So Europe Doesn't Like Americans

Guest TheProudDuck

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Guest TheProudDuck

Originally posted by Larry Kozlowski@Oct 22 2004, 10:27 AM

Gosh that is so sucky! Why do they hate us so much? I bet it's our freedom---they hate our freedoms! Well I say we go in there and kick some commie butt and liberate the people! USA USA USA!!

Nice to see such an insightful, fair understanding of one's political opponents.

Have you ever tried disagreeing with someone without making him a caricature? Or are you worried you can't quite muster up the energy to oppose a political view unless you demonize (to use a favorite liberal word) it?

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I hate to say it guys it is because of our argent behavior.

You don’t see it but it oozes out of the America behavior.

“ Were the best none’s better USA USA!”

There is a saying my mother uses of all people, “You act like your sh*&^ don’t not stink”

You can’t see it wile you amused in it.

Sorry its just ingrained in America from the time you are born, the pledge of allegiance and the way Americans wrap your self’s in the flag.

Americans act like they have it all to end all.

Americans act like other counties are beneath you.

There are times I will not tell people I am an American because of it.

Don’t call me a self-hating American because I’m not I am just ashamed at the behavior of my fellow Americans some times.

Don’t even get me started on the government and foreign policies.

I heard someone said the other day,

"Yup send US our surplus vaccine one shot for every cow that is let pass the border”.

Her husband works for the department of agriculture.

There’s an example for you right there!

That one mad cow that was a breeder that traveled back and forth across the border dropping caves there as well as in Canada none knows were the contaminated feed came from, then because of our tight screening we detected the sick cow at the time it was slaughtered Canada tests every cow! we anouce it and wam! it never enterd the food chang. But the boarder stays closed its been over a year! Why? because Japan will not import US beef if you except imports from Canada.

Ah like I said before who’s your neighbor? and did you for get Pearl Harbor.

The Canadian cattle industry is destroyed did any of you know that? Any cattle over a year old had to be slaughtered here and consumed here, since we don’t have as many slaughter houses since we stopped building them because it was cheaper to truck to the borders slaughter houses.

Most ranchers slaughtered their herds and buried them losing their farms.

The border remains closed. Thanks so much.

None is dieing for mad cow by the way.


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Guest TheProudDuck

Winnie and Larry -- You guys make my point perfectly. I'm sure there are plenty of boorish "USA! USA!-chanting louts who make fools of themselves, but I don't know any of them personally. Most of the Americans I know, conservative or liberal, are decent, well-mannered people, and are a lot more thoughtful than you give them credit for.

Here's a thought experiment for you guys: Imagine stereotyping an ethnic group the way you stereotype Americans. In Canada, you'd find yourselves in jail for hate speech.

Winnie -- Re: the Pledge of Allegiance, how's that different from how Canadians view their own country? "True patriot love" and "with glowing hearts" and all that. As for the mad cow business, take it up with the Japanese.

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No take it up with Bush and his good old boys club more economic growth in those Japs (talking as a American would free speck and all) does not matter that it destroyed another county’s industry.

By the way I have meet a bunch of them, some are in my family, remember I am from the states. You can hide from it all you want but if you opened your eyes you would see it.

BTW Canadians sing “Oh Canada” in a reverent manner there’s a difference.

Auh Don’t use a hockey game as an example half of them are stewed before the first puck is dropped.

Speaking of that I have two for Sundays nights game. :D

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Guest TheProudDuck

Originally posted by Larry Kozlowski@Oct 22 2004, 01:08 PM

We're here, we're rich, get use to it!

Are we referring to the billionaire your party has running for President?
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"He heard my accent and launched into a red-faced screeching session about the evils of American empire and of the "nazism" and "fascism" promulgated by the US. A black man came over and began shouting about America having "invented slavery"..."

If I am not mistaken, it was the Portuguese who introduced slavery to the Western World when brought slaves back to Europe from when they journeyed down the African coast in search of southeast passage to the fabled spice route. Then it was the Dutch that introduced it to America.

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The Guardian? Oh, yes The good old Guardian!

There are so many typos in The Guardian that it is known as The Grauniad.

It is a comicbook for those of leftward leanings.

It has a very small readership, chiefly for librarians, some teachers and lecturers and so on. :lol:

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Guest TheProudDuck

Originally posted by Matt@Oct 24 2004, 12:13 PM

The Guardian? Oh, yes The good old Guardian!

There are so many typos in The Guardian that it is known as The Grauniad.

It is a comicbook for those of leftward leanings.

It has a very small readership, chiefly for librarians, some teachers and lecturers and so on. :lol:

The Grauniad.

I like that. It sounds like it should have all kinds of references to the wine-dark sea and the wind-swept plains of Troy.

Incidentally, the good old Grauniad did it again over the weekend, running a column that ended, "John Wilkes Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald, John Hinckley -- where are you now that we need you?"

Again -- nice folks.

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