Evangelicalism Vs. Mormonism?


Can't we all just get along?  

  1. 1. Can't we all just get along?

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I don't know how happy a place the terrestrial kingdom will be. It will be one level up from being a son of perdition. I would say that it will be as close to Hell as we can imagine. It will be full of liars, cheaters, those out to do harm to others, etc.

I agree with the teaching of the parable of the hired servants. It does not matter how long you have been converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ to recieve your reward. Someone just baptized and someone who had been LDS their whole life could receive the same reward or the newest convert could recieve a better reward. Key is being true and faithful to the end. We call it endure to the end.

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Originally posted by prisonchaplain+Nov 23 2005, 01:38 PM-->

While I can certainly see believers receiving different rewards in heaven (i.e. deathbed conversions vs. martyrs), at the same time there is that parable about those workers hired early in the morning vs. those hired one hour before quitting time receiving the same basic pay.

Yes, so even if you don’t discover that the Church is true until later in life, you can still receive the same rewards that someone else received sooner by discovering the truth of the Church sooner.

<!--QuoteBegin-prisonchaplain@Nov 23 2005, 01:38 PM

However, from the outsider's perspective, the doctrine seems both too restrictive and too loose. Too restrictive, in that the highest salvation is dependent upon allegiance to an organization (the restored church), and too loose because the least restrictive level is not even dependent upon allegiance to the one true God, much less repentance and belief in Jesus Christ (see John 14:6).

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the organization of Jesus Christ, so allegiance to His organization is allegiance to Him.

And those who give less than their full allegiance to Jesus Christ, or to His Church, by not being willing to full repent from every sin and exercise total faith in Christ and what He has to teach us through His Church, can still be capable of giving some of their allegiance to Him, for which our Lord will give them glory and honor for what they are or were willing to receive.

Or in other words, you can do a lot of good by believing the Holy Bible is the word of God and abiding by its precepts, but by not accepting the Book of Mormon and the book of Doctrine & Covenants as the word of God, and by not accepting the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as our Lord’s Church on this Earth, you are cutting yourself off (or damning yourself) from what you would have received if you had accepted these things from Him.

And as I said before, outer darkness is reserved for those who completely and utterly fight against our Lord, which would also include fighting against His Church and His prophets, since His Church and His prophets are an extension of Him.

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