History Of Memorial Day


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Thank you so much for sharing this. As a 20 year retired United States Navy Veteran days like Memorial Day hold a special meaning for me. I humbly salute all of the valiant men and women who put their lives on the line daily defending the freedoms that we so dearly cherish. Every flag draped coffin that is brought home is a constant reminder that freedom is not free. The freedoms that we so enjoy come with a hefty price tag. May God bless all of our men and women of the armed forces and may God bless the United States of America.

Keith Lionel Brown

Electronics Technician First Class

United States Navy, Retired

The True Meaning of Memorial Day: YouTube - true meaning of memorial day

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My father was also a Navy Man. He passed away four weeks ago and I was presented his flag following the Military Honors along with gun statue. He was very proud of his military service. Thank you for sharing your video from YouTube as well.

I appreciate all of the men and women who serve.

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