What type of Body did Jehovah Show unto the Brother of Jared?


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This is a legitimate question that many have tried to understand. I have listed 11 verses with some of my own personal commentary to follow. This chapter in my opinion is an awesome piece of revelation. I take Mahonri at his word. Remember, this scripture was originally written in the Adamic language which I believe is precise. In the following commentary I conclude what type of Body that Mahonri thought he originally perceived. You will have to finish the chapter for the full revelation. I welcome your commentaries, especially on verse 17.

***Ether 2:22-23 I [Mahonri] have prepared the vessels for my people, and behold there is no light in them. Behold, O Lord, wilt thou suffer that we shall cross this great water in darkness? And the Lord said unto the brother of Jared: What will ye that I should do that ye may have light in your vessels?***

Isn't it wonderful that the Lord does not solve all our problems for us? Here Jehovah returned the responsibility of conceiving the means to illuminate the ships back upon Mahonri. The brother of Jared was inspired to molten sixteen stones, with the idea that Jehovah could enhance them such that they would produce light. This procedure of collecting the raw materials, producing a fire hot enough to melt stone, and pouring the molten material into pre-fashioned molds most definitely took much skill, time, and effort. I imagine that during this process Mahonri pondered on how he would ask the Lord to endow the stones.

***Ether 3:4 And I know, O Lord, that thou hast all power, and can do whatsoever thou wilt for the benefit of man; therefore touch these stones, O Lord, with thy finger, and prepare them that they may shine forth in darkness; and they shall shine forth unto us in the vessels which we have prepared, that we may have light while we shall cross the sea.***

Mahonri has just hiked up mount Shelem (interpreted as exceedingly high) hand carrying the carefully crafted sixteen stones. I assume that when he arrived at the summit, Mahonri took some time to clean up physically, rest his body, meditate, and to arrange everything just so. Finally, I picture him stepping back a few feet from the stones in satisfaction, and kneel down in preparation to invoke our Lord in prayer. In his supplication to the Lord, Mahonri not only asked for the stones to shine, he asked that the Lord touch the stones. One must question Mahonri's state of mind, and motivation behind this request. Did he ask the Lord to touch the stones only as an offhand remark, or did he actually desire that the Lord touch the stones? Did he think, believe, or actually have the faith that he could see the Lord's finger? Did Mahonri think that the Lord had a finger and thus a body? Did he want to see the Lord's finger?

***Ether 3:6 And it came to pass that when the brother of Jared had said these words, behold, the Lord stretched forth his hand and touched the stones one by one with his finger. And the veil was taken from off the eyes of the brother of Jared, and he saw the finger of the Lord; and it was as the finger of a man, like unto flesh and blood; and the brother of Jared fell down before the Lord, for he was struck with fear.***

Mahonri's prayers are answered! He intently watched in awe as the stones illuminated in succession. Then he realized that he was also witnessing the finger of God and he began to study it. He saw the digit of our Savior and noticed what it was composed of: bones, muscles, ligaments, skin, hair, and nail. This procedure of touching the sixteen stones probably transpired within fifteen to thirty seconds giving Mahonri sufficient time to study what he was observing. Then suddenly during this manifestation Mahonri became so overcome with fear that he lost the ability to control his muscles, and fell prostrate before the Lord. But why??? Was he afraid because he did not think that the Lord would do what he asked (see Ether 12:20)? Or was Mahonri afraid because he saw something that he did not anticipate?

***Ether 3:7 And the Lord saw that the brother of Jared had fallen to the earth; and the Lord said unto him: Arise, why hast thou fallen?***

Jehovah must have perceived the thoughts of Mahonri. Yet he asked a pointed question. I believe to assist Mahonri in coming to a radical conclusion.

***Ether 3:8 And he saith unto the Lord: I saw the finger of the Lord, and I feared lest he should smite me; for I knew not that the Lord had flesh and blood.***

Mahonri said that he was afraid that the Lord would smite him. So, the obvious question arises, why did Mahonri think that the Lord would smite him? Mahonri had obeyed the Lord's instructions. He invoked the Lord in sincere prayer, and his prayer was answered exactly as he had worded it. Did Mahonri fear because he thought he was audaciously seeing something that he was not worthy to see? Possibly, but I think not. Remember, Mahonri had asked specifically that the Lord touch the stones. He had the faith necessary to see the Lord, and had previously received at least two direct revelations from the Lord. In the previous chapter Mahonri had conversed with the Lord for the space of three hours! Was Mahonri afraid because he did not know that the Lord had the form of a body? I think not, he knew that Jehovah was a man and not some amorphous presence. Mahonri had access to the prophet's testimonies via scripture, thus he knew that man was created in the image of God. The Brother of Jared also knew that many prophets had seen God face to face.

Adam & Eve; Genesis 1:26-27, Joseph Smith Lectures on Faith, Lecture Second #54, p. 23-24.

The first eight patriarch, all of whom were high priests; D&C 107:53-55

Enoch; Moses 7:4

Noah; Genesis 6:9

The answer to the question as to why Mahonri thought that the Lord would smite him is very simply stated within the same verse in which the question arises, but many scriptural scholars have seemed to gloss over this essential concept. Mahonri states that he did not know that the Lord had a body of flesh and blood. Mahonri did not say flesh and bones, he used the word blood, and blood declares mortality. Thus Mahonri was saying, "I did not know you were mortal!" So, why did Mahonri think that his physical well-being was in jeopardy just by assuming that Jehovah was mortal? I believe that while Mahonri looked at Jehovah, he earnestly thought that he saw a body of flesh and blood. His thoughts were racing, for Mahonri had been previously taught that Jehovah was immortal and could not die. He then began to consider the implications of Jehovah's mortality, and concluded that if Jehovah is mortal, he must be subject to injury and possibly even death! Mahonri assumed that since this knowledge had never before been released, the Lord had reason to conceal that he was composed of the same weak material as the rest of mankind. I think that Mahonri thought that Jehovah would smite him - to keep him from revealing to humanity that God was in reality a frail mortal.

*** Ether 3:9 And the Lord said unto him: Because of thy faith thou hast seen that I shall take upon me flesh and blood; and never has man come before me with such exceeding faith as thou hast; for were it not so ye could not have seen my finger. Sawest thou more than this?***

Jehovah alleviates Mahonri's fears, and praises his faith. At this point our Savior does not correct Mahonri's false assumption. Jehovah knew Mahonri Moriancumer's thoughts and used them to impress a significant truth upon his soul. Jehovah explained that in time he would become mortal (thus as Mahonri had concluded, Jehovah would be subject to injury and indeed even death). I assume that this information struck Mahonri heavily. Jehovah then told Mahonri that no man had previously come to him with such great faith, and that he was able to see the finger because Mahonri strongly desired and truly believed that he would see the finger. Then our Lord asked a leading question and Mahonri was more than happy to answer the question and issue the follow-up request.

***Ether 3:10-12 And he answered: Nay; Lord, show thyself unto me. And the Lord said unto him: Believest thou the words which I shall speak? And he answered: Yea, Lord, I know that thou speakest the truth, for thou art a God of truth, and canst not lie.***

Mahonri here requests to see the Lord in his entirety. Mahonri bears his testimony of God to God.

***Ether 3:13 And when he had said these words, behold, the Lord showed himself unto him, and said: Because thou knowest these things ye are redeemed from the fall; therefore ye are brought back into my presence; therefore I show myself unto you.***

The Lord here grants Mahonri Moriancumer's calling and election, the greatest ordinance that can be bestowed unto man upon this earth. Jehovah told Mahonri that because he knew these things, he was redeemed from the fall. Mahonri now understood that Jehovah, his God and the God of his ancestors, was to become a mortal man capable of death for some very important reason. Jehovah then thoroughly showed himself to Mahonri. What Jehovah was showing Mahonri was not tangible. The physical state of Jehovah was trivial at this point. What Mahonri was shown was so much more significant. When a person receives his calling and election he is brought back into the Lord's presence; or as revealed to Joseph Smith, the veil is rent (D&C 67:10). This veil is the veil of forgetfulness that we each pass through as we are born as an infant to our mortal parents. Thus Mahonri was re-endowed with his pre-existent memories and recognized the Lord. He recognized that our God Jehovah was the pre-existent soul who had said, Here am I, send me. Father, thy will be done, and the glory be thine forever (Abraham 3:27, Moses 4:2). Mahonri’s recognized the Lord to be an old friend, yea, even his elder brother. At this point the celestial manifestation ceased to be a test and passed into a family reunion type event. How Mahonri’s heart must have jumped with joy to recognize the true identity of our Lord. How he must have sorrowed at the foreknowledge that Jehovah was himself to be the sacrificial lamb whose blood was to be shed during the meridian of time.

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Great post.

Maybe this is just me nitpicking, but I believe the scripture is part of Moroni's Abridgement of the plates of Ether so it would have been a translation from the "reformed egyptian" translation of the adamic language. (ie Adamic Language > Nephite translation > Moroni's Abridgement > English).

But other than my technicality nitpicking, great post.

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Maybe this is just me nitpicking, but I believe the scripture is part of Moroni's Abridgement of the plates of Ether so it would have been a translation from the "reformed egyptian" translation of the adamic language. (ie Adamic Language > Nephite translation > Moroni's Abridgement > English).

Yeah sorry if I misled ya with my weakness in writing.

Joseph Smith used the urim & thummin to translate the book of Ether (BoM p. 487-518) from the golden plates reformed egyptian into English.

Moroni used the urim & thummin to translate the plates of ether (24 golden plates found by the people of Limhi) Adamic language into reformed egyptian.

They both used the same pair of urim and thummin (which incidently was the U&T that was given by Jehovah to Mahonri) so I bet it was a pretty accurate translation. :)

Thanks for the feedback.

Edited by mikbone
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