for Church meetings. Why is this not a valid manual, when you can use it as a teaching manual? So, why the denial that this is taught? If this is something not true in the LDS church, why is it on the LDS.ORG website. Explanation of Gospel Principles validity. Gospel Principles was written both as a personal study guide and as a teacher’s manual. Therefore, you can use this manual in many ways. It can help you— • Build your knowledge and testimony of the gospel. • Answer questions about the gospel. • Study scriptures by topics. • Prepare talks. • Prepare lessons for family home evening. • Prepare lessons for Church meetings. Gospel Principles Published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Salt Lake City, Utah © 1978, 1979, 1981, 1985, 1986, 1988, 1992, 1995, 1997 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America. You would think, if the Church has copyrights for 9 plus years, it would be pretty important teachings, which it clearly says "for personal study or as a teaching manual".