Hey guys,
So, I was sitting through a lesson today and I realized that even though I've been a member for 9 months I don't know some basic things!
The first thing that bothered me was "Baptismal Covenants". I vaguely remember the questions asked of me, namely, do you believe in Heavenly Father, do you sustain the First Presidency, do you follow the WOW, are you engaging in homosexual behavior, ect. But I realized that I don't actually know what I promised Heavenly Father when I was baptized. Could anybody run down for me what those are?
The Church's definition of the Atonement. I felt in my heart the pain of the Garden of Gethsemane, and I always assumed that this was "The Atonement", but when used in a sentence as if everybody knew what it meant, that freaked me out. The lesson was on having the Gospel become the center in our life. What does "The Atonement" mean in this concept?
Those were the two that stood out to me. Are there any scriptures that lead specifically to those two concepts?