how do you fix a relationship?


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I realize now that breaking the law of chastity does a lot of harm to a relationship, the way you view one another, the respect you have for eachother, the spiritualy connection, the way you talk to eachother...just so many things are damaged. Other then the obvious stopping the sin and working toward repentence with priesthood authority, what can be done to mend all of those things? will they just naturally right themselves as we come closer to the savior and stay clean from here on out, will it take more than that, or are they permanently broken?

after almost 1 month of keeping the law of chastity 100% for the both of us things seem to be getting better, much better, but is there more we can do?

thanks so much and I ope everyone is doing well!

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Lost, I firmly believe that the Atonement can heal anything, in time. Including broken relationships.

On the other hand, at the risk of sounding like a condescending jerk:

You're 21. The world is your oyster right now, and there are thousands of guys with whom you could form a relationship that wouldn't have the baggage your current one carries.

Are you sure this guy's worth it? Really?

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