Help with confession?


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Hi, I am a 15 year old boy and I am struggling with a pornography addiction. I have had it since I was about 11 and it has been getting worse since then. In seminary, we had an amazing lesson on pornography and repentance, and it made me want to confess to my bishop. After about 4 months, that still hasn't happened. What makes it even worse is that next week is my 16th birthday and this Sunday I have an interview with the bishop. I really wanted to confess sooner, but that will probably be the time I confess. As you might understand, I am extremely nervous and scared. I am mostly scared about what the punishments will be. I am almost certain that I will not be found worthy to become a Priest, and I am pretty sure I won't be able to do anything with the sacrament. But other than that, I have no idea what to expect from the meeting. Can anyone help me? Thanks very much.

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Don't be afraid. It's possible you aren't worthy to become a Priest, but that's okay - That's what working and eternity is for. I've known people struggling with things every bit as difficult as what you're talking about: Prostitution and alcohol to name a few. The thing is your Bishop will be there to help. Confession isn't about punishment, it's about repentance. Don't worry. :)

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As FunkyTown has said, don't worry and don't be afraid. As a member of my Ward's Bishopric (First Counselor) and as a former High Council member, I know and have known members who are dealing with issues as difficult as the one you are dealing with. The thing that you need to understand is that although you may not be found worthy to become a Priest at this moment, that does not mean that you will never be worthy to be a Priest. We are not punished in the Church per se, but because of sins and misdeeds, we may have to go through a period of repentance. The beauty of the repentance process is that if we are faithful and obedient it makes us clean again and worthy to progress in the Lord's Kingdom. Your Bishop will be there to help you all along the way as he will meet with you from time to time to talk with you to see how you are progressing. Be of good cheer. All is not lost because of your current situation. If you are repentant, faithful, and obedient, you will one day soon be ordained and set apart as a worthy Priest. Of this I am sure. God bless.

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Thanks for the replies. I talked with my bishop today at the advancement meeting and it was totally different than I thought it would be. We set up a plan and made some goals and I will be ordained a priest in 2 weeks!!! I am so happy that I can finally feel worthy to go to the temple, etc. again!

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