Discussion from Sunday School


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My experience is that usually (usually being key word here) when someone accuses another of being self righteous, it's their way of expressing feelings of lack of superiority, truth and, well, righteousness. The guilty take the truth to be hard. I in no way saw any self righteousness in Bens postings, but it struck a nerve with you for SOME reason, possibly your own insecurities in that area of your life.

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My experience is that usually (usually being key word here) when someone accuses another of being self righteous, it's their way of expressing feelings of lack of superiority, truth and, well, righteousness. The guilty take the truth to be hard. I in no way saw any self righteousness in Bens postings, but it struck a nerve with you for SOME reason, possibly your own insecurities in that area of your life.

Again I pose the question, which no one has answered...

"It's not that staying home on Sunday's is self-righteous, but imagine YOU are the one who wrote the following paragraph and that was Ben's response to YOU...

"Thanks for your story. I was at the culminating event with two of my 3 teens the other day and my oldest called and said I'm not dressed up but I can get there if I leave streight from band practice. I told him I just wanted him there. He showed up in jeans, sneakers a hoodie and his lovely peirced ears. The important thing. He was there and heard the words prepared for him. I think our job is to give people the information and then let the savior touch their hearts and they will make the changes they need as directed by him.""

But I understand I'm the "bad guy" now, and my POV is worthless. But just ponder if YOU were the one that received his response to that story.

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Was this on Sunday? When our band director told us that the kids needed to be at a practice on Sunday we told him that they would not be there. We don't need band as much as we need to be learning more about the gospel. They are no longer in band, still can play instruments. They are in church.

Ben Raines

I think heavenly father sends us the kids we can influence the most and in the best way. My son that I was talking about is 18 and lives in an apartment with friends. The band he is in is a rock band. Would I personally go to a band practice on sunday? no. I realize though that my son is living on his own and will have to use his agency to make his choices. I was so happy though that he made it there. That is what was important to me. I know there were a few there that saw how he was dressed and were bothered by it, however I think it is something between him and the lord. I think most "chose the better part" and made him feel welcome. Sometimes you have to look past the jeans, peirced ears, and colored hair and see the child of god that is learning like we all are.

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