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In the past decade a controversy arose within the field of psychology. Therapists, through the APA, agreed that treatments intended to change patients’ sexual orientation were ineffective and unethical. Spurring this conclusion was a sense of collective shame that part of the profession’s history had been the declaration that same-sex attraction was, indeed, something to be corrected. Along comes Dr. Throckmorton, of Grove City College, PA, proposing a different approach. He provided standard therapies to gay Christian men, who wished to shunt their desires, and remain celibate, as a way of carrying out their faith convictions. The professor developed a frame work for such treatment, and, with a good deal of concern, presented it to the APA for approval. Much to the surprise and opposition of many psychologists, his proposal was accepted. To reporters and opponents, Dr. Judith Glassgold, a high official in the APA, who led the task force that evaluated Dr. Throckmorton’s framework, stated that for some people faith was more important than whom they went to bed with. It may surprise many that Christians will forgo sex for God, but our reality—our history—is that we are sometimes called upon to give up life itself. King David declared in his most well-known Psalm: Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me. Peter, according to church tradition, insisted on being crucified upside down, saying he was unworthy to be killed as his Lord was. Paul stated the principle so well: For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain. Why this willingness to surrender life’s pleasures—and even life itself? When we die we meet God! Steven, Christianity’s first martyr, as he was being stoned to death, declared: 56"Look," he said, "I see heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God." It is not that we want to die. However, Jesus insisted that: Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. When I embraced the Christian life, I gave up my own. The day I die—whether by old age or by an unbeliever’s violent opposition—I shall receive the victor’s crown. See original posting at: