New Definition of Tax Cut


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military, Health care, Debt interest, income security,education, VA benefits, Nutrition, housing, environment and job training.

So here's what we do. Lower taxes and reduce the size of the military, this puts more people out of work into the Civilian sector where jobs are already scarce.Vet gets sick, and can't work, can't get better because tax cuts affected VA benefits, applies for medicare but this system is limited now as well, tries to feed family but WIC is gone and free school lunches as well. Can't afford a place to live because he unemployed or under employed and housing programs have been cut also. Decides he needs to go to school the becomes better educated but now the FASFA is gone and he can't afford it. Becomes a "mountain man" to feed his family but without tax dollars helping the environments all the wild fish and game is unhealthy due to pollution.

Yes our government waste tax dollars, but it also goes to help alot of people. The base we are station at becomes the 4th largest city in OH Between 6 am and 5pm Monday- Friday because of the amount of employees that work here. No taxes no base, no base no government employees, no government employees no one to shop at the local businesses.

There is just one little detail you've forgotten to mention here. Where does all the money go that does NOT go to government after all this de-bureaucratization? There are only two places it can go: savings or consumption. Either way, jobs are created. The difference is that the standard of living rises because transfers of wealth are on the basis of the creation of new wealth, not merely the transfer thereof. Thus every person in the economy is positively effected. Health care, income security, education, VA benefits, nutrition, housing, environment, and job training are all enhanced.


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why can't we just pay 10% tax on anything we buy and eliminate the irs? The salaries alone would save the country tons of money, not to mention printing costs. And it would be environmentally friendly, so the treehuggers would be happy.

the sales tax would have to be much higher.. in the fair tax plan its about 23%

I'll admit that the fair tax is a much more just tax than much of what we have in place, but it would solve nothing if our government continues its runaway spending spree which if brought to an end would make such a fair tax unnecessary anyway.


I agree.. Government spending is out of control.. I don't know if we can ever reign in the politicians either.. this new stimulus alone has MILLIONS of dollars of pork.. In many opinions the whole thing is a financial disaster.

The Lord's plan of sharing your increase--tithing--is a flat tax. Sure would simplify and we could all rest thinking we were paying fairly.

I agree whole heartedly .. Taxes should not be punitive tho, as they are in our current system.. I have never seen a system that rewards failure thrive. And I don't see our current tax system hanging on much longer.. the demand is already bigger than the supply

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There is just one little detail you've forgotten to mention here. Where does all the money go that does NOT go to government after all this de-bureaucratization? There are only two places it can go: savings or consumption. Either way, jobs are created. The difference is that the standard of living rises because transfers of wealth are on the basis of the creation of new wealth, not merely the transfer thereof. Thus every person in the economy is positively effected. Health care, income security, education, VA benefits, nutrition, housing, environment, and job training are all enhanced.


Yes it could create jobs but you can't beat government employment. Too many benefits from the Drs who don't have to pay malpractice insurance and get two $50,000 bonuses a year to the civilian contractor janitors that earn $12-$14 an hour when the local rate is minimum wage. There was a study done that showed what a service member really makes when including ,housing, medical, space A flights, gym membership, food allowance etc. and IIRC it was around $45,000. Not bad for uneducated kid straight out of high school.I don't think the civilian sector can match this no matter how many jobs are created our how much extra income one has due to not paying income taxes.

While it could help some it could also hurt others.

Your tax dollars support my families livelihood. My family (my wife particularly) supports your livelihood in return.

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There is just one little detail you've forgotten to mention here. Where does all the money go that does NOT go to government after all this de-bureaucratization? There are only two places it can go: savings or consumption. Either way, jobs are created. The difference is that the standard of living rises because transfers of wealth are on the basis of the creation of new wealth, not merely the transfer thereof. Thus every person in the economy is positively effected. Health care, income security, education, VA benefits, nutrition, housing, environment, and job training are all enhanced.


A quote comes to mind that keeps coming up from time to time.

"Government can create work but the privet sector creates jobs."


I know this will be missed by a great many but. . .

Bro. Rudick

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Yes it could create jobs but you can't beat government employment. Too many benefits from the Drs who don't have to pay malpractice insurance and get two $50,000 bonuses a year to the civilian contractor janitors that earn $12-$14 an hour when the local rate is minimum wage. There was a study done that showed what a service member really makes when including ,housing, medical, space A flights, gym membership, food allowance etc. and IIRC it was around $45,000. Not bad for uneducated kid straight out of high school.I don't think the civilian sector can match this no matter how many jobs are created our how much extra income one has due to not paying income taxes.

While it could help some it could also hurt others.

Your tax dollars support my families livelihood. My family (my wife particularly) supports your livelihood in return.

OK, then why don't we tell everyone in the country to forget about college and work for the government. This way, everyone can have $45,000 in benefits and wages from the fantastic government!

Oh wait, whose left to pay the bill? Uhhhhh....

Our government is bankrupt and is BORROWING the money to afford the military benefits we give to our troops. When that runs out, say goodbye to all those benefits. We cannot borrow forever. We killed the goose that lays the golden eggs but we keep telling everyone that she is simply on vacation and will be back soon so please lend us a hand and we will give you some golden eggs when she returns. Once everyone realizes she is dead, the gig will be up for us just as it was for the Soviets. That day is rapidly advancing.

There is only one way to increase the standard of living for any person, family, village, city, country, nation, or planet: increase production. How can we afford to give everyone enough to eat? Enough clothing to wear? Enough housing? By producing these things. I can give you a dollar and you can give it to a friend who can give it to another and another and another. But this will never produce any new wealth.

While our security is essential and we need to support troops who can provide it, our foreign policy has been the number one threat to our national security. We are at war because of our own meddling in international affairs. We keep killing enemies and setting up allies who then become the new enemies. All of this extravagant spending on military adventurism will prove our undoing just as it did the Soviets.

We need to get back to production. Bring those troops home and put them to work producing rather than destroying. Then, we will have an increase in production and a rise in the standard of living.


Edited by a-train
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. . .We killed the goose that lays the golden eggs but we keep telling everyone that she is simply on vacation and will be back soon so please lend us a hand and we will give you some golden eggs when she returns. Once everyone realizes she is dead, the gig will be up for us just as it was for the Soviets. That day is rapidly advancing.

There is only one way to increase the standard of living for any person, family, village, city, country, nation, or planet: increase production. How can we afford to give everyone enough to eat? Enough clothing to wear? Enough housing? By producing these things. I can give you a dollar and you can give it to a friend who can give it to another and another and another. But this will never produce any new wealth.

. . .We need to get back to production. . . .


All great points and I did not want to bury these in all that you covered but as others have so well pointed out

"Government can make work, but only private industry can create Jobs."

Bro. Rudick

Edited by JohnnyRudick
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