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What baffles me is why Courtney always sticks around so long. The girl is a toothpick and and they sit her out for challenges as much as possible - why is she even there?

Well, to be fair, the villains have only lost once and they got rid of Randy who is older and wasn't getting along with the others. Courtney might have been a better choice, or it could be a toss up between the two - as challenges go - with the deciding factor being the social game.


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  • 5 weeks later...

Where are all you fans?

I can't believe no one has commented on the show down between Russel and Boston Rob. What was the tribe thinking; getting rid of the person who is winning the challenges for them. Physically and as the puzzle-solver Rob is what has kept them winning against the heroes. With him gone I expect the challenges to be much different from now on.


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The expression on Boston Rob's face when Tyson was blindsided was HYSTERICAL. Totally baffled.

And he seems like quite the sore loser. "I'm better than Russell, he's playing with the big boys, blah blah." Then he gets ousted by him? "You're a little man." Someone sounds bitter he got outwitted and outplayed!

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Not the last show but the one before that was GREAT! It was really fun to watch. Tyson really messed up and paid the price for it. He ought not to have voted the way he did. Last show was interesting too with the play between both Rob and Russell. The game is playing right into Rus's hands now. He should not have told Rob, "Let's vote out one of the two weak players" while they were sitting right in front of them. He will make many enemies again and not win it all. I've been wondering where all of you have been on this thread. I was out of town for a little while and did not post.

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Yea, I loved that. You could read in his expression "This game has changed and I just got schooled."

In a way I feel bad for Boston Rob. He worked hard in the camp, hustled in the challenges, and provided much needed leadership. And the thanks he gets is being ousted by someone sneakier than himself. But I don't feel too bad about it. I am looking forward to see the villain camp implode / explode, whatever kind of ploding their going to do. And I think that is what most of us fans have been expecting from the start - mayhem in the villain camp.


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OK, the biggest thing I want to say is even though I don't like “Coach” much I still think that last vote decision was foolish! They should have voted out that super skinny girl Courtney. Russell has big time issues and is very arrogant. We'll see where that gets him.
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OK, the biggest thing I want to say is even though I don't like “Coach” much I still think that last vote decision was foolish! They should have voted out that super skinny girl Courtney. Russell has big time issues and is very arrogant. We'll see where that gets him.

I dispise her. and Pavati.

I'm hoping there will not be a merge and we just get to watch the villains get whittled down one by one (like they did on Stephanie's first season)


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What was the deal with Courtney getting an attitude with Jeff? Acting like he insulted her for being weak. She is weak. She knows it, everyone knows it. She sits out half the challenges. He was just calling it how it is.

Also, although I think Russell is smart at some aspects of the game, he really needs to work on his social game if he wants to go far. He's great at outwitting, but you've got to make friends along the way, too.

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oh russell, how did we under estimate you....surely you won't go far with your super huge ego to tag along.

Loved Sandra's game plan. We will see what next week brings because I guess JT wants to give Russell the h.i. idol. I had no idea we would be left with the players we have at merge. I was hoping Boston Rob would make it to the end and win. He was the rock for the villian team, but I think even he thought Russell was nobody compared to the seasoned players. It should be very interesting the next few episodes.

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The merge is probably going to take place the next couple of episodes. I still think the villains would be better served by going into it with a commanding lead in numbers. However, as fractured as they were it might not have mattered. If they are not all going to vote as a unified block, then why not get rid of the threats now. For Russel, getting rid of Boston Rob really eliminated his closest competitor. And frankly, getting rid of Coach probably saved them the headache of having him join forces with the heroes since he really doesn't see himself as a villain anyway.

All in all, this is probably the most exciting Survivor I've seen in a long time.


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yes, the heroes tribe is very split as well...I think it likely some of them will flip sides as well. Coach definitely. I don't really miss his weirdness....I am just so surprised that Russell has gone so long with his unsocial attitude and ego. Clearly not seen as a big threat to the seasoned players...and even Boston Rob was filmed saying Russell had no idea how to play with the big boys. lol. And to be honest I didn't think he could either. Colby can be swayed and a few others I am sure it they need another vote. Anyway only JT is left for me that I wanted to go to the end...but after watching JT play this time I really could care less if he goes farther or not.

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K, so I watched the last episode tonight. The question I have is "Why do the girls allow Russell to run things?" That's what they kept saying and they believe it. The Heroes (JT really) gave him the immunity idol which made me say, "NO!" We'll see what happens. The girls should have wised up and thought, "We have the numbers with the girls now all we have to do is pick Russ off." They didn't and the merge is coming. Thoughts?

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Well, it sure is going to be interesting.

I think there is a chance that Sandra will let the heroes know that Russel is running the show and just how devious he is. In that case, with her helping them, they could blindside Russel. Otherwise, with the villains holding two immunity idols, the heroes could be in some serious trouble.

Then again, the villains have a much greater tendency to fracture than the hero team, we could see them self-destruct. But if I was a betting man, I would say that however Russel is able to do it, he will probably continue to put the wool over the eyes of the girls and run this to the end, where once again the jury will vote someone else the win because Russel has made so many enemies along the way.


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Interesting move on Parvarti's part. Gutsy but it worked out for her at least so far. I have know idea how she is going to try and explain herself and what she will do with the outcome. I'd think Parv will be on the chopping block next but I can't really say for certain. Poor J.T. He should not have given over his safety net but he did to Rus and now he paid for it. Interesting. We'll see what happens.

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Again, Russell has a lot to learn about the social aspect of the game. He was upset about Parvati not telling him about the idol but at least he didn't flip out on her. What about when they found the clue at the house and Amanda took it away from Danielle. What did you all think of that? Should she have given it back? Was it ok for her to snatch it? Should she have read it in front of them all instead? What about how good Russell is at find finding the idols? I don't know how Parv was able to keep going and not be voted out. Thoughts?

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I miss cirie. I mean in the beginning i despise her because the votes out the alphas and this destroys her tribes chances but she seems to be the only survivor i have seen who is smart enough to take out the alphas running the show while everyone else just hangs on to them,

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