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Hey my peeps.

Ok i need to vent. I 've been venting on here lately i hope that no one minds...

Ok, so my mom has a RETURN WITH HONOR ring ( can be bought at desert) and i've been wearing it along with my CTR ring.. well my friend Audrey, who happens to be a baptist, asked me what it said and i said " Return with honor" and she said where? i said Heaven, because we once we're all there, with heavenly father. And our other friend Ashley was like HUH? beause she wasn't really listening. Well Audrey said That's wrong, we never were in heaven , we just have to get there. Ashley was like huh? Again ( sh'es a loof and listens only when she watns...) so Audrey said, that's wrong ( to ashley) and that never happened, don't listen.

maybe i am just over reacting becasue of stress, but i am so tired of telling people that i am LDS because they tell me i am in a cult or that i don't believe in God,Jesus etc and that i am wrong (example above) so i jsut needed to vent.



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You're not in a cult. Just because you're part of a church that uses cult-like actions to enlarge the population of the church doesn't mean you actually are in a cult (or at least not until we all sacrifice our lives to Baal). Ha! They just don't understand. Suck it up, and don't talk about it. Don't say anything to them when they make statements to you. Only talk about the church when they specifically ask about it. And if they ask you if you know you're a member of a cult, just tell them no, they brainwashed you too well. :lol:

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I know how you feel i was posting on this other supposedly christian website and they had a lot of post on how evil mormons were and saying how we don't believe in Christ and all that stuff. I also get that from people at school because there are only 3 other LDS kids at my highschool. I guess all you can do is just live your life and try not to let it bother you.

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