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For many years now, I've been reading The Upper Room every day -- here is an example of what it contains:

Upper Room | Devotional

I enjoy these very much, but now I'm looking for something similar from an LDS perspective. Does anyone know of anything like this?


Well.... How about Weekly? I love these messages, and I listen (if not attend in person) almost every week. Here's an example:

Civility and Respect

Delivered By: Lloyd D. Newell

Can you recall a time when someone treated you with particular kindness? Maybe it was a stranger, smiling as he held a door for you, or someone who sincerely asked how you were doing, or a person who was patient with you during one of life’s rough days.

Genuine respect is not easy to find, and it surprises us when we encounter it. Today it seems civility is waning, as people push and shove, bark and shout, replacing etiquette with attitude. We are so unaccustomed to the respectful language of eras past that old movies and old letters often seem stilted and old-fashioned.

We can’t turn the clock back and live again in a time when respect was expected, but we can try to stem the tide of rudeness and disrespect, simply by being polite and respectful. Even small acts cause a ripple effect that can inspire others, because those who receive courtesy are more likely to extend it.

It may be something as simple as complimenting someone for a job well done. It may be listening to someone who is down-and-out, granting him the same dignity we would give someone of high social rank. It may be extending extra patience to the elderly, to the disabled, and to children. Whatever the act is, it works best if we try to see others as their Creator sees them: as people of value, people with immense potential, regardless of their current station in life.

An ideal place to start is in our homes, where we can strive to hold back the rudeness of the world and through our example teach our families a better way.

There is beauty in civility and respect, and that beauty is worth preserving. It takes such little effort, yet it can have far-reaching effects. Let us fill the world with these shining, never-to-be-forgotten moments.

Program #4127

Music and the Spoken Word


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An Upper Room devotional is made up of the following:

1) suggested scripture reading (could be anything from a couple verses to an entire chapter)

2) key verse or two, usually taken from the scripture reading but not always (sort of a highlight)

3) short story or discourse on the scripture reading that helps you apply it to daily life

4) written prayer

5) thought for the day that sums up the lesson so that it's easy to keep in mind

I posted a link to a sample in my first post.

The parts that I'm most interested in are the scripture reading and the attached story. The "thought for the day" is nice too. I'm not so worried about the rest.

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An Upper Room devotional is made up of the following:

1) suggested scripture reading (could be anything from a couple verses to an entire chapter)

2) key verse or two, usually taken from the scripture reading but not always (sort of a highlight)

3) short story or discourse on the scripture reading that helps you apply it to daily life

4) written prayer

5) thought for the day that sums up the lesson so that it's easy to keep in mind

I posted a link to a sample in my first post.

The parts that I'm most interested in are the scripture reading and the attached story. The "thought for the day" is nice too. I'm not so worried about the rest.

I don't know of anything like this online, beyond what has already been mentioned.

I have found that the most joyful "Upper Room" experience I have each day is the one that is created between the Lord and myself as I seek His face during my journal writing. In other words, instead of reading the inspirational thoughts of others, I create my own by spending time with Jesus during my journal writing.

Don't rely on others for your "Upper Room" devotional each day. Create your own!

Here is an example of mine. The Lord's Voice, as I perceive it, is in ALL UPPERCASE.


Friday, 3rd

Good morning, Jesus.


D&C 88: 52-53

52 And [i SAY] unto[TOM]: Go ye and labor in the field, and in the first hour I will come unto you, and [YOU, TOM] shall behold the joy of my countenance.

53 And [i SAID] unto [TOM]: Go ye also into the field, and in the second hour I will visit [YOU, TOM] with the joy of my countenance.

Ps. 89: 15

15 Blessed is [TOM] that knows the joyful sound: [HE] shall walk [...] in the light of [MY] countenance.

Acts 2: 28

28 [i HAVE] made known to [YOU] the ways of life; [i SHALL] make [YOU] full of joy with [MY] countenance.

I love these words. It occurs to me that to be filled with joy with your countenance means ... You are in front of me, Lord. We are face to face.


Edited by tomk
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I don't know of anything like this online, beyond what has already been mentioned.

I have found that the most joyful "Upper Room" experience I have each day is the one that is created between the Lord and myself as I seek His face during my journal writing. In other words, instead of reading the inspirational thoughts of others, I create my own by spending time with Jesus during my journal writing.

Don't rely on others for your "Upper Room" devotional each day. Create your own!

Here is an example of mine. The Lord's Voice, as I perceive it, is in ALL UPPERCASE.


Friday, 3rd

Good morning, Jesus.


D&C 88: 52-53

52 And [i SAY] unto[TOM]: Go ye and labor in the field, and in the first hour I will come unto you, and [YOU, TOM] shall behold the joy of my countenance.

53 And [i SAID] unto [TOM]: Go ye also into the field, and in the second hour I will visit [YOU, TOM] with the joy of my countenance.

Ps. 89: 15

15 Blessed is [TOM] that knows the joyful sound: [HE] shall walk [...] in the light of [MY] countenance.

Acts 2: 28

28 [i HAVE] made known to [YOU] the ways of life; [i SHALL] make [YOU] full of joy with [MY] countenance.

I love these words. It occurs to me that to be filled with joy with your countenance means ... You are in front of me, Lord. We are face to face.


You make a very good point. Perhaps I should focus more on my personal scripture reading, and look into ways to apply it to life on my own. That would be a more meaningful way to learn, in the long run. Thanks for the insight! :)
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