The Athiests Holiday.....


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The Holiday


In Florida, an atheist became incensed over the preparation for

Easter and Passover holidays and decided to contact the local

ACLU about the discrimination inflicted on atheists by the

constant celebrations afforded to Christians and Jews with all

their holidays while the atheists had no holiday to celebrate.

The ACLU jumped on the opportunity to once again pick up the

cause of the godless and assigned their sharpest attorneys to

the case. The case was brought before a wise judge who after

listening to the long, passionate presentation of the ACLU

lawyers, promptly banged his gavel and declared,

"Case dismissed!"

The lead ACLU lawyer immediately stood and objected to the

ruling and said, "Your honor, how can you possibly dismiss this

case? Surely the Christians have Christmas, Easter, and many

other observances. And the Jews--why in addition to Passover

they have Yom Kippur and Hanukkah... and yet my client and all

other atheists have no such holiday!"

The judge leaned forward in his chair and simply said,

"Obviously your client is too confused to know about, or for

that matter, even celebrate the atheists' holiday!"

The ACLU lawyer pompously said, "We are aware of no such holiday

for atheists, just when might that be, your honor?"

The judge said, "Well it comes every year on exactly the same

date - April 1st!"

The fool says in his heart, "There is no God."

Psalm 14:1, Psalm 53:1

Happy April Fools day!

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Not all athiests or non-Christian/Jews seek to destroy special days for other people. I was impressed when I found out a friend, who is a pagan, went to Easter Mass to light a candle for a friend who couldn't participate in that special event for Catholics. It was a favor he asked of her, and she knew how much it meant to him, so she went and she lite the candle in his stead.

Well, it impressed me anyway.

(had to edit pagan...I misspelled it)

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Originally posted by lindy9556@Apr 2 2005, 12:21 AM

Not all athiests or non-Christian/Jews seek to destroy special days for other people. I was impressed when I found out a friend, who is a pagen, went to Easter Mass to light a candle for a friend who couldn't participate in that special event for Catholics. It was a favor he asked of her, and she knew how much it meant to him, so she went and she lite the candle in his stead.

Well, it impressed me anyway.

Nice. So there are some good athiest. :)
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Originally posted by Taoist_Saint@Apr 4 2005, 04:46 PM

Sorry if this is off-topic...

Speaking of Atheists, I wonder how many are true Atheists.

Christians and other "Theists" are quick to label people as atheists, when in fact there are quite a few levels of Theism in between.

Here's a few words to think about...

Theist: Believes in a god, especially as a being of some sort.

Non-Theist: Believes in a god but not necessarily as a being...believes god is more like a force or process. Maybe their god is the Tao, Brahman, Mother Nature or whatever you want to call it.

Agnostic: Just doesn't know if god exists or not and may or may not be content with that.

Atheist: Believes that there is no god in any form.

I think that Atheism takes as much faith as Theism. The Atheist cannot prove God does not exist, just as a Christian can not prove that God exists. So both rely on faith.

The Non-Theist has faith, but in my opinion, not as much as the Theist and Atheist.

The Agnostic has no faith in anything divine, positive or negative.

Back on topic:

I have not heard of many Atheists, Agnostics, Jews, Muslims, Pagans, Buddhists, Taoists, Hindus, etc. who have actively tried to cancel Christmas and Easter. Maybe a minority, but they are usually insecure fundamentalists of some sort.

Are you here in Utah? Cause I think we have all of the above and more trying to cancel everything to do with Christian Holidays. :(
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