The Connection Between Mormonism and The Boy Scouts of America?

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Guest Believer_1829

I'm at a loss...

I guess the BSA is the worst thing to come along since the Hitler Youth of Germany.


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Guest Believer_1829

What is your source for the claim that the LDS Church ever had a formal affiliation with the Girl Scouts? My mother (61 this year) remembers no such activities when she was growing up.

The issue isn't that the men are or aren't decent guys with sincere motives. The issue is that the BSA is continually whining about budget shortfalls, selling off to real estate developers properties that were donated to the boys (like the old Camp 49er in California some years back), and raising the financial burden on its members with increasing fees and materials costs at its Scout Offices--all the while maintaining an overpaid bureaucracy whose primary objective (from the round table meetings I've been to) is to justify its own existence. Then they have the unmitigated gall to ask me for a couple hundred bucks on the pretense that it's "for the kids", while conveniently omitting the fact that those kids all belong to the local council executives.

What do you believe is the proper salary for the executives of a worldwide mostly volunteer organization?

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I'm at a loss...

I guess the BSA is the worst thing to come along since the Hitler Youth of Germany.


Why is there so much opposition to the Boy Scouts of America within the Church? I believe it stems from the LDS culture somehow pulling Boy Scouts into the Priesthood rather than keeping it what it is -- a program. When priesthood leaders are expected to act as fundraisers for those that profit from such fundraising, when quotas are set for said fundraising, when better-off members of wards are targeted for fundraising, when fundraising activity is announced over the pulpit, when scout activity is somehow implied to be a part priesthood duty, when scout uniforms are somehow acceptable church attire (especially when coupled with the attitude that a suit and tie or a dress are the ONLY acceptable church attire), etc. I believe you will naturally hit resistance.

I believe the scouting program can be and frequently is helpful for the development of many young men. However, I start getting antagonistic when scouting is raised beyond the status of a program. (That and I have personal issues with taking oaths to unconditionally promote and further advance any temporal organization, with the BSA Eagle oath being just one such instance.) I would love it if there were comparable programs for the character development of young women as well.

On a side note, I believe the character of the young men could be further helped by NOT attaching their accomplishments to their uniforms. Badges of honor feed the ego, and we should be working to control and ultimately defeat the ego -- should we not? Do we seek for the praise of the world? This isn't to say the scouting program is inherently flawed because of this, just that I personally see room for improvement.

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Guest Believer_1829

The BSA is what the LDS leaders have deemed as the proper program for the young men of the church... are they inspired in their decision or not?

***By the way I agree with qedd's opinion about taking oaths and things, that's why LDS frats and sororities have always puzzled me.***

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What do you believe is the proper salary for the executives of a worldwide mostly volunteer organization?

1. The "Boy Scouts of America" is by definition not a worldwide program.

2. I believe I already mentioned the DesNews' article referring to the salaries of employees of the Girl Scouts and Boys & Girls Club (about 50% of what the BSA pays), as well as anecdotes I've heard about 4H (similar ballpark).

The BSA is what the LDS leaders have deemed as the proper program for the young men of the church... are they inspired in their decision or not?

LDS involvement with the BSA was an appropriate course of action when the policy was initiated. Whether it is still appropriate in light of the BSA's increasing financial demands in general, and its policy of pointedly shaking down LDS units in particular, is an open question.

Let me ask you this: If, after President Monson's death, his successor elects to ditch the BSA--will that be an inspired decision?

Edited by Just_A_Guy
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The LDS church has made preparations to not be affiliated with BSA. This was done several years ago with a concern that BSA may be required to accept homosexual, gay, Scoutmasters. Since this did not happen the LDS church did not have to drop BSA but there is a plan just in case.

Ben Raines

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The LDS church has made preparations to not be affiliated with BSA. This was done several years ago with a concern that BSA may be required to accept homosexual, gay, Scoutmasters. Since this did not happen the LDS church did not have to drop BSA but there is a plan just in case.

Ben Raines

I have always heard that the Church has told the BSA as soon as they allow homosexual, gay leaders they would pull out and there is a program that would go into place.
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