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A couple months back I was looking for some character art for a video game. And I saw a pornographic character. (Remember that it was a cartoon) And instead of turning away I looked at it for several minutes. Then I got this horrible sick feeling. I went to my room and realized what happened. I immediately started the repentance process. It took me several days, but finally I felt like I was forgiven. Now I just got back from youth conference and my stake president said that, If you are addicted or often view pornography you need to immediately repent. Now I am certainly not addicted. It only happened one time. I felt ashamed, and the sin has never been repeated. (Several key steps of the repentance process) However now I am wondering if I need to tell my bishop. I am scared though If I do I will lose my calling as teacher's quorum presidents, won't be able to pass the sacrament, go to the temple. And everyone will wonder why all this happened. I have a clear conscience about it. But I am worried that something bad will happen if I don't tell the bishop.

P.S. My dad is the bishop

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Seeing as it happened one time, it was a cartoon, and you seem to have repented and don't have any consitant problem with it, I wouldn't think this is something you need to go to your Bish. about. But really that is a very personal decision. If, as you've prayed about it, you cannot seem to be at peace with yourself, by all means go to your bishop if thats what you feel you need to do to clear your conscience. Just my 2 cents.

Take care.

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As you mentioned you are not addicted. It was an isolated incident and you knew right from wrong and took it to the Lord. Unless it is a continuous problem, I don't think you need to see your bishop. You definitely don't need to be scared about it or scared to talk to your bishop.

The gospel is one of love and not fear and even if you decided to talk to your bishop/dad about it, I know he would give you a tiny bit of council (advice) and that's about it. Based on your post I don't believe your worthiness in passing the sacrament is an issue. Please never feel embarrassed to talk to your bishop, though. He is someone to trust and cast your burdens upon and lift your load during a repentance process even if he is your dad.

Best wises and welcome to the forums.

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Based on your feelings on the issue, you probably don't need to talk with your Bishop...

But you really should talk with your dad.

The same man may be both, but being a Bishop shouldn't separate him from you. You can always go to your dad.

Or, failing that, go ahead and talk to your mom.

And, like Skal said, I don't think worthiness is a problem.

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Guest Username-Removed


I think its great that you show all the signs of repentance on your own. Remember the core meaning of repentance is nothing short of change. From what you have written, you have done that. If you need help to change, because of addiction, then talking with the bishop is a good thing. But I dont see anything from what you have written that would mandate a trip to see your bishop.

Also, I would like to mention and compliment you on how quickly you "changed". Not many have that ability - I suggest you keep that skill sharp as it will help you throughout the rest of your life.

Good Job!!!

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Once again guys, this has been helpful. It is cool how understanding, no put you down things, and willing to help everyone is. The talk about "Sharing the Gospel using the internet" Could also be phrased, "Helping others using the internet!". I appreciate everyone's help here! Now it is just time to go and help someone else!

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