school and teens


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How to make a teenage son who has ONLY 1 1/2 year left of school to realise the importance of getting good remarks! If he do not read, but is present he gets Ds, mostly Cs, if he reads a bit he gets Bs I wonder what would happen IF HE buy a misteke would really STUDY! How ever as he has been gone so much from school due to migrene, influenza, stomachace that it is possible he do not get remarks at all... he is just smiling and telling me "Take it esy mom, I still have the whole 1/2 year left" :mad:

I just hate to see him throw away good possibilities for good education. He would like to be a police or in special forces... uh. He does ahve possibilities fysically and there is nothing wrong with his intellectuality, just will to go to school. He also wants to go to mision, but I am afraid that may change if he has to use extra year in school....

I think I done all what can be done, except held his hand in doing the work and confiscateing the computer (when he knows the puter is gone if he dont ... he does).

We think he should be old enough to "leed his everyday life" with a little backup, but it does nto seem to work. ANY good ideas? He knows that IF he works harder I take him to see the pyramides in Egypt, which he would love to see... He loves history like I do too.. I would love to send him to some excavations in the summer. I cant bu a trip for us as he wont do the things aquired to earn the trip, I need first see he works then buy the trip. He will be 18 by summer. :eek:

Any ideas? I am attaching a picture of a pyramide on his wall now so he can remember waht happens IF he makes it trough the school year ok! I suppose I can say no remarks under C!

I am too old to this! :cool: When he is ouit on a mission.. we are going to have a ball!

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my husband when he was in high school had a hard time. He had an extra year. I look at his report cards and they are all D's and C's and then there is one semester that is straight A's. I asked him what happened and he said he wanted to try and see if he could do it. He could and did, and was satisfied, and went back to the lower grades. Fast forward, he never went to college and in general intensely dislikes the way school is taught, but he's a happy person with a good steady job that supports us. I know if I had been his mom at the time it would have caused me so much worry but since I'm not and it's already done I can appreciate him making his own choices, even if they weren't the 'best.'

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