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Thats a tough decision, and there isn't a general rule to follow. It has to be decided on an individual case basis. It would depend if he can concentrate on the work and not be distracted by having a girlfriend waiting for him. If you write him you also have to be sure that your letters are appropriate and allow him to focus on his mission. There are benefits to breaking up too though, this way you also are free to date others and there isn't a possibility of the dreaded Dear John letter. When he gets back if circumstance allows then you two can get back together. There isn't any church docterine or guidance that I know of on this issue. I'm in a similar situation myself so i've looked. well I wish you good luck and I hope everything works out for the best!

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Originally posted by gimpandproudofit@Feb 12 2005, 02:09 AM

here's a question...- is it awful to be dating a guy when he leaves on his mission? like, would it be better for him to break up before he leaves, or to just keep writing him while he's gone...

my vote dont break up and keep writeing cuz if it were me knowing that there was a gal back home would help me alot not to get interested in gals on my mission
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