Just A Reminder About Internet Trolls

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Next time you are on a message board and you see a post by somebody whom you think is a troll, and you feel you must reply, simply write a follow-up message entitled "Troll Alert" and type only this:

The only way to deal with trolls is to limit your reaction to reminding others not to respond to trolls.

By posting such a message, you let the troll know that you know what he is, and that you are not going to get dragged into his twisted little hobby.

The Internet is a splendidly haphazard collection of both serious and silly material. Because it is so free, there are bound to be problems. I think that we can best enjoy it if we deal with everything that happens online with a wry grin and a ready shrug. ;)

The above information came from an article by Timothy Campbell

If you want to learn more about the damage an internet troll can cause do a search with the words "Internet Troll"

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A land with "trolls" is a make-believe place - trolls are not real, have never been real, and never will be real. They are the product of a vivid imagination. To address a troll, or to consider a perceived problem caused by a supposed troll, is to waste important time and energy on subjects that fuel fantasy-land environs.

Perhaps there are individuals who do not ask the kind of questions those already here enjoy or appreciate. Perhaps they doubt things the "regulars" believe. Maybe some people actually have beliefs outside the parameters of LDS thought; maybe they are truly searching. What I have found is that people in possession of the Truth never need to lash out, get angry, or assasinate other ideas no matter how charged they may be at the onset. "A soft answer turneth away wrath," right.

Jesus applied a deadening of the senses to those who shut out truth. He said the don't see or can't hear. To shut out those visitors who come with tough questions, accusations, and/or ideas because they make us uncomfortable is a form of denial. It lends to the establishment of fantasy worlds. The longer the environment continues without confrontation, the more the world separates from reality.

There aren't any trolls out there, fellow post people. There are only living, breathing, individuals who are looking to exchange, question, probe, and sometimes challenge. Let's give em' a chance.


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Originally posted by Shawn@Jul 19 2005, 07:13 PM

There aren't any trolls out there, fellow post people. There are only living, breathing, individuals who are looking to exchange, question, probe, and sometimes challenge.

If you place ruby slippers on your feet, click your heals together three times while saying There’s no place like home... you will end up in Kansas. :rolleyes:

If the shoe fits....

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Originally posted by Jenifer@Jul 6 2005, 09:45 PM

And, they look like this:

Posted Image

This, I do believe...if not the outside, then definately the inside! (of course, though, only if they are trolling againt us...if we are trolling their websites, then we look like angels ;) ).

Very funny, by the way.

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