First year of marriage, scared for my life...


What would you do in this situation?  

19 members have voted

  1. 1. What would you do in this situation?

    • Get out of the married.
    • Give it the year see if it will get any better
    • Stay in the marriage forever, and hope it will get better through the years.
    • Or another idea? (if so post of send message.

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I confess I did not read all of this! But HE needs counseling... the anger treatment! HE is NOT allowed to hit, push or anythig fysical at you, actually he is NOT allowed to shout or swear at you either. HE has a problem! HE needs to study the scriptures, HE needs to see how wrong he is doing thowards you, but this inb something only HE can do when he is ready!

If he wont go to therapy... leave him, it will only get worse.

If I would bet, I would bet on it, that you are not doing anything wrong, nothing your foult! DONT blaim yourself on anything.

On an other hand Temple marriage IS a severe thing and all too many people give up these days. :huh: But living in constant fear is NOT what you are supposed to do. Maybe you could take a break...

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