2 Nephi 18—Conclusion


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This is the same message as the last chapter, but conveyed in some different ways. We can either accept the living waters that “go softly” or be overcome with the current—current concerns, current fashions, current preoccupations that come upon us like an Assyrian army and will only lead us downstream to destruction. As in the previous chapter, we’re taught that making unholy alliances with the world or the worldly will only build on the Rock, or stumble over it, but either way, the Rock is right in front of us and we must decide what we’re going to do with it. Each of us must answer the question, “What think ye of Christ?” (Matthew 22:42). My mission president used to say, “See it big, keep it simple.” Isaiah gives us the big picture and presents the ultimate “no-brainer”—shall we stumble or stand? The only intelligent choice is to build upon Christ, our only sure foundation, and leave the world and its crumbling foundations behind.

John Bytheway, Isaiah for Airheads, p. 118-119

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