Obama Rally Reach 22% Recover from Bear Market


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apparently Al Franken is way more boring than Rush...last I looked....he wasn't even on the radar screen....ooppss...I forgot...he doesn't have a show anymore....:D:D

What does he need a show for? He's about to become a Minnesota United States Senator--I would hardly call that off the radar.

Hamline University professor David Schultz tells TPM that he now expects the court to probably rule at some point in the first week of April, with a declaration that Al Franken is the winner.

Of course we won't know until the court rules for sure. But apparently Coleman doesn't have enough money for another recount.

I think Franken has done just fine for himself.

(I hope that didn't hurt too much! :P)


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What does he need a show for? He's about to become a Minnesota United States Senator--I would hardly call that off the radar.

Of course we won't know until the court rules for sure. But apparently Coleman doesn't have enough money for another recount.

I think Franken has done just fine for himself.

(I hope that didn't hurt too much! :P)


I am aware of his senate run........but....his radio show when he started...he talked about how it was going to compete with Limbaugh.......crashed and burned......:P:p:p:p....his winning a senate race just goes to show you....anyone can be elected......
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his radio show when he started...he talked about how it was going to compete with Limbaugh.......crashed and burned......:P:p:p:p....his winning a senate race just goes to show you....anyone can be elected......

This is probably true. After all, Limbabwe is head of the Republican Party!

Hey, how did you like the name "Limbabwe"? I made that up all by myself!

Do you think I can copyright it, and make . . . $20 bucks?


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Will this continue? Obviously I have no idea. But since this has become the anti-Obama forum, (edit: the anti-anything-that-isn't-ultra-right-wing forum.) I thought I'd post some positive news. I hope it lasts.


If and when they actually come up with a Political forum on this website, I can promise you that there will at least be SOME variability.

My political persuasion? I guess you can call me a political atheist. The bigger question in my mind is not, "Which party is right?" It's "Which party is least corrupt at this particular point in time?" My Republican family knows I voted for Obama and they like to ask me, "How do you think he's doing?" and waiting for a Republican response. How is Obama doing? Not any worse than Bush certainly. We're still at war (as expected), we still have a completely collapsed economy (as expected) and there isn't much of anywhere to go but up. Too early to tell how he's doing, we'll see what we see.

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One of my favorite feminists and liberal commentators is Camille Paglia. She voted for Pres Obama. She loves listening to Rush Limbaugh, even if she doesn't always agree with him.

Her thoughts on the current administration? About what she thought of the previous one, so far. She finds it very disconcerting that Geithner is doing the things he is. It drops my jaw to have him tell the CFR that he was open to a global currency!

She's never liked Hillary, either.

For me, it isn't a right/left thing. It is a right/wrong thing. Many Republicans are guilty of excesses in the last 8 years, and have done themselves in by not being the fiscally responsible party. It also doesn't help that the only idea they have is cut taxes.

That said, burning through trillions of dollars that we don't have, in order to inefficiently save the economy is the fastest way to bankrupt our country, and leave us as a third world nation with nukes. In such an instance, I can see the USA breaking up into smaller states, just as the former Soviet Union did just 20 years ago. Are we bound to repeat their mistake by bankrupting ourselves? I wouldn't be surprised if it happens.

That would leave China and Russia in a very good spot to lead the world, with their brand of socialistic capitalism (most would call it fascism). I cringe to think what the world will be like, with godless thugs as the big kids on the block....

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One of my favorite feminists and liberal commentators is Camille Paglia. She voted for Pres Obama. She loves listening to Rush Limbaugh, even if she doesn't always agree with him.

Her thoughts on the current administration? About what she thought of the previous one, so far. She finds it very disconcerting that Geithner is doing the things he is. It drops my jaw to have him tell the CFR that he was open to a global currency!

She's never liked Hillary, either.

I doubt Paglia would call herself of a feminist, or a liberal commentator.

Paglia does not fit any of the usual descriptors. She is completely free of any ideaology, with no loyalty to any of them, including feminism.

That doesn't mean she doesn't write about, and in support of, feminism, as she does. However, she is just as quick to criticize feminism as well.

Paglia is best example of a free-thinker I think I've ever seen. She lets no one pigeon hole her, and can be a breath of fresh air, (except when I disagree with her, of course :P).


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Paglia calls herself a true feminist. She uses Rush Limbaugh's epithet title for the frauds: feminazi.

That is exactly my point.

There is no love lost between her and the people we usually think of as "feminists," and she doesn't call herself a feminist in the same way they do. Like you said, she considers them the feminazi.

Calling herself a "true feminist," is a way of differentiating herself from the people we usually think of as feminists, like Gloria Steinem, etc., or as she calls them, the frauds.


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That is exactly my point.

There is no love lost between her and the people we usually think of as "feminists," and she doesn't call herself a feminist in the same way they do. Like you said, she considers them the feminazi.

Calling herself a "true feminist," is a way of differentiating herself from the people we usually think of as feminists, like Gloria Steinem, etc., or as she calls them, the frauds.


does that make her a member of the NAGS......:D
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Actually, no. She likes listening to Rush, and uses his term feminazi. However, she's very independent of him, as well.

While I do not agree with some things in her lifestyle, I agree with her way of thinking on many issues. While she is a lesbian, she agrees with the concept of not trashing traditional marriage by allowing other definitions to the term. She thinks that many movements are very dangerous, because they are attempting to impose themselves upon traditional America, which gives us our best chance of survival.

While she voted for Obama, I think we'll see her very critical of some of their choices in "saving" the economy. She's smart enough to know you can't cure the cancer by killing the patient. And that seems to be what we're doing.

It is very sad when we have France nagging us about our spendthrift, wasteful, socialist actions of the past several months.

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Okay, I am praying that Obama will succeed. I appreciate the precarious position we are all in. However, the Federal Government is getting really close to the edge when they dictate that GM's CEO step down before they will consider giving more assistance. Not that removing him was a good or bad decision but the President shouldn't be making that call, it should come from GM's Board of Directors.

There isn't enough of Obama on his best day to be taking on/making this level of decision. What's next a new position in the cabinet to approve the management teams of any organization receiving/benefitting from any bailout money? Wait that IS a good idea. I am so confused.

The market did tank a couple of days ago. I attribute that to the fact that no new plans for the banking, auto, Afghanistan, education, stem cell, etc. were released on that day.

Edited by lusciouschaos
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Okay, I am praying that Obama will succeed. I appreciate the precarious position we are all in. However, the Federal Government is getting really close to the edge when they dictate that GM's CEO step down before they will consider giving more assistance. Not that removing him was a good or bad decision but the President shouldn't be making that call, it should come from GM's Board of Directors.

I dunno about that, the money is a handout, in no way is GM entitled to it and I'd say the government can attach restrictions (now whether those restrictions make sense is another matter), if they want to say no money until the company name is changed to "We can't stay in business to save our lives" its still up the GM as to whether they meet the conditions or not so it is up to to GM as to whether the CEO steps down. Now if Obama was writing Executive Orders that GM's CEO step down or face the wrath of the US Government or some such that would be something else entirely.

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I wouldn't call that action socialist, but rather it comes closer to fascism, when government forces or strong arms companies into making/doing what the government wants made/done.

My main concern are the trillions being spent. Elphaba and others can go ahead and think this bear market is over, but the reality is, we are just entering into a new bubble. When this one pops, it will be even bigger, and with the huge federal debt, we won't be able to bail out a rowboat.

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