What Do Lds Apostles Have That We Don't?

Guest ApostleKnight

Do you believe our apostles today have seen the resurrected Christ personally as per Acts 1:21-22?  

2 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you believe our apostles today have seen the resurrected Christ personally as per Acts 1:21-22?

    • In a dream.
    • In a waking vision.
    • No.
    • They don't have to.

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I would talk with the Institute Director about that teacher if I were you, so that he can be made better aware of something the teacher may not be teaching correctly.

And btw, it's not wrong to critique a teacher, as long as it is done in the proper attitude and in the proper circumstances.

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Guest ApostleKnight

Originally posted by Ray@Nov 3 2005, 03:30 PM

And btw, it's not wrong to critique a teacher, as long as it is done in the proper attitude and in the proper circumstances.

A simple, "Which prophet taught that sons of perdition would evaporate into nothingness?" would probably get your point across to the teacher! :) Or perhaps, "Which scripture teaches that? I couldn't find it to highlight it." :)

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Alma taught that as there was NO END for the souls of men, there had to be NO END for either their rewards or their punishment. So i showed him that, and all the others of Alma thats spoke of the souls as inmortal, that cant be ever destroyed but he didnt even believe. He also convinced a missionary of the son of Jesus, and ALSO DARED to tell me that Jesus didnt suffer for our physical sickness!

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Guest ApostleKnight

Originally posted by Serg@Nov 3 2005, 04:20 PM

He also convinced a missionary of the son of Jesus, and  ALSO DARED to tell me that Jesus didnt suffer for our physical sickness!

Talk to your Stake President Serq. This guy has got to go, period. It's one thing to believe those things...it's another to pass them off as doctrine to impressionable institute students.

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Originally posted by ApostleKnight+Nov 3 2005, 03:43 PM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-Serg@Nov 3 2005, 04:20 PM

He also convinced a missionary of the son of Jesus, and  ALSO DARED to tell me that Jesus didnt suffer for our physical sickness!

Talk to your Stake President Serq. This guy has got to go, period. It's one thing to believe those things...it's another to pass them off as doctrine to impressionable institute students.

I think you should talk with you your bishop, or stake president, or Institute Director, or somebody with authority over this teacher. A simple talk may be enough to set things straight, so that the teacher won't continue to teach things that are not authorized to be taught in a Church institute class.
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When I was about 17, I prayed every night, with a rebellious spirit, tempting God to show me, to prove to me, that there was a God. Night after night, I struggled with this, continually praying and receiving nothing. I finally came to the conclusion that I wasn't getting an answer to my prayers and decided to forget it. One night, I was awakened by a dream. Since I lived in a small town primarily composed of Hispanic Catholics, the significance of the dream was meaningful, as I was taught that only Mormons would go to heaven. In my dream, I saw nuns and priests all around, and in the center I saw a hand extended toward me. The light was so bright, it illuminated His hand which I could see extended from His robe. As He reached toward me, it was as if He touched my spirit, and I was filled with an overwhelming peace and joy and happiness. I awoke immediately to tell my parents about my "vision." After my dream, I knew without a shadow of a doubt that God is real, and I have never doubted His existence since. I am very thankful and feel blessed that my Heavenly Father answered my prayers, which has served as the foundation of my testimony that Christ lives, and He hears and answers our prayers. If I can receive "visitations" in "waking dreams", why would anyone doubt that the apostles of God can and do?

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Originally posted by ApostleKnight+Nov 2 2005, 12:04 PM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-porterrockwell@Nov 2 2005, 03:33 AM

Not a Holy of Holies.  I have a dear friend who works(Im a Temple Missionary there) at the Seattle Temple and she says it's nothing more than a closet sized room with a door.

I have a friend serving a temple mission at the Seattle Temple too actually, small world. :) However, unless my friend or yours has ever been in the room...how can you categorically say what it is or isn't? Not that my testimony rests on all temples HAVING to have a Holy of Holies...but if you read in the OT, the original Mosaic Holy of Holies (Kodesh ha Kodashim in Hebrew) wasn't terribly large. Closet-sized is pretty ambiguous...I've seen some pretty huge walk-in closets myself.

But then, maybe the prophet likes walking all the way to the 5th floor to hang his coat in his special closet. :)

Is your friend's name Josh? If so then it is me. From what I gathered only a select few Temples have Holy of Holies. By the way LeGrand, I met your grandfather while working at the temple on Friday(Just got my white coat), cool guy, we are also all praying for your dad. Keep the faith brother.

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