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  1. So, I've heard quite a bit about Trump's new proposed Tax Plan (or is that some of the Republican in Congress along with Trump?). On the face of it, the media has made it sound all nice and dandy, but there is a hidden thing in it (or not so hidden if you've heard all about it) that is very political, and in fact could hurt Mormon and Catholic families more than most. Before getting to that, let me talk about Red China briefly, from what I understand. For years, China, in an effort to curb their population growth had a one child policy. In essence, you were allowed one child. If you wanted a second child, you had to pay a lot more taxes. A third child was illegal without government approval, but if you were allowed, you better be filthy rich, because your taxes would be excessively high. IN essence, they utilized taxes on families with children as a way to control the population. So, how does that lie in the Tax proposals of the administration now. Their proposal would allow families a double deduction. That sounds good on the surface...right? Except, as I understand it, if you have more than two children...that deduction stays the same. You do not get any more of a deduction. Therefore, you will have higher taxes after this supposed tax reduction, than you did previously. Now, of my kids, all of them (which are married, one son isn't, he'd actually benefit from this tax change) have at least four kids themselves. Some have more than four children. This means, this new tax, will hit my family much harder than most. It actually could be seen as penalizing them, simply because they have more children. In essence, this new tax will hit Mormon and Catholic families (which tend to have more children than most others from what I've seen) very hard. If we relay back to the China principle, basically you use taxes to control how many children your families are having. I see that this tax can accomplish the same thing in the US, it means that it's trying to restrict the US to a two child principle (which is, ironically, the same principle China now has, as it loosened the strictures on it's child policy recently). How is this a Republican ideal? In fact, I'd think this was antithetical to Republicans and Conservatives in general. Now, the tax itself, could be seen as a political move in other ways. It proposes cutting out the state tax reduction. Now these taxes are typically higher in liberal states...which are seen as not having voted for Trump or Republicans in general. This means, they gain more taxes from these people, without supposedly hurting their base. At the same time, there is an idea that lower income families tend to have more children, as well as those one welfare and those in the ghetto areas of major metropolises. These are also seen as not having voted for Republicans...and hence, they gain a LOT more money from these individuals (if they can, I don't believe welfare is normally taxed, but those who are just low income, but high enough to pay taxes still, will be punished by a higher tax) without actually hurting the Republican voting base as least in theory. In reality, from what I saw, a majority of Clinton's votes came from five urban areas (which also are some of the biggest cities in the US). The rest went to Trump, which means that Trump actually WILL be hurting his base (and he barely won last time, it was closer than most Trumpites would admit). I also don't think it's going to be benefiting the Republicans as much as they think it will. Mormons are very Republican, as are the more devout catholics (the ones that tend to have larger families, those that disregard Catholic dogma and doctrine tend to lean more democrat from what I've seen). In addition, there are some evangelicals that also have larger families, and he would be punishing these, which are also his base. However, I think overall, they are not looking at this aspect but still thinking that these new taxes will hurt those who would not vote for them anyways, but help those that do vote for Republicans and conservatives. Overall, I think the tax is going to cause many Mormons to pay higher taxes, as well as evangelicals and devout Catholics. I also see it as the same idea that China established with it's higher taxes if you have more children...a form of population control...just no one (that I've seen) has come right out and stated this yet.