Going to talk tonight


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I have returned from my trip to VA only to find my wife as distant as ever. She said a couple things to me on the phone the other night that lead me to believe things couldn't be darker. After reflecting for a week I now know that I cant just let those emails to another go. If we are going to fix our marriage and try to move on, I need to know what that relationship is or was. I cant commit myself to this if I am constantly thinking that there is someone else. Hope you all will say a prayer for our family and myself. Tonight might be a rough night.

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Had somewhat of a similar discussion after a week out of town this last January. I can fully understand why you feel the need to seek resolution. My only suggestion is to be as calm and prayerful as you possibly can be. Even though you feel you have to push the issue, you want to come out on the other side feeling you are not at fault, you did the best possible, and without regrets.

Good luck.

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Thanks everyone. It would now appear that we are going out to dinner first. Which is ok, that will give the kids time to get to their football game so we can be alone for a bit to talk. I just can't believe that after 17 years together that it has come down to this. The complete nose dive that our marriage has taken over the last three months is mind boggling.

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Well we sat down Friday night after having a nice dinner together and had a nice talk(lasted three hours or so). I realized that both of us have done things over the summer that did not help our relationship together and there have been several misunderstandings along the way. We have committed to talking more and working on our marriage. We spent an amazing weekend together. Did a whole lot of nothing but we were together and I feel that we really moved forward in reconnecting.

We both have things we wish we could take back, but I am going to do everything in my power to fix this and if this past weekend is any indication, we are well on our way. I finally feel in my heart that she wants this as much as I do. I have to keep faith that in the end that will be enough. Even though I knew that joining the church was not what she wanted me to do, I ignored how deep it went. I have decided to take a break away from church for a bit so that we can concentrate on us. It's in no way final, but I think that it is what is best after our talks over the last couple days.

I will be meeting with my bishop this week and informing him of the same. I hope he understands. The events over the last few months nearly cost me my family and right now I need to know that we have us fixed before going further in the church.

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