What If The Book Of Mormon


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Another one of those emails I had to share with you.....

"What if the Book of Mormon had been written by Dr. Seuss?"

Author: Unknown

Nephi: Of goodly parents I was born; I've never drunk, I've never sworn;

This is Lehi, he's my dad; Laman, Lemuel, they are bad; And who is this?

Why this is Sam; Yes, this is Sam;

Sam: Sam I am

Laman: That Sam I am, that Sam I am; I do not like that Sam I am

Sam: In a tent, my father dwelt

Laman: And it's so hot, I think I'll melt

Lemuel: Our father's brain is out of whack

Laman: Yeah, it's too hot, I'm going back

Lehi: Then go and get the plates my dear

Laman: On second thought, I'm staying here

Nephi: You said you'd leave and go away; Now all you want to do is stay?

Lemuel: That Nephi always gets his way

Laman: Here we are in this damp cave

Sam: We would not be here if you'd behave

Nephi: I will go and I will do; There's the angel, that's my cue

Laban's had too much to drink; Now he'll lose his head, I think

Nephi: Look what I found, a brother from the quorum

Sam: We will take him home, we will call him Zoram

Lemuel: Oh great, another pathetic life form

Laman: Our gold and silver we have spent; I do not like it in this tent

Lemuel: I cannot read the Liahona; I must have drunk too much Corona

Laman: We hate it here, we have no lives

Lehi: Then go back to the city and get some wives

Lehi: A tree, a tree, I see a tree; The fruit is white, the fruit is free;

A floating building, could it be? Why do they laugh and stare at me?

Laman, Lemuel, come and see

Laman: We will not eat your precious fruit

Lemuel: We will not wear a tie and suit

Laman: We will not help you build your boat

Lemuel: We do not think that it will float

Laman: No not this boat, it will not float; Not even in a shallow moat; I do not care what Nephi wrote

Lemuel: We will not eat your fruit I say

Laman: We will not eat it on a tray

Lemuel: And we won't eat it in a tent; Not even if your clothes you rent

Laman: We'd rather have a can of spam

L & L: We will not eat it, Sam I am

Sam: You do not like it, so you say; Try it, try it, and you may

Try it and you may I say

Laman: Sam, if you will let us be, We will try it, you will see


edited: Sorry if the above offends any soft hearts.....not my intention :( ... I found it humorous ....but that is just me.

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I wouldnt expect anything else from you because all of your posts have sounded anti......

There are somethings in life that I can joke about, but scriptures are not one of them :rolleyes: . This just truly hurts my heart to read it, I wonder how many wasteful hours it took to come up with it? ;)

I think I will stick to the saturday morning Calvin and Hobbs :D

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I wouldnt expect anything else from you because all of your posts have sounded anti......

There are somethings in life that I can joke about, but scriptures are not one of them . This just truly hurts my heart to read it, I wonder how many wasteful hours it took to come up with it?

I think I will stick to the saturday morning Calvin and Hobbs


Sisterhood It is the security a woman feels in knowing that another woman understands and cares.


Since you say I sound "anti," would you define what this means?



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If you make a post with a sincere question that great ! but "most" come in here asking rediculouse and stupid questions just to get peoples goats...thats all i'm saying...I hope you are being sincere.........thats all

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