Living together first can spoil marriage (gasp!)


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I think it can work both ways. Like the article says, you could "slip into" marriage because you figure you are already living together, but you could also find out when you move in with someone that you actually can't stand them and avoid what would have been a horrible marriage.

They probably should have also had another study asking how many times moving in before marriage helped them figure out it was a bad idea. That would give a better idea of the harm/good balance that moving in before marriage really does.

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I think it can work both ways. Like the article says, you could "slip into" marriage because you figure you are already living together, but you could also find out when you move in with someone that you actually can't stand them and avoid what would have been a horrible marriage.

They probably should have also had another study asking how many times moving in before marriage helped them figure out it was a bad idea. That would give a better idea of the harm/good balance that moving in before marriage really does.

Good catch:animatedthumbsup:

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Well I for one can say that living together before marriage may help you to really get to know someone. Not that I think that it is right though. When i was much younger, I moved in with my girlfriend of five years after we had been out of high school about a year. We had dated four about 4.5 years before moving in together. We seemed to be the perfect couple. Six months later we decided to break it off as we both realized that we could not "live" together. We are still good friends and have both been married to great spouses for many years since.

My wife and I have been married for 17 years and lived together briefly before getting married. We dated about 8 months and lived together about half that time before getting married. It has been great ever since. I really don't know if my longtime girlfriend and I would have made it if we were married first, but we may have worked at it harder. I have no complaints at all. The experiences before meeting my wife makes me appreciate her even more.

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The crazy thing about this article is I agree with the conclusion (Living together before marriage can spoil marriage) but I disagree with the reasons provided. Wierd, huh?

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