Son of Perdition


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How can one determine at what point they "know?" Many members claim unequivocally that they KNOW the church is true when in fact it is simply a belief, regardless of how strong the belief may be.

In that case too, you would have to say that you don't "know" anything, or at least very little. Most everything in life, especially modern life we take as truth even though we have never proven it ourselves or developed it ourselves. I "know" how to type on this computer but that requires a belief in someone's else development and knowledge of language to teach me words from which I type. So, do I really "know" for myself, I didn't make the language myself, just trusted (i.e. - believed) what my teachers taught me in school enough to take it as my own and use it.

You could say pretty much the same thing for almost all that we do in life. I have never "proven" to myself to really know 100% ... how to make fabric to make clothes, I have never "proven" how to farm and raise crops and animals enough to make food which I eat every day, etc. etc.

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..3 Nephi 6-7. In part this passage reads, "Yea, wo unto him that shall deny the revelations of the Lord...." / "Yea, and wo unto him that shall say...there can be no miracle wrought by Jesus Christ; for he that doeth this shall become like unto the son of perdition...."

3 Nephi 6-7:

And it came to pass that there were many cities built anew, and there were many old cities repaired.


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How can one determine at what point they "know?" Many members claim unequivocally that they KNOW the church is true when in fact it is simply a belief, regardless of how strong the belief may be.

I suppose at the same level anyone would know/believe anything without scientific proof.

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How can one determine at what point they "know?" Many members claim unequivocally that they KNOW the church is true when in fact it is simply a belief, regardless of how strong the belief may be.

I have never seen an actual DNA strand with my own eyes, or a single atom. I have seen pictures of those.

By using your statement there, since I have never actually seen a DNA strand or a single atom, how can I say I know they exist? I can't... I would have to say that I either believe that DNA strands exists or single atoms exists, but I can't say I know they exist.

I have never actually seen Jesus Christ with my own two human eyes. I have seen pictures of Jesus Christ.

However, I know Jesus Christ lives and that he suffered for me so that I can live again. I know the church is true. This knowledge came from many many many hours of prayer, scripture study, fasting, and more prayer. The number of hours I had spent in prayer, scripture study, and fasting if spent all at one time would equal about a year - maybe two years combined. So it was not a single instant thing - rather a long drawn out study.

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