Look like a Mormon?


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Guest TheLutheran

Funny thread. We have three daughters -- a blonde, a redhead and a brunette. Not sure where that came from since hubby and I look like brother and sister. Unlike her sisters, the blonde was often told she "looked Mormon." NONE of us have ever been accused of looking Lutheran. :confused:

Lutherans coordinate the color of Jello at potlucks to match the paraments of the church calendar. Do Catholics do that too? :sunny:

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Perhaps you could moon us some dark night when we are looking for our keys.:D:lol:

I tried to help a friend out last week. We were on MSN and had our webcams on so we could see each other. She asked for some light, so I mooned her.

For some bizarre reason, she laughed. No, laughed is an understatement. She howled, and for a good five minutes too!

See if I ever try to shine my light on anyone again. ;)


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When I tell my friends i'm mormon 99% of them say "That explanes alot". They smoke, drink, and all types of other stuff, But i won't do any of it. I will go out with them to drive them home because that is the responable thing to do. I guess I should take there comment as a complament. :-)

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Lutherans coordinate the color of Jello at potlucks to match the paraments of the church calendar. Do Catholics do that too? :sunny:

Hi TheLutheran,

As far as potlucks go, we Catholics do not support anything to do with pot, or any other illegal drugs for that matter. This teaching " No pot for Catholics " is fully supported and discussed ( if your interested ) by many of the early Church leaders as well as confirmed by the Nicene Creed.:D

Hope that helps,:)

God bless,


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Guest TheLutheran

. . . we Catholics do not support anything to do with pot, or any other illegal drugs for that matter. This teaching " No pot for Catholics " is fully supported and discussed ( if your interested ) by many of the early Church leaders as well as confirmed by the Nicene Creed.:D . . .

Wow, ceeboo, thanks for that very informative post. ;) Did that stuff used to billow out of that ball on the chain? :pope: Thank goodness the Nicene Creed cleared that up!

[Disclaimer: My comments are offered to ceeboo only in jest. I mean absolutely no disrespect to him, the Catholic church, the Pope, Emporer Constantine, the Fathers of the First Council of Nicaea, August, the pot industry . . . wait . . . I draw the line there!]

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Wow, ceeboo, thanks for that very informative post. ;) Did that stuff used to billow out of that ball on the chain? :pope: Thank goodness the Nicene Creed cleared that up!

[Disclaimer: My comments are offered to ceeboo only in jest. I mean absolutely no disrespect to him, the Catholic church, the Pope, Emporer Constantine, the Fathers of the First Council of Nicaea, August, the pot industry . . . wait . . . I draw the line there!]

Hello again TheLutheran,

First, regarding your disclaimer, :lol::lol: Bravo my Lutheran friend

As to your offering of " did that stuff used to billow out ", No, it was slowly dispersed using a timing method as to not allow to much to be given to any ove section of the audience.

FYI, there were also safety measures ( battery back ups ) in place to prevent any such

" Billowing " that you so nievly suggest.:):)

God bless,


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