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Found 3 results

  1. I'm an endowed member, but I don't wear my garments all day and all night. Technically, I'm not breaking any rules, because the endowment ceremony literally only says "wear them throughout your life." I wear shoes throughout my life, too, but not all the time! I wear glasses throughout my life, but not all the time! So why do the garments need to be worn 24/7? They're supposed to be sacred, a reminder of the covenants we made, but we wear them like normal underwear, so how are they special anymore? They're not. I wear mine on Sundays and days when I need the extra strength. That's what makes them special to me, I follow the rules to "wear them throughout my life," but people think I'm wrong and that I need to wear them 24/7. Even the temple recommend questions ask: "Do you keep the covenants that you made in the temple? Do you wear the garment both night and day as instructed in the endowment and in accordance with the covenant you made in the temple?" The endowment instructions don't tell me to wear them day and night! What do you think?
  2. Hi everyone, i'm new here and am hoping you can help me with a question! I am a mid-20's woman who has been endowed for just over three years now. I try my hardest to only wear clothes that are modest and respect the garment, even if they are hard to find at times. I also care quite a bit about looking nice in my clothes and being fashionable. I have lived in dry dry Utah for my entire life, and just recently moved the very humid southern US in the past few months. As the spring goes on and starts to become summer, it's getting much more hot and humid, and so I wanted to find some new things that would work well in the summer without any layering besides garments+ bra. One of the shirts I picked up is made of very lightweight fabric, and I was worried it might be a bit see through without a cap sleeve, which would defeat the point of me owning it right now, as I don't want to layer. It's dark blue, and in the mirror I could faintly see that there is a white t-shirt thing (my garments) underneath. I asked my husband for his opinion, and went outside in bright sunshine and did the "bend forwards like tying my shoe" to stretch the back of the shirt to see if he could see through it, and also asked if he could tell that my bra was on top of the garments through the shirt (a style that I try to rock, but still feel would look really weird if people could see it, because lets be real, who wears their bra on top of the undershirt outside of the the LDS church right?) My husband reported that he could see through the shirt and also that all the lines of the garment+ bra combo helped emphasize it. We tried several combos (with the bra, without the bra) and he reported that without the bra he could still see exactly where the garments were but that it just sort of looked like a strangely shaped undershirt. After getting all sad that I might have to return the shirt, I made the discovery that this was the case with pretty much EVERY shirt that I own, just me nor him had ever paid much attention. Even standard, thickish t-shirts from target- you can tell that there is another shirt underneath, and when bending over the lines of the bra give away that the bra is on top. The new shirt isn't even the worst offender, I had other shirts I've worn for years that are the same amount or even a little more. Let me clarify that you can't see the symbols at all, just the outlines of where the garment is. I have always maintained that I do not think it looks good when people with garments wear sheer or lacey clothes and you can see the garments through them. Any clothes in this category I would just layer a capsleeve shirt and then the regular shirt. But now I'm realizing that this is literally every shirt, and that even with a white bra (to blend with the garments) you can still see it if you look for it. I'm now wondering how I never noticed this before. My question is, does being able to even faintly see garments underneath your clothes look tacky? How do other ladies take care of the "too many lines gives away the bra" problem? Do you think these things just look like undershirts to the untrained eye? Even to the trained eye, is that a fashion faux pas? I don't know if there is even such as thing as a completely non-see through shirt when you are wearing white underneath, but now this is really bugging me and making me wonder if people are doing double takes wondering what is going on under there. How do people who live in hot climates dress themselves to stay cool and not run into this happening? Trying to figure out if people don't pay attention like I didn't till now, or if it's just a fact that happens when wearing garments and you hope other people don't look too close.
  3. So I honestly need some non-judgmental advice. I am 20 years old. I am part of the younger sister missionary generation. I was on my mission for 5 months and returned home on medical release. I can say that I have a strong testimony of the church and a love for my heavenly father and my savior. But, there is one thing that keeps holding me back. I don't think I was ready to be endowed. I have been endowed for nearly a year now and have never truly come to terms with wearing the temple garment. I wore it consistently on my mission but after a while of being home I could not stand wearing them anymore. I went three months without wearing them, then decided to talk to my bishop to try wearing them again. Since then I have been wearing them on and off. It's kind of hard to explain. I literally just cannot stand wearing them. They feel like a burden. When I take them off I feel like I just got out of a controlling relationship; I feel free. Every sister that I talk to about the garments has little to no problem wearing them. I feel horrible that I struggle so much with them. I just cannot imagine having to wear these things my entire life. Also, I feel like it is nearly impossible to feel attractive in them, which is really hard for someone my age. For a long time I called them granny panties. Need some help!