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Everything posted by DisRuptive1

  1. I got a new video card for my computer. It was the only thing on my list that I got. I didn't put down books or candy or chocolate or clothes on my list, but I put a bunch of things and I didn't get any except for the video card.
  2. What about Rum Raisin Ice Cream? Is that against the WofW?
  3. Christmas is a special time. A time for family, a time for caroling and giving, and singing and dredels and the birth of our savior, Jesus Christ. It's about giving and being happy and merry and opening presents on Christmas morning, right? Nah. Christmas is the time where you open presents and then go to your friend's house and compare loot. What did everyone get that they wanted to get?
  4. Your picture looks blurred and/or photoshopped. Like a kid who didn't know what he was doing stretched it or somewhat. It kinds of looks like the face that you'd make in one of those customize a face options in a video game like The Sims 2 or Tiger Woods Golf.
  5. No one said anything about masturbation. In the youth forum, I figured this would be a big one. Guess it's not even a sin!
  6. Both games suk. No one would buy them. And even if they were made, they would only sell for about $10 in the bargain bin new! And if you want to play a missionary game, go play Civilization 4. You can spread Judaism to the Germans
  7. The only time I ever used them was at the end of each school year when we competed with all the other seminary classes.
  8. The unforgivable sin is to deny knowledge that has been manifested unto you.
  9. A woman really shouldn't be alone with a man she doesn't know unless she's willing to put out. Certain things a woman does could spur the man to force himself on her and possibly rape her. It's best that when the man is a stranger, she stay in public.
  10. Why did the woman go to the house in the first place and spend time alone with a man she didn't know?
  11. What if she did take the pill?
  12. Using a condom helps prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS. Also AIDS doesn't kill.
  13. If that is true, abortion is ok. The baby won't suffer but will be given a free ticket to heaven. Stem cells are taken from blastocysts which would have been destroyed anyways. It's kind of like taking the mold in your shower and studying it rather than spraying disinfectant on it. The stem cells are gained from extra embryos made from in vitro fertilization (sp?). Testing is done with the approval of the parents. If you are to condemn abortion, you must understand why you are condemning it. Do you believe it is murder? Do you believe it weakens our genetic potential (richer people have abortions while the poor procreate thereby dirtying the gene pool)? Whatever the reason, most people seem to feel that abortion is murder. Hence, abortion in cases of rape is committing a felony when another felony is committed. If you believe two wrongs make a right then this case is logically sound. But to say abortion is ok because of rape and not ok in cases of consensual sex is to say that you disagree with abortion not because you think it's murder, but because you are against non-procreative consensual sex. You don't want people having consensual sex and not getting pregnant. You want women. who partakes in sexual intercourse to get pregnant. The difference between rape on consensual sex is about where consent lies. If there is no consent, murder is ok. If there is consent murder is not ok. Do you see the difference? Opposing abortion except in cases of rape is not because you are against the murdering of little children (although you might be, it doesn't happen to be the greater case here) but because you are against non-procreative sex. One thing most people don't realize is that CRIMINALIZING ABORTION WILL NOT REDUCE ABORTION. Teaching people how to prevent themselves from getting into a situation that they would consider abortion is the better course of action IF YOU'RE AGAINST ABORTION. That means teaching comprehensive, age-appropriate, sex education.
  14. The majority of the population tends not to agree with the religious right. The religious right, however, have a few people who shout a whole lot louder everyone else. Kind of like the youngest child in a family throwing a tantrum. I think they on the wrong side in trying to fight for what they believe in.
  15. The hair thing is pyschologically due to a percieved look that she believes would attract rapists. How do they know this guy raped her? Just because she said so? Why did she bring him to her room in the first place?
  16. You misinterpreted me. Allow me to stupidify my last post: Kissing someone doesn't mean you have to be in a long term relationship with them. You're allowed to plan or have short relationships that include kissing.
  17. Not staying "chaste" does not inhibit you from having short-termed relationships.
  18. I was under the impression of the story that she turned her back on the drink and said rapist "tainted" the drink without her knowledge. I assume that said rapist probalby talked to her a little bit and in order to deal with any awkwardness she unconsciously took sips of the drink so she wouldn't fidget.
  19. Uh passionate kissing tends to lead uphill. I've never regretted passionately kissing a woman.
  20. So if I'm to understand this properly, she set her drink down, a man added some rufies when she wasn't watching and then took her somewhere and had sex with her while she was unconscious? I doubt she cut her hair because of what happened. Most women who are raped, cut their hair so they look unattractive to men.
  21. It's painful for a chick though to go in for the move and be rejected. Most girls don't do that in the first place and the ones that are bold enough should be rewarded. Getting their hand kissed when they oh so wanted their lips kissed is a pretty big putdown.
  22. I think Heather could be found at fault of anyone tried to go after Ari. Woman, you should cut down on your posts. As I write this you are up to 167 posts and you've only been using that account for 4 days. That's over 40 posts a day!
  23. It's inappropriate to post talks here. If we wanted to know about what the prophet said or says we'll go to church.