I'm In Tears -- Help!


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I know that you've had this conversation (Peter, 'the rock') on another thread with Vahnin and you agreed to disagree. V explained it way better than I did!

Again I ask, how can there be such differing opinions, especially when each of us say that we get answers from God on these subjects.

I found that I sometimes misunderstand what God has revealed to me. I think this is an essential part of agency - and it is not a 'bad' thing at all. God allows for it.

The example I will use is when I was confirmed a member of the Church. I had the baptism of fire in power and glory, it was a tremendous experience. And I interpreted it to mean that everything I was ever taught about the Church was true. I WAS WRONG. People had told me that God created the world in 6 days. Literal days. This is wrong, I know now. BUT IT WAS OK for me to misunderstand, because it led me to believe in the Church, the prophets, the commandments, etc.

I think in our learning, we in general start with a simplistic view, which, given more time, life experience and understanding is modified all through our lives into a richer, more meaningful view. I thought the Church could do no wrong, that no speaker in Conference could ever be wrong, that no Primary teacher could ever be wrong. That is not true, but it was useful at first for me to believe.

As I got older, the spirit helped me drop the false beleifs that I had, and replace them with more useful truths, more deep truths. Some 'fundamentalist' type people cannot do this, and it damns their progress. We must allow ourselves to be continually taught by the Holy Ghost, and this ALWAYS includes letting Him correct our less-useful views. We must be teachable. Like Josh Billings said,

The trouble ain’t that people are ignorant; it’s that they know

so much that ain’t so.

-- Josh Billings

So if we have a Catholic that is trusting in both the institution of the RC Church AND in the light of Christ, the Holy Ghost, Jesus Christ and so forth, that's OK with God. IE they are still teachable, for they trust in God. So, if He needs them to change anything, He will inspire them to change. If not, they will 'grow' where they are planted and lighten the burdens of the people around them.

When Christ told us that the two most important commandments of all time were to love God and love our fellow man, He ALSO SAID that all the law and the prophets were subject to this! So who's going to damn Mother Teresa? Only someone who does not understand the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. All the law and the commandments don't count as much as charity.

God IS in charge. This is His world, His plan, His Gospel. All is well if we remain teachable and LOVE. Like faith, love is a principle of action.


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I found that I sometimes misunderstand what God has revealed to me. I think this is an essential part of agency - and it is not a 'bad' thing at all. God allows for it.

The example I will use is when I was confirmed a member of the Church. I had the baptism of fire in power and glory, it was a tremendous experience. And I interpreted it to mean that everything I was ever taught about the Church was true. I WAS WRONG. People had told me that God created the world in 6 days. Literal days. This is wrong, I know now. BUT IT WAS OK for me to misunderstand, because it led me to believe in the Church, the prophets, the commandments, etc.

I think in our learning, we in general start with a simplistic view, which, given more time, life experience and understanding is modified all through our lives into a richer, more meaningful view. I thought the Church could do no wrong, that no speaker in Conference could ever be wrong, that no Primary teacher could ever be wrong. That is not true, but it was useful at first for me to believe.

As I got older, the spirit helped me drop the false beleifs that I had, and replace them with more useful truths, more deep truths. Some 'fundamentalist' type people cannot do this, and it damns their progress. We must allow ourselves to be continually taught by the Holy Ghost, and this ALWAYS includes letting Him correct our less-useful views. We must be teachable. Like Josh Billings said,

So if we have a Catholic that is trusting in both the institution of the RC Church AND in the light of Christ, the Holy Ghost, Jesus Christ and so forth, that's OK with God. IE they are still teachable, for they trust in God. So, if He needs them to change anything, He will inspire them to change. If not, they will 'grow' where they are planted and lighten the burdens of the people around them.

When Christ told us that the two most important commandments of all time were to love God and love our fellow man, He ALSO SAID that all the law and the prophets were subject to this! So who's going to damn Mother Teresa? Only someone who does not understand the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. All the law and the commandments don't count as much as charity.

God IS in charge. This is His world, His plan, His Gospel. All is well if we remain teachable and LOVE. Like faith, love is a principle of action.


Thank-you so much for that! That was beautiful! My heart swelled when I read your words. I know this to be true!!! Like Nephi, I was also born of goodly parents. They were Christians and a wonderful example to me. They loved Billy Graham. I was just a baby when they were watching him on TV one night -- I had a terrible eye infection that the doctors couldn't cure -- my father touched the TV, and my eye while a prayer was being said and my eye was healed in that moment. They didn't join the Church before they died -- yes, I know they have accepted the teachings now and we have been sealed as a family. I am so thankful for this gospel that teaches we are all good and can be taught to be better.:)

Thanks again!

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Thank-you so much for that! That was beautiful! My heart swelled when I read your words. I know this to be true!!! Like Nephi, I was also born of goodly parents. They were Christians and a wonderful example to me. They loved Billy Graham. I was just a baby when they were watching him on TV one night -- I had a terrible eye infection that the doctors couldn't cure -- my father touched the TV, and my eye while a prayer was being said and my eye was healed in that moment. They didn't join the Church before they died -- yes, I know they have accepted the teachings now and we have been sealed as a family. I am so thankful for this gospel that teaches we are all good and can be taught to be better.:)

Thanks again!

The power of faith humbles a wanna-be intellectual like me. All the books in the world are useless in the face of true faith. God lives and loves. We can only try to follow, within the scope of our lives.


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