Trollish Behavior...

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I didn't know that she had left. I hope not! We all love to post on the board and visit. I have made several new friends here. I hope the atmoshpere here does continue its upward climb. We come here for understanding and support and that is what we should receive. Thanks to all those who have been a support to me since I started coming here. You have helped beyond what I could have asked for.

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Originally posted by lisajo@Nov 20 2005, 08:29 PM

As many of you may have noticed Please has left the site...

I noticed no such thing - unless I can see things others can't. :huh:

lisajo, if you can see the poster called Member_Deleted you can see Please.


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Originally posted by Maureen+Nov 21 2005, 08:40 AM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-lisajo@Nov 20 2005, 08:29 PM

As many of you may have noticed Please has left the site...

I noticed no such thing - unless I can see things others can't. :huh:

lisajo, if you can see the poster called Member_Deleted you can see Please.


Sorry Maureen,...She really did leave, I have been e-mailing her back and forth, She has Asked to be deleted, and deleted member was the best iguess they could do, no she is not here anymore, :(
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As i was going threw alot of post I have noticed one person personaly down another, I have seen this person complain about Snow so many times but what amazes me is that she is doing what she is complaining about, what is the lessoned learned? The back lash from her is way over bored and i have noticed snow has not gone off the deep end,

I for one think that she sould give it up! I have seen lies told, and to me snow handled it better than i may have,

Just some food for thought! ;)

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Originally posted by LDSister@Nov 21 2005, 12:13 PM

Just gossip considered trollish behavior? Does anyone know what  gossip sounds like? It sounds like, "she she she" ...  :P

Im pretty sure that trollish behavior includes unsupported attacks against a persons fraternal associations.

But what do I know? -_-

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This is why Please asked to be removed. I honestly feel I can't do much about this if "Report this post" is not used. I really don't have the time right now to read every post on the board, and that's why I rely so much on the users reporting problems. This is what Please wrote me:

when Ari was brand new in the forum and Snow chased her around critiquing everything she said or did... until she got nasty and preachy out of pure defense... and then she was condemned by everyone for that...

You have so many mods... all men.... who are running this forum into the ground...

Did you know that if someone puts out gospel subjects on the forum... and they happen to be a women.... they are criticized for doing so>>>

Yet Dis is putting out pure cree-py stuff on the youth boards... and no one says a thing...

Others are putting out stuff about creey stuff and no one says a thing...

I would just like to know if DIS is speaking for you when it comes to how many posts one posts.... and how much it is costing you...

And if he is... why don't you let us know...

The men are doing nothing but criticizing the women... on this board... and the men do whatever they choose...

grief... Heather... is this what you want for you forum...

If so... I would appreciate it if you just removed LDS from your forum name...

This is my response:

You're going to need to use report this post so I can see what you're talking about.  Any post which is reported is looked at and within hours.  I don't expect any of the mods to be reading every post on the board, so it truly is up to the users to report any post that is out of line.

There is a limited amount of bandwidth for the site and space, but I'm not worried about that.  I think it's more of a none written forum etiquette  when it comes to quoting and requoting people above you. I personally don't like all the quoting because it makes it a mess to read. I personally usually just address the person by name, like write, "Snow, ..." and go on with it.  I'll probably be putting in a mod soon that will cut out a lot of the quoting the person who posted last and multi-quotes.  I wouldn't worry too much about it.

As far as mods go, LT and Marsha are both mods or admin, so there is actually 3 women moderators and 5 men. smile.gif

Please's reply:

I would like my registration take off this board... and all personal information destroyed... including all my posts...

AWith that many mods... it should only take about 5 minutes

I then sent her an email and let her know that the member name was changed, all personal information has been removed, but I wouldn't remove all of her posts because of consistency in the threads. That would be unfair to all other users.

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