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ok he can only give a blessing if he holds the Melchizedek Priesthood

Michael is my only exposure to the Mormon church. I wasn't raised nor did I have any friends who were Mormon.

I find it interesting that only Melchizedek Priesthood holder can give a blessing. So what happens when there isn't one around and someone needs a blessing or, thinks they need one? The person goes without doesn't make any sense to me.

Edited by Loving_Wife
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Michael is my only exposure to the Mormon church. I wasn't raised nor did I have any friends who were Mormon.

I find it interesting that only Melchizedek Priesthood holder can give a blessing. So what happens when there isn't one around and someone needs a blessing or, thinks they need one? The person goes without doesn't make any sense to me.

That's really where the whole "Home Teaching" program of the Church kicks in. At least one of the home teachers holds the Melchizedek Priesthood and can give blessings to members of the families they visit, if they want one. Ideally, all husbands/fathers have the Melchizedek priesthood, and if that is the case, they should give the blessing, and other Melchizedek priesthood holders can assist him if they are around. But that's not necessary.

The Aaronic priesthood is a preparatory priesthood in the Church, and boys starting at age 12 receive it and are ordained to the office of Deacon. At the age of 14 they are ordained to the office of Teacher, and at 16 to the office of Priest. One of the duties of the priest is to bless the sacrament (the Lord's Supper) on Sundays, and the teachers and deacons help prepare and pass the sacrament to the congregation. Priests also can baptize, if authorized by the bishop, but they can't bestow the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands.

Usually young men receive the Melchizedek Priesthood when they are 19 in preparation for them to serve a mission. I am guessing your husband has been away from Church, on and off maybe, and has not received the Melchizedek priesthood because of that. This priesthood has the authority to bestow the gift of the Holy Ghost, and to give blessings, among other things. The first office of this priesthood is Elder, and from there it goes to High Priest, Patriarch, Seventy, and Apostle. The (male) missionaries of the Church are elders after this order, as are also most active men in the Church.

From the Aaronic to the Melchizedek priesthood, and their offices, priesthood bearers are called to serve others.

Even without a priesthood blessing, you and your husband can continue to pray privately or together for God to help you, or to send help and blessings your way. He will hear your prayers and answer them.



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Also, the reason they are called Aaronic, and Melchezidek are because they are named after two people, Aaron, the brother of Moses, and Melchezidek.

Aaron was asked by Moses and God to set up a priesthood that would officiate in all the rights of the ancient Israelites, and to take after all their people. In the Church today, the Aaronic Priesthood is the priesthood used when doing the main church rites, such as the sacrament, and baptism.

Melchezidek was a righteous man, and king during the time of Abraham. He was so righteous that his byname was the "Prince of Peace." The actual name for this Priesthood is "The Order of the Son of God," but to avoid repetition of such a sacred name, we use Melchezidek, as he was a righteous priest after this order. The Melchezidek Priesthood is the higher one, and is available to all active males around 18 or older. It allows for blessings, both for comfort, and for the healing of the sick and the afflicted. It also allows many other blessings.

The reason it is only given to active members is not out of spite towards those who are inactive, but because we believe in the old saw "with greater power and authority, comes greater responsibility." For those who aren't prepared for it, to receive it would be a great burden. However, in your home teachers, God has provided two good men with this Priesthood.

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