Bruce R. McConkie

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"It is my province to teach to the Church what the doctrine is. It is your province to echo what I say or to remain silent." -- Bruce R. McConkie

Right now, I'm not too fond of him. xD He's said a lot of things which are rather interesting, and true, and so forth, but I'm currently as irritated by some of his stuff as I am by the Discourses of Brigham Young.

More, actually, since there are a lot of people within the church who accept these things.

So I'm giving all of you a job: Either convince me that my first action in the afterlife should not be to find a big stick and give him a well-deserved whacking (which will not, after all, be fatal, or even damaging, and so be rather less of a bad thing than here on Earth), or squash the little voice in my head saying that I should just leave him be, and in a hundred years nobody's gonna pay any more attention to the loony bits of his talks and writings than they do Brigham Young's.


robert mason

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BRM is who he is. I was like you, one you start to go off and teach some strange things I never knew if I could fully believe any of his words. But really the longer Elder McConkie was Elder McConkie the more he grew in what he knew he should teach and even more how he should teach it.

After reading more some of his Promised Messiah book and mostly his finaly book "A New Witness to the Articles of Faith" I realized he did know his stuff! He knew how to covey a pretty good principle in a straight foward manner.

After looking more at all of his words (some BYU talks) I became a fan!

I think others that do the same, well become a fan also.

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I never thought of it in that light - that if there was more to learn, it would mean there might be a better way to salvation than what we currently have etc. it would destroy the entire thing. That eternal progression is about increasing the size of your family so to speak, rather than learning more truths.

I suppose this is a bit off the topic, but eternity seems rather pointless if the sole point is "increasing the size of your family, so to speak."


That said, thank you.

I'm still a bit miffed with him, but unless somebody brings up something I'm not currently aware of, I suppose I'll skip out on the beating.

Edited by Robert_Mason
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It only seems pointless until you realize what "increasing the size of your family" really means. Ultimate joy and happiness does not come with learning facts, it comes from friendships, people, love etc... Are your happiest memories those of taking tests / sitting in a desk at school? or hanging out with friends/family?

To be entirely truthful...

I'm not too fond of people in general. A scattering of friends, and some family, but ultimately I can only stand to be around people because I don't have to be around them all the time. Most of my voluntary face-to-face interaction with other people is limited to a few hours a week.

So actually, while my happiest memories are not of taking tests, they are of reading, especially if said reading material allows me to learn, or at least makes me think.

People? Nice, yeah, but in general they're rather overrated, IMO. Possibly because it's people rating people. xD

Books? Proof of God's existence.

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So, why are you miffed...particularly with Bruce R. McConkie? He was a spiritual giant....IMO. He thought highly of his opinion to be sure....but, he was well respected by the other General Authorities. True, some controversy surrounded the original version of Mormon Doctrine, but not so much that he wasn't asked to edit and soften the tone in the later edition. I will always remember his final conference talk.....talking about feeling the Holy Spirit when I first heard it. I recently read the Bruce R. McConkie story written by his son Joseph Fielding McConkie.......a very moving look at his father. I have a lot of McConkie talks and he seems to repeat and reiterate many of the same themes dealing with Eternal life, the creation, fall and atonement and most of his comments are paraphrased scripture and paraphrased thoughts and commentary from earlier Prophets. He played a huge role in the current rendering of the standard works...which says alot and is still often quoted by current GA's and in in teaching materials.

I learn a great deal from his books and talks and have received Spiritual witness as to the verity of his teachings. He is one of my personal favorites.

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I'm going to close this thread. will not be used for personal writings of your dislike for our leaders and/or GA's. If another moderator disagrees with my decision they can reopen it.

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