Life Sucks

Guest &lusername&gt

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Guest &lusername&gt

yeah. just broke up with my girlfriend. there is a chance thar we get back together in the future, but this really sucks. i have been depressed since monday, cept for when she called me mon cuz it was fun talking to her.

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Ya man, leave her alone. If she wants space from you for a while and you never give it to calling or passing notes etc, she will never get that space and she will never ever want anything more to do with you. Just walk the other way and find some new girls. When she's ready she'll come crawling back....but by then perhaps you will have found someone WAY better.

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It's true. I once went through the same thing last year, I was all sad when I broke up with my gf. But why should I have been sad? Being emotionally and physically beat up by her everyday? Made to feel like I'm nothing by her? I can't believe I was sad. And I'm sure it's probably not the same for your situation eh? But anyways, point is, no high school attatchement is exactly worth it. You'll find your highest highs, and lowest lows in a relationship, all in all, it is a distraction from school. Which is what should probably be focused on at the moment, I'd start maybe worrying about girls for college.

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Guest &lusername&gt

wellme me and her are gunna get back together. she is sooo awsome! she is defanetly worth all the efort i put forth for her. most of the poems i posted were ones i wrote for her. so, we are gunna keep going out..behind her parents back..again.. but thanx yalss for answering

on a kewl note, her parents got married in the same temple my parents did ( washington dc temple)

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Guest &lusername&gt
Originally posted by the_kid_in_the_korner+Dec 11 2004, 12:48 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (the_kid_in_the_korner @ Dec 11 2004, 12:48 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--<username>@Dec 8 2004, 07:41 AM

just broke up with my girlfriend

to quote a great movie

"chicks are for fags"

-dum and dummerer

yet homosexuality is illegle and will get you ex-communicated

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Originally posted by <username>+Dec 11 2004, 11:12 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (<username> @ Dec 11 2004, 11:12 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
Originally posted by -the_kid_in_the_korner@Dec 11 2004, 12:48 AM

<!--QuoteBegin--<username>@Dec 8 2004, 07:41 AM

just broke up with my girlfriend

to quote a great movie

"chicks are for fags"

-dum and dummerer

yet homosexuality is illegle and will get you ex-communicated

lol ok...... what i ment is chicks are nuts and they wana make u nuts to, your young so dont take your relationships that seriously, did u want to marry the girl and i mean all out white wedding?

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So why behind the parents back? is it you or is it dating in general for her parents? Also, if and when her parents DO find u out, they are less likely to accept you than if u just acted "man" enough to openly date their daughter. I know if I fould some punk dating my daughter behind my back, well, lets just say very bad things would start happening at random for that kid. That sort of thing is very taboo with my family. Infact, a guy tried to see my sister in high school behind our parents back. (the only fault the guy had was he honked for my sister instead of comming to the door for her on their second or third date.) Our dad said, "if he can't have the courtisey to come to the door than he cant have the honor to date you".

Well, he did anyway, and my sis was all into him so she snuck around about it. Well, my younger brother found out and to make our dear dad proud, we found that guy walking to his car at lunch, wresteled him to the ground, took ALL of his clothes and his keys, and threw them out into the middle of the court yard.

Yes, I had assault charges, little bro got off cause I took the blame.

So, before you go dating her behind her parents back find out why she secrecy is even nessesary. All that naked guy had to do was walk his happy butt up to the door like a gentelman instead of honking from the curb like the Fonz.

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Guest &lusername&gt

her parents think that if she dates a guy younger than her it makes her look immature. and she lives in a a differant state than me so it sux, but i can see her parents concern. i am aether gunna call or write a lterr to her parents and hope for the best

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Whoa whoa whoa, you don't even live in the same state? Tell me you live on the border and the line is between your corn fields.....No? Thought not.

Let me give it to you bluntly and strait. It aint gonna work. Perhaps down the road u two can work it out when u are able to be on your own and if u two are still interested in each other, but till then, if u two try and be a serious couple you're just gonna be stressed all the time and bitter.

You'll want to date, she'll want to date, and you both WONT date and accuse each other of DATING :blink: Which will cause fights over the phone all the time.

Just get a g/f that lives in your state, better if she is in your stake. And just let things go where they go. I dated my now wife for only a few months and then lost all contact for almost 3 we happy, sealed, and she is even thinking about letting me get a Doberman that I will either name Brutus or Sabbath.

But ...we both knew that if we tried to do the long distance thing we would have become sick of each other and would most likely not be together now.

You can't force these things, so all that effort you think you are putting in is not worth anything in the long run.

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Guest &lusername&gt

i have to disagre with you. i know a lot of people in myward that were long distance for i wail and arenow sealed. things work differant for everyone. to me, she is worth all the effort in thew world. she is going to college, and i will be getting off my mission around the same time she will graduate frm college, BUT NEVER WOULD I STOP TALKING TO HER

and she really doesn't date a whole lata people and neither do i

iu am still debating on letter or phone... i both have pros and cons

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Originally posted by <username>@Dec 14 2004, 07:29 PM

i know a lot of people in myward that were long distance for i wail and arenow sealed. things work differant for everyone. to me, she is worth all the effort in thew world. she is going to college, and i will be getting off my mission around the same time she will graduate frm college, BUT NEVER WOULD I STOP TALKING TO HER

and she really doesn't date a whole lata people and neither do i

iu am still debating on letter or phone... i both have pros and cons

LOL first of all, I would like to open the window of time and let you see what is in store for you. Just a peek though. Ready? Ok.

You're on your mission. Your "girlfriend" is away at college. You get a letter from her! Oh how exciting! Oh the Joy! tear open the envelope with read the first line....



Thats what you got comming. But hey, its ok. Because "things work out differently for everyone", right? You sound like you just have a huge crush and this is perhaps your first love? Well, enjoy it while it lasts.

You got to remember that your compitition isnt out there in the mission field with you and only those hethan, non RM's are out there for her to avoid. You're up against RM's who are now in college WITH your girlfriend and are already starting their adult lives and that will appeal to her in a very powerful way.

Here's the deal. As far as your extream effort you think you are putting into this "relationship", remember this, Less is more and more is psyco. ;)

You can't even find the courage to call her parents. You want to hide behind a pen and what makes you think you are up for this eternal marriage thing? You're not my friend. You're not even close.

I'm not trying to be a drag. Just trying to be a real friend and tell you how it is and not sugar coat things.

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Guest &lusername&gt

well ,it is all over now turns out i have just been played. and, on the phone i got to see a side of her that i never saw before. i wont go into great detail, but i was talking to my best friend alex on the phone and she pionted out that sara has really been toying with my emotions. but i really dont care anymore. if she wants to be mean then let her. i can do better i know it. she isn't all i thought she was. thanx all ya'll for your support anyhoo. <_<

edited by Spencer *Watch your language*

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