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  1. So often, we hear teachings about how to love, and come away feeling burdened. How can I ever do all of that? Since God is love, we should learn how to love from him. God loves us through speech, through knowledge, and through sacrifice. First, God loved us by speaking the world into existence. Then, after the devil convinced Adam and Eve to rebel, God told them that the devil’s plan to separate humanity from God would be crushed. Finally, at the end of time the Revelation tells us God says he will make all things new. So, how can we speak love like God? We tell of his story in our lives. God rescued me as a 10-year old. I grew up near drugs, alcohol, sexual promiscuity, and suicide. Yet, though the shoulders of life’s highway seem narrow, I remained on the straight and narrow way. Now I minister to prisoners. You may wonder what a guy who never strayed can tell prisoners. I say, “If God can protect a 10-year old kid in that environment, you’ve got no excuses. Go out and serve God!” The Bible also tells us to be slow to speak and quick to listen. We Christians should be the best listeners. After all, God heard us when we cried out to him. If we will listen intentionally some will realize that God hears them too. From those, a few may return the favor, and attend to our good news of Jesus. Besides speaking love, God loves through his knowledge. The Bible says he numbers every hair on our heads. It says he knows what we will say before we say it. He knows how all will end before it begins. Amazingly, according to Jeremiah the prophet, God knew all our hearts would be deceitful. Yet, he still made us in his image. Further, despite all he knows, he waits for us to respond to his wooing—ready to commune with us. We know people will betray us. We know we may be hurt, if we are vulnerable. Yet, we love them—even the unlovely ones. We extend patience and forgiveness, just like God did for us. Finally, God sacrificed for us. His son, Jesus, came and died for us—willingly. Perhaps more amazing is that the Father sent him to do so. We were sinners, with nothing to give God. Yet he gave us his best—his all. So, we sacrifice. We give ourselves over to helping people reconcile with God. We invest our time, money, families—our very lives. We build churches, rehabs, soup kitchens, and shelters. We visit the sick and the imprisoned. We love God and our neighbor. God is love. His love resides as an infinite source in each of his followers. So, how do we love? We rely on his power, so we can speak, listen, and serve—in spite of knowing how people really are. Humanity’s highest meaning is to love God and one another. To know God is to know love. To hear the audio podcast of this message: