Good For the Soul - L A Burton


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Good For The Soul | By L A Burton | Category: Religion & Spirituality | Blurb

This book was written by a latter-day saint who felt impressed to write a story about the pre-existance. Since then she has written poems about the church and our pre-earth life and kept them hidden away on her computer.

Months rolled by and still she felt niggled. Like she had to do something with her writings. She compiled a couple of her poems, a story about the War in Heaven and her photography and entitled the book "Good for the Soul".

If you haven't guessed already, I am the author. That was my experience and I would love to share my book with you all. I pray there is someone out there who will be uplifted from it and hopefully inspire people to search for the Gospel.

Could you all please spread the word about this book? I'm not selling it for profit - I just want to reach out to as many people as possible!

Thank you!

Laura xx

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