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Everything posted by LostSheep

  1. It's LostSheep's Awesome Person of the Week #16 This weeks winner is... Gargantuan Ok, I will admit...I don't know Gargantuan. I've never chatted with him. I've never interacted with him in the forums. Gargantuan deserves this award because of his dedication to spreading messages of hope and truth through his blogs. (If anyone hasn't noticed, about half of the blogs written on this website are his.) Gar, thank you for sharing. I just wanted to let you know that somebody appreciates it. Congrats Gar List of Previous Winners 1. not_ashamed 2. Misshalfway 3. Dazed and Confused 4. Pam 5. goodfeeling_ 6. lost87 7. WmLee 8. Vanilla 9. Jenniguin 10. Missingsomething 11. Soulsearcher 12. Maxel 13. (I skipped it due to unluckiness ) 14. musicman 15. okforall
  2. Hey, they're not MY jokes Pam...
  3. Maxel, try looking on Laffy Taffy Wrappers...They usually have pretty terrible joke. Like... Q. Why did the girl run into the door? A. She forgot to open it. Q. Where does the general keep his army? A. In his sleevy. Q. What kind of brush do you use to comb a bee's hair? A. A honey comb. Q. Where can you find an ocean without water? A. On a map. Q. Why do bees have sticky hair? A They use honey combs (Not sure what Laffy Taffy's facination is with honey comb jokes) Q. What kind of trees sew? A. Pine trees, they always have needles around. Q. What do you call a monkey who loves potato chips? A. A chipmonk Q. What do sneezes wear on their feet? A. Ahh-Shoes Q. What's red and not there A. No tomatoes Q. What kind of bean can't grow? A. A jelly bean Q. How do you keep a fish from smelling? A. Put a clothes-pin on its nose. Q. Why did the toilet paper roll down the hill? A. To get to the bottom. Q. What's green,black,white,black,green? A. Two peppers fighting an Oreo...(I'm not even sure that should count as a joke ) Q. How does a man on the moon get his hair cut? A. Eclipse it. And... Q. What do you get when you cross a grape with a lion? A. A grape nobody picks on Hope these are bad enough for ya Max.
  4. Ouch... Chargers lose... 26 to 31...
  5. Yeah, rub it in...You get beer, we don't.
  6. Not that I'm into NFL Football...But if Pam ain't happy, ain't NOBOBY happy. GO CHARGERS!
  7. Who here can say that they are happy? :)
  8. If you could have one super power, which of the above would you choose?
  9. Just wanna get other people's opinion...
  10. I messed up today...I was so tempted...I knew I couldn't risk using my laptop...So I did something stupid. I accessed porn on my Nintendo DS (It took forever, since the internet browser kept crashing.) But I was so desperate, I was able to get it. I don't know how to feel right now...I feel like I should uninstall the filter, and not waste my money on it. I think 3% was right. What's the point of a filter if I can just find other ways to get porn? Well, I already took the first obvious step. I took the internet off of my DS...But now what? As soon as I get what I felt I NEEDED to have, I don't want it anymore...But when I want it, I feel like I NEED it...All those weeks of sobriety...wasted...again....
  11. Perhaps you'd rather listen...This is a Youtube video I favorited last week. YouTube - Ronald Reagan and ObamaCare - Against Socialized Medicine
  12. Well, I really screwed up today...I was feeling very tempted...And I had the internet...I used search terms that CE would ignore. Inconspicuous words that would not draw any attention. I wasn't looking for anything bad...At least that's what I was telling , myself. I was looking for ANYTHING that would quench my "thirst". Well, with this kind of addiction, there's no quenching anything...I never really ended up seeing porn...I did see lots of thingss that made me want it even more...Things I shouldn't have been looking up....well, after the fact, I kept thinking, "Crap...I'm going to end up finding away around this..." An hour later, I brought up my accountability report...guess what...The site flagged all those "innocent" search terms ...My heart sank down to my feet...As much as I deserve it, I cannot express how mortified I am right now...I'm not doing THAT again...
  13. Ok...yeah....there's flaws. So what? I'm happy with what I got. And I'm not annoyed...I forgive you. Thank for pointing that out.
  14. Psh....blocking the router? That's easier to bypass than anything...All you have to do is reset it...I like the software I have. No key loggers. No IM recorders. No annoying blockers. No screen shots. That's what I want. If you don't agree with me, that's fine. We'll just say your right. But I'm keeping Covenant Eyes.
  15. You make it seem like my parents are making me do this...I asked them for this, and they kept putting it off...so i bought it myself with a visa gift card I got for my birthday. Why would I waste my time trying to bypass this software, when I'm the one paying for it? Why is NO software better than software that I have to bypass to access porn? I'm not replacing my internal controls with this external control. I just want to stop looking at porn. If I have to pay $8 a month to do so, then fine. So far, thing are going great...I mean, I still have a problem with masturbation once a week, but at least I cut out the porn.
  16. I just wanted to apolagize to 3%. I'm sorry if it sounded like I was just blowing you off. I know your intentions were good, and that you were only trying to help. Please forgive my for coming off as jerk to your responses.
  17. D&C 6:16 -Yea, I tell thee, that thou mayest know that there is none else save God that knowest thy thoughts and the intents of thy heart. Does this mean that Satan cannot read our minds?
  18. You make a good point Misshalfway...Ozzy Osbourne WOULD make a terrible president......Oh...and thank your encouragement. I don't see it as enabling. I have gone two weeks without porn. When I felt like I was going to fail, I decided to try this software to keep me going longer.
  19. In the very first post of this thread, I wrote "I know this won't solve the problem, but I hope it at least minimizes the temptation". I know this isn't the solution...I don't know why everyone thinks I said that. Anyway, turns out I can't uninstall this program without calling the company. And If I do, no refunds. So I might as well wait.
  20. I'd appreciate it if you left darkly and lost87 out of this, as they did nothing wrong.
  21. The advise I've been given for the longest time on this site is to get an internet filter. Now that I get one, it shows no sign that I'm trying. All it shows is that I'm being a "pitiful slave". Now I'm confused...First people are saying "You can't do this on your on, get help." Then When I do, People say "You have to do this on your own. Stop being a coward" I'm only trying to do what's right. I'm tired of this BS. I'm uninstalling Covenant Eyes and asking for my money back.