Facial Hair


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Guest estump

What's hilarious to me is that most men I know who have been in bishoprics or the Stake Presidencies almost ALWAYS grow a beard upon their release from that calling. I think some men are extremely attractive w/ facial hair. I also don't get why facial hair is such an issue when some men are the hariest (sp?) beasts on this planet. (now if that has been talked about in this thread all ready, I apologize. I was lazy and didn't feel like reading all four pages of this thread. :ph34r:

I think a groomed beard is fine. I also think it is nit picking and anyone who says: Well if you won't obey the counsel to shave your beard isn't going to obey essential gosple principles is HOGWASH! It's little things like that, that drive me crazy. I can understand someone saying something if BIRDS or RATS were nesting in a man's facial hair....but unless that's the case, MYOB!

I knew a bishop once who refused to give this guy a temple reccommend because of the length of his hair. I thought it was ludicrous. He did EVERYTHING else by the book and had the most affirming testimony. He refused to cut it because he'd worn it long for years. There were those who said he should cut it, because going to the temple was more important. I told him not to cut it, because if he was worthy, he was worthy. He kept it very clean. He worn it in a ponytail on the Sabbath...he was allowed to PASS the sacrament....it just became a personal battle between the two of them. The guy never faltered at all....and I HOPE to high heaven he didn't cut his hair off to this day. He is deserving of entrance into the temple...I mean they'll even let women wear nail polish now...so beards and maybe the occasional man w/ long hair should be no problem. In a fair world w/ out stupid prejudices it would be. BLAH!

I could go on all day about these cultural rules presented as doctrine and being obedient. It urkes me. Love the gospel....can't stand how some things are the way they are w/ certain folks...and I've felt like this since I was 7. Christ, if the man was worthy in all areas...good husband, faithful servant...good dad would not with hold any blessings...I don't understand why some men think they have the 'right' to do that w/ others.

Bottom line to a totally lengthy (and probably useless) commentary....Curvette...I agree with you. :D

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A few weeks ago when walked into church someone jokingly asked my husband if he had lost his razor. A few minutes later he learned up a whispered to him that when people used to tease him about it he would tell them that his psychiatrist recommended him to stay away from anything sharp. :lol:

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Guest curvette

Originally posted by Strawberry Fields@Mar 31 2005, 01:11 PM

A few minutes later he learned up a whispered to him that when people used to tease him about it he would tell them that his psychiatrist recommended him to stay away from anything sharp. :lol:

Very snappy comeback! :D
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