inspirational phrases needed - any suggestions?


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Our Bishop has asked the Relief Society to do something to inspire the priesthood. One of the things we are going to do is make some little wooden heart plaques with inspiring phrases or quotes on them but I'm stuck for ideas. They need to be fairly short so the sisters can paint the words onto the plaques.

Can anybody suggest anything?

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There are a few websites that you can find some great quotes on.. Just can't remember them offhand though..

You could try LDS - Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - Mormons I am sure that she will have some links to other websites you can try as well..

You could also go onto The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and do a search on past Conference Priesthood sessions. I am sure that you will find some great ones from there :)

Good luck

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LDS-gems has lots of good quotes: - Search Gem Archives

In my ward the best way to inspire the priesthood is through their stomachs! ;-) One time we made sheets of cinnamon rolls and all the men came to the cultural hall after church to get one. It was our way of saying thank you for all they do.

Please post what you end up doing. Good luck!

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Well here's what we ended up doing. We designated a star, moon and sun room for different activities. We had 'one way'signs aroundthe building to make sure people didn't go astray.

First of all in the star room we had some sisters telling us inspiring stories about sisters in the Old Testament and the things which they did to support and inspire the men around them.

Then on to the Moon where of our Presidency did a section to make all the sisters feel good about themselves and special before we moved on to ways of making the priesthood holders of the ward feel special.

We did in the Sun room with a goup of craft workshops which included making thank you scrolls to give to the brethren each time any one of them did something we feel should be acknowledged and appreciated. My OH had made some wooden hearts for the sisters to paint and put their little slogans on to give to their husbands/boyfriends. We also made decorated card ones with cuttlebugged flowers and butterflies on. My daughter is very fond of cuttlebug in her scrapbooking and card making so she took charge of that.

I took some photographs but not sure if I can post them here.

We ended with refreshments (as always) in the shapes of sun moon and stars. (dainty little sandwiches, cookies, muffins

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  • 2 weeks later...
I have just learned that this additional Relief Society meeting was not approved of by our Bishop. I don't know what we did wrong and all the sisters enjoyed it but it seems we are not supposed to enjoy ourselves at church meetings these days. I hope no-one here has thought of trying it in their own ward. I wouldn't like to get anyone else into trouble :(
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I believe the first thing I would do is find out why the Bishop didn't approve it. Was it a mere formality, or was there something he didn't like? Surely it can't be just because the sisters enjoyed themselves. There has to be more to this than what you know at this point.

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wow...I completely understand we should plan our RS activities with a purpose, but it sounds like you did that AND accomplished it. I would hate to have a RS activity that the sisters DIDN'T enjoy. Even the most spiritual meeting should be enjoyed.

I always go straight to to look things like this up. Plan Weekday Relief Society Meetings to Strengthen Sisters .

The Gen. RS Pres. said, "First ask, “What do the sisters need to help them increase in faith and personal righteousness, strengthen family and home, and provide relief to others?” Then ask, “What can we do to meet these needs?”

Questions such as the following will bring insight during the planning process and help keep the proper focus:

* What issues and problems are interfering with sisters’ preparation for the blessings of eternal life?

* What do they need to learn and do in order to be strengthened?

* What strengths and gifts do they have that could be used in service?

* What would we like to happen in our sisters’ lives as a result of Relief Society meetings?

Then, here is the quote that it sounds like your bishop is thinking of, “It is time to get out of the entertainment business and into the business of salvation.”—Julie B. Beck

There is even a sample planning sheet there, that can be printed out. I looked at it too. It states, "ALL Relief Society Meetings are to:

• Build faith and personal righteousness

• Strengthen family and home

• Provide service"

Considering your first room, the "Star" room, your sisters were spiritually enlightened. The stories of the Old Testament are faith building and promote personal righteousness. They strengthen family and home if applied to our own lives. Learning from the lives of the women of the Old Testament will help the sisters of today provide service to our families and to others in a Christlike manner.

The only "entertainment" I could see in your activity was perhaps room two. However, women need to learn to take care of themselves, not only physically, but also, and just as important, mentally and spiritually. A woman can't nurture others if she never nurtures herself.

Your third room was a kind act of service. A thank you to your priesthood leaders.

In my humble opinion, the mission of RS was accomplished.

I'll get off my soapbox now. I know we need to support our leaders, but I do believe that you planned with the RS purposes in mind. I'm glad your sisters got something out of your activity, but I'm sorry that you leave it with such a bad experience. Good luck with your next activity.

Edited by LesnKC
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If I had taken this kind of activity to my Bishop to get approved he would most likely have approved it without even giving it a second thought.

Firstly you want to have activities that the sisters will actually want to come to.

I think that people are reading too much into that quote by Sis Beck.

My Bishop is very concerned about unity amoung the sisters in my ward.. So we plan acitivities that would hopefully help with this..

We also plan acitivties that sisters have shown an interest in in the survey they did last year.

I think that your RS Pres, you and your Bishop need to actually sit down together & he needs to tell you what he approves of etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

By reading inspirational phrases and quotes, one can keep himself/herself motivated.

Here are some of my contributions:

"Leap and the net will appear. "

~ Zen saying

"Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do."

~ Benjamin Spock

spacer gif

"Every blade of grass has its angel that bends over it and whispers, `Grow, grow.'"

~ The Talmud

"Throw back the shoulders, let the heart sing, let the eyes flash, let the mind be lifted up, look upward and say to yourself... Nothing is impossible!"

~ Norman Vincent Peale

Life ModificationLife Modification

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