John 5:19


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I think the one who stepped in front of Zerahemna's blow to Moroni (unnamed) and smote off the scalp of Zarahemna must be Michael. Wasn't it Michael who actually kicked Lucifer out of heaven? This shows that he was right by Jehova's side in battle and defended him.

Not really sure who Lehi was, unless he was Gabriel (Noah).

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I think that a spirit is kinda an exalted light.

I like the idea of outer darkness being a black hole.

Black hole gravity is so strong that it does not allow light to escape which would make an excellent prison. In a black hole the laws of nature break down such that gravity is stronger than the electromagnetic, weak or strong force. Which would destroy all matter into its most component parts (possibly disrupting the property of gluons and allowing quarks to separate - I wish i knew more physics). We also know that over a very long time that black holes do give off radiation and eventually will evaporate. I dont begin to understand the basic principles but it sounds like an excellent way to recycle matter.

"Jesus says, he will DESTROY death and him that hath the power of it. What can you make of this but decomposition, the returning of the organized particles to their native element, after suffering the wrath of God until the time appointed. That appears a mystery, but the principle has been in existence from all eternity, only it is something you have not known or thought of. When the elements in an organized form do not fill the end of their creation, they are thrown back again, like brother Kimball’s old pottery ware, to be ground up, and made over again. All I have to say about it is what Jesus says—I will destroy Death, and him that hath the power of it, which is the devil. And if he ever makes “a full end of the wicked,” what else can he do than entirely disorganize them, and reduce them to their native element? Here are some of the mysteries of the kingdom." Brigham Young JD 1:275-276

Perhaps its not anhilation, but Damn...

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Still studyin. So far this is my cast.

Zerahemnah - Lucifer

The Lord - Elohim

Alma - Jehovah

Captain Moroni - Adam

Lehi - Probably Gabriel

Un-named soldier - Another arch-angel (could have been raphael-Enoch, or Joseph Smith)

I know you like the un-named soldier as Michael. But I see Captain Moroni as the guy who cast down Lucifer. Revelations 12: 7-9

Alma 43:45

homes - right to tabernacle of flesh and blood

liberty - free agency

Wives and children - opportunity to enter into the everlasting covenant and have children

worship and church - Plan of Salvation

Alma 43:49-50 = Job 38:7

Still working on the geography. You got any insight?

Help a brother out.

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I'm working on the geography as well. Especially "wilderness," that has me intrigued.

But, yes! I agree about wives and children. "Worship God according to their choice" I believe is tied to agency as well. It's really hard to be sure about any of it unless I feel it, because it's like charting new territory. Nothing is named and you can't rely on any directions. So, I realize whatever I come up with is specualtion and am open to ideas.

One thing I do know is Mormon wouldn't rather talk about the wars over the preaching unless there was good reason (see verses 1-3).

What started me down this path is something Elder Bednar said to our stake at a fireside last year. He said that the wars in the Book of Mormon aren't in it to teach us how bloody they were or the about the body count. He said they are there to teach us spiritual truths. When I read verses 1-3 of chapter 43, with his words in mind, a red flag went up.

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Weapons in the pre-existence could be 2 things that I can think of.

1) Words, Logic and truth in the case of the Nephites or Michael's Army. And lies, half truths in the case of the Lamanites or Zarehemna

2) Priesthood power is used by the power of your word and faith, so priesthood

Earlier I think i stated that Helmet or Head plate would protect your brain or consciousness, thus the knowledge of the truth that what you are doing is just, or conviction of your cause.

So the un-named soldier broke or exposed Lucifers Lies and made him lose his conviction in front of his men. Bet that hurt. This makes sense cuz lots of the Lamanites lost their will to continue fighting. But the Lamanites that continued fighting were fighting out of pure emnity (they realized that their lies had been exposed and that indeed their cause was unjust). These idiots were the ones that were eventually cast out or down.

The scalp falling to the ground of course would also be symbolic of him being cast down to earth.

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