Questions For Non Mormons


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Hi can you help me i am doing a psychology experiment into why some people believe in the Lds faith and others don't and why some believe in God while others don't and what benfits come from their believe.

Would you mind answering the following questiions, you may be brief in your answers if you wish to quote sources just let me have the source rather that typing it out. If you wish to remain anomous you can email answers to [email protected]

Thankyou in advance for your participation.


What is YOUR opinion of Joseph Smith and the other Book of Mormon witnesses.

What have you read or heard which has influenced your opinion

How would you explain the the book of Mormon as evidence of the Lds faith

How many times have you read the book of Mormon

Did you pray about it

How often do you pray a day

Do your present believes or traditions restrict your believe in some thing?

What do you not believe in

In your own words describe faith and it's meaning

Why do you believe in your current faith. ie; parents,personal experience etc.

How often do you go to church

Do you eat a balanced diet

Do you smoke drink or take drugs

How often do you excerise

Do you take part in any form of mental excerise word puzzles etc.

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Guest Taoist_Saint

Sure, I'll be happy help with a psychology experiment :)

This is for Non-Mormons, right?

What is YOUR opinion of Joseph Smith and the other Book of Mormon witnesses?

I do not believe JS was a Prophet. I do not know what his motivations were. There only seems to be two other possibilities...either he was a liar or he was delusional. I don't know enough about him to say which.

As for the witnesses, it is my understanding that they never actually saw the gold plates, except with "spiritual eyes", which I assume means they had a "feeling" they were really there under the blanket or whatever was covering them.

What have you read or heard which has influenced your opinion?

My opinion on Joseph Smith was formed before I ever read anything about him. Someone told me the story of his visions, the plates, and the translation. Being someone who does not believe in miracles, I immediately assumed he was crazy or a con man.

After hearing about his witnesses, my first impression was that they were just good friends of his, and lied for his benefit...which made me conclude that Joseph Smith must have been a con man.

After reading a quote from a historical document (sorry, I don't remember who it was that wrote it) that the witnesses used "spiritual eyes", I have decided that maybe he wasn't a con man...I was then open to the idea that he might have hallucinated his visions, the plates, the translation, etc. But I think it is still possible he was a con man.

How would you explain the the book of Mormon as evidence of the Lds faith?

I'm not sure I understand the question. But I will say that if the Book of Mormon is proven to be a fiction written by Joseph Smith, the LDS would have a hard time maintaining faith in their Prophets and their Church as the one true church.

How many times have you read the book of Mormon?


Did you pray about it?

I do not believe in a God that we can actually communicate with...though I think we can look for signs he has left us to find answers to our questions. Those signs can be found in science, history, etc.

When I read the BoM, I suspended disbelief, and assumed there was a God to hear me, and I prayed about it. I did not get a response.

How often do you pray a day?

As mentioned above, I do not pray. I try to meditate when possible, but I have trouble concentrating and have not been successful at making it a daily habit.

Do your present beliefs or traditions restrict your believe in some thing?

I believe something must have caused the universe to exist, and for it to exist with logical laws, so I believe there must be an intelligent being...God...who created it (that is Deism). But I do not believe that God interferes with his creation or communicates with humans. I think God created the universe and its laws, and now everything is just happening...cause and effect...according to his laws. If we try to interfere with the natural flow of the laws, bad things will happen (that is Taoism).

So I am restricted from believing in Judeo-Christian tradition...a divine Jesus...Prophets...etc.

What do you not believe in?

Things that lack evidence. If there is a good amount of evidence for something, I will generally believe it. But there must be more evidence than just words on the pages of a book.

In your own words describe faith and it's meaning.

Belief in something you cannot prove or which lacks evidence.

Why do you believe in your current faith. ie; parents,personal experience etc.

Personal Experience. And lack of experiences that would lead me to believe in more popular faiths.

How often do you go to church?

I have not been to church for over a year, though I am attending an LDS baptism this year.

Do you eat a balanced diet?

Not as well as I should be.

Do you smoke, drink or take drugs?

I used to drink too much in my younger years...I stopped 5 years ago.

I now drink beer or wine occasionally (maybe once every few months). I do not get drunk. I drink coffee regularly.

How often do you excerise?

Not enough! Too lazy :ph34r:

But I want to work on that...

Do you take part in any form of mental excerise word puzzles etc.

Yes, but nothing specific. I read alot of things that make me think. I play strategy games.

I hope that helps.

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Guest john146truth

Re: Questions/

Answers to them

What is YOUR opinion of Joseph Smith and the other Book of Mormon witnesses.

I believe that Joseph Smith was only a man who was a part of history, I do not consider him a prophet, other than a false prophet.

What have you read or heard which has influenced your opinion

I have read the BOM and studied the Churches history from the LDS church pamplets, and writings, I did not find them to bear any witness of truth.

How would you explain the the book of Mormon as evidence of the Lds faith

I believe that the BOM was a book written by a man, I find it ironic that parts of the book are straight out of the King James English and much of the books of Isiah.

How many times have you read the book of Mormon several

Did you pray about it Yes...just as I prayed while reading the Bible...I believe that all scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righeousness, that the man of god may be adequate equipped for every good work. II Timothy 3:16,17. I do not consider the BOM, Pearl of Great Price Or D&C to be scriptures but only books written by man and not inspired by God.

How often do you pray a day

I Pray several times a day and always ready to pray when someone has a need.

Do your present believes or traditions restrict your believe in some thing?

The only restrictions that I have are those from the Word of God the Bible

What do you not believe in

I do not believe in witchcraft, false religions, false prophets,

In your own words describe faith and it's meaning

My faith is strong, it is based on my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and only Him I believe he is the Only Way, The Only Truth, and the Only Life, and the ONLY WAY TO THE FATHER.

Why do you believe in your current faith. ie; parents,personal experience etc.

I came to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ when I was in my 20's I was influenced by reading the Bible and finding Jesus by myself.

How often do you go to church

I attend church On all Sunday and week day services and when there are special services or meetings.

Do you eat a balanced diet

Yes I eat a balanced diet.

Do you smoke drink or take drugs

I do not smoke, drink or take drugs that are not presciribed by a Dr for specific needs such as Blood Pressure etc.

How often do you excerise

I don't exercise as I should. Take walks and yard work.

Do you take part in any form of mental excerise word puzzles etc.

Yes I love games, especially word games such as scrabble. I like to keep my mind alert and stimulated.

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Originally posted by harrypotter@Nov 3 2005, 02:11 AM

Hi can you help me i am doing a psychology experiment into why some people believe in the Lds faith and others don't and why some believe in God while others don't and what benfits come from their believe.

:hmmm: I'm wondering if this is an actual course-work, academic research type psychology, or a "I wonder what these people are thinking" type of lay-pschology type.  In any case, I'll bite.

Would you mind answering the following questiions, you may be brief in your answers if you wish to quote sources just let me have the source rather that typing it out. If you wish to remain anomous you can email answers to [email protected]

Thankyou in advance for your participation.


What is YOUR opinion of Joseph Smith and the other Book of Mormon witnesses.

:idea: In apologetics, Christians are taught to challenge skeptics with the proposition that Jesus was either a liar, delusional, or he was who he said he was.  It's the same with Smith and immediate followers.  Was everything Smith claimed true?  Could he have been deceived?  Frankly, I have not studied much, but the claim that an angel told him all other Christian denominations are wrong, and that he would lead the restoration of the Christian church was either hubris on a grand scale, intentional religious con, or a revolutionary revelation that the greater Christian world continues to miss.

What have you read or heard which has influenced your opinion

:idea: Kingdom of the Cults, The God Makers I & II, This Side of Heaven, God's Army, and quite a few of those comparison charts "The Bible Says...LDS teachings say" Oh...and a great one-hour chat with DisRupt on the LDS plan of salvation--which was probably more insightful than all the rest.

How would you explain the the book of Mormon as evidence of the Lds faith

:idea: I've been led to believe that doctrines distinct to LDS faith are more evident in the Doctrine & Covenants--that the Book of Mormon reads much like the Bible.

How many times have you read the book of Mormon

:idea: I've only read portions of the Book of Mormon.  Okay...I'll get to it.

Did you pray about it

:idea: Yes...I would do so before reading any spiritual book--especially one claiming to be Holy Scripture.

How often do you pray a day

:idea: I have one dedicated session a day, and then pray sporadic short prayers.

Do your present believes or traditions restrict your believe in some thing?

:idea: While the Assemblies of God accepts spiritual gifts such as prophetic utterances, tongues and interpretations, dreams and visions...we also believe the canon of Scripture is closed.  Additionally, we see prophecy operating through lay-people, not through those with an office of prophet.  The prophecy is always subject to Scripture, and an utterance can be declared "in the flesh" or "not of God.'

Another major difference is the plan of salvation.  We believe that salvation is through faith alone in Christ alone--and not be works, nor by a religious organization.  Once a person dies, the judgment is heaven or hell.  Those who reject Jesus' forgiveness and gift of salvation are damned to hell.

What do you not believe in

While I do believe that some will receive greater rewards than others in heaven, I do not believe there will be three tiers.  On a practical level, such teaching would seem to deaden the fear of sinners in the reality of hell.

Another vague difficulty I have is with the ideas surrounding our preexistence.  The idea that God has evolved, and that there may be other divinities is quite different from my belief in a God who ageless and alone, all-knowing, all-powerful, and everywhere-present.

In your own words describe faith and it's meaning

:idea: My moment of faith came at the age of 10.  I had been invited to Sunday school, and the teacher explained to us that God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, and that if we would believe in him we would not perish, but have everlasting life (John 3:16, losely paraphrased from the NIV).  She went on to ask us to confess our sins, because God would forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9).  I raised my hand, prayed the prayer from my heart, and have allowed God his way in my life ever sense.

The life of faith includes on-going prayer, Bible study, commitment to a community of faith (church), investment in God's kingdom (tithes and offerings), and growing holiness (separation from sin, and joining in on God's kingdom work in whatever way I can).

Why do you believe in your current faith. ie; parents,personal experience etc.

:idea: It began with faithful church workers coming into my neighborhood with candy and balloons, offering us kids rides to Sunday School.  My parents were not church-goers, so the church raised me spiritually.  Faithful teachers, preachers, youth workers, evangelists, missionaries, and yes, even some of the TV ministries.

How often do you go to church

:idea: I attend an early morning prayer group, teach adult Sunday school, attend the morning worship service, and then head of to the jail, where I lead two services more.

Do you eat a balanced diet

:blush:  I get enough of all the food groups, but too much of some of them. 

Do you smoke  drink or take drugs

  :dontknow:  No.  However, by LDS standards, my coffee-drinking might be considered drink or drugs, I'm not sure which.

I'm not sure the Bible prohibits drinking moderate alcohol.  However, I belong to a community of faith that  :(  upon it.  I sure do not need it.  So, I gave it up for the sake of Christian unity, and to avoid the appearance of evil.  It turns out, most non-Christians in these parts assume that Christians don't drink. 

Whatever is not of faith, is sin.

How often do you excerise


Do you take part in any form of mental excerise word puzzles etc.

:ph34r:  Working in a correctional setting means non-stop mental exercise.

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What is YOUR opinion of Joseph Smith and the other Book of Mormon witnesses: Frauds, or victims of satanic deception.

What have you read or heard which has influenced your opinion:

Galations, my awsome brain.

How would you explain the the book of Mormon as evidence of the Lds faith:


How many times have you read the book of Mormon:

i have read chunks of it here and there.

Did you pray about it:


How often do you pray a day:

very frequently.

Do your present believes or traditions restrict your believe in some thing?, i dont think so. But then i don't think i entirely understand the question either.

What do you not believe in:


In your own words describe faith and it's meaning:

Faith would be the belief in something that can not be proven, or trust in something that is not gurenteed.

Why do you believe in your current faith. ie; parents,personal experience etc.

Because it makes sense to me. I am soley responsible for the origin of most of what i believe. Which is probably why i don't believe alot of the same things as others.

How often do you go to church:

Depends on whether or not the Redskins are playing.

Do you eat a balanced diet:

I would assume not.

Do you smoke drink or take drugs:

Yes to the first two. Never used a "narcotic" or any other illeagle drug substance.

How often do you excerise:

A few times a week i guess, im an assistant martial arts instrcutor.

Do you take part in any form of mental excerise word puzzles etc.

On occasion.

So... what did i win?

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