Does no one sleep?


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I once was offered a position as a police officer or at least apply for it by the police station training officer. See I was providing asset and general security of of the departments assets because a rouge vandal was flattening the employees tires. The retirement package had changes for those who were about to retire so a large amount of officers were leaving for retirment. I said I could but, the hours do not jive with my circadiam rithum. Working from 6 am to 6 pm then turn around and work 6 pm to 6 am I dont think my body could handle it.

Now If I am entering into deep dream state, it means my body is full rem state and it means that I will fully function in a 16 hour period.

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I've been on some tablets since I was about 14 (I'm 23 now) which make me extremely tired. The problem is, because I took them as prescribed for years without any "breaks" from them, I didn't realise the effect they were having on me. When I was about 20 I had a stage of depression in which I didn't want to do anything, and stopped taking the tablets as well. It was at that point I realised how alert and awake I felt in comparision to the previous 6 years, I feel like I'm on a high when I don't take them and will stay up until the early hours of the morning. So now I'm juggling taking them and not taking them, trying to decide if the effects the tablets were prescribed to stop or the side effects they cause are worse.

So on a day I'm not taking them, you'll likely see me here at about 3am and then again at 7am :P

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