Christmas Issue


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So, this christmas I've decided to make matching scarves hats and gloves for just a couple of my close girl friends that I have (I know a little bit about sewing) and I've done a few past projects like that before but ever since I've been doing this my dad has been claiming I am a metro-sexual because of it. Can someone explain to me what that is...

BTW, I promise I am not gay, I just think these are the kinds of gifts a girl would want for christmas, something cheap, but that takes thought and time to make.

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Guest ToasterOfen

My understanding of "metro-sexual" is a guy who can be very into his own looks; he also tends to be a romantic and very loving and compassionate. A "metro-sexual" male may do things which are not typically or historically masculine, such as sewing.

I have a nephew who is getting a degree in Math, has served a full-time mission, and is dating a wonderful girl he plans on marrying in the near future. He learned to crochet from some of my sis-in-laws a couple years before his mission. He picked it up really quick, has an incredible talent for it, and I would love to get something he has crocheted.

Don't be put off by the term. In this age, a lot of straight males are breaking away from all the typical "masculine" behaviors, and adopting a more compassionate, loving personality and enjoying hobbies that have historically been feminine. And I think our society would do much better with more straight males who are less aggresive and more compassionate.

I think it's great you sew and would try to put some thought into the gifts you give. I'm a woman, and can't sew, so I have even more admiration for a male who can.

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Originally posted by Franken@Dec 19 2005, 03:03 PM

So, this christmas I've decided to make matching scarves hats and gloves for just a couple of my close girl friends that I have (I know a little bit about sewing) and I've done a few past projects like that before but ever since I've been doing this my dad has been claiming I am a metro-sexual because of it.  Can someone explain to me what that is...

BTW, I promise I am not gay, I just think these are the kinds of gifts a girl would want for christmas, something cheap, but that takes thought and time to make.

Hey i taught all my son's how to sew crochet etc. and from time to time they still do it
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I have no problem watching a guy sew or crochet....I think it's kinda cool too. If girls can take car mechanics and woodshop to do things they like to do....why can't guys do the same? Doesn't mean anything in my book... In many guys love to cook? BBQing is cooking....and NOBODY says anything about that! ;) I love a guy who likes to cook..... they are inventive and their creations usually are the best!

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Originally posted by ToasterOfen@Dec 19 2005, 05:45 PM

My understanding of "metro-sexual" is a guy who can be very into his own looks; he also tends to be a romantic and very loving and compassionate.  A "metro-sexual" male may do things which are not typically or historically masculine, such as sewing.

I have a nephew who is getting a degree in Math, has served a full-time mission, and is dating a wonderful girl he plans on marrying in the near future.  He learned to crochet from some of my sis-in-laws a couple years before his mission.  He picked it up really quick, has an incredible talent for it, and I would love to get something he has crocheted.

Don't be put off by the term.  In this age, a lot of straight males are breaking away from all the typical "masculine" behaviors, and adopting a more compassionate, loving personality and enjoying hobbies that have historically been feminine.  And I think our society would do much better with more straight males who are less aggresive and more compassionate.

I think it's great you sew and would try to put some thought into the gifts you give.  I'm a woman, and can't sew, so I have even more admiration for a male who can.

Thanks for your reply ToasterOfen, what you said makes me feel alot better about the kind of crap I've been getting from people lately about it.

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Originally posted by ToasterOfen@Dec 19 2005, 06:45 PM

Don't be put off by the term.  In this age, a lot of straight males are breaking away from all the typical "masculine" behaviors, and adopting a more compassionate, loving personality and enjoying hobbies that have historically been feminine.  And I think our society would do much better with more straight males who are less aggresive and more compassionate.

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Now that is what I like to hear! :D:D

Good For You Franken! :)

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Guest ToasterOfen

Originally posted by Franken@Dec 20 2005, 02:42 PM

Thanks for your reply ToasterOfen, what you said makes me feel alot better about the kind of crap I've been getting from people lately about it.

No problem. I think it's awesome what you're doing. Don't let them give you slack...You're working towards being a great man in all aspects of your life, and are going be very well rounded. As a woman, I have to say the things that attract me to a man the most are the little things he does...and I soooo appreciate a man who can cook and clean (and sewing and crocheting would be awesome too)!

Jason actually posted something in another thread that I think is relevant here:

A real man takes the [*] garbage out, washes dishes, vacuum's, a little laundry, reads bed-time stories to the kids, maybe even opens the door once and awhile for his wife!

Jason hit the nail on the head with this one. A real man is strong, yet sensitive and gentle. He takes care of himself and those around him. The historically typical male that is gruff, hard, expects a woman to wait on him hand and foot, and doesn't participate in household chores is on his way out the door.

Franken, you are part of a new generation of men (my husband included) that are absolutely incredible role models, and are going to be awesome fathers and role models to their children.

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Guest ToasterOfen

Originally posted by DisRuptive1@Dec 20 2005, 08:53 PM

I deleted mean comment from Dis. Not very nice.

Of course, it was only a matter of time before disruptive1 had to come and interject some more of his ignorant and hurtful garbage.

If anything, Disruptive1 is jealous because he can't even tie his own shoes, let alone sew. And because he chooses to go out and kiss every female that has a heart beat and not save himself for someone special, he views those with higher moral standards as weak and wierd.

Franken, disruptive is full of nasty comments and wants to make people feel worthless. He knows nothing, so didn't listen to him.

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Guest Gilvisto

Dude... it doesn't really matter. You just need to say to yourself "Who cares?"

You ain't gay, you know you're not gay, so why does it matter if someone lies and says you are.

(I know... I get that garbage a lot too... what with dancing and singing and what not).

*psst* In my experiance, the girls actually like a guy like that... go figure...

Best comeback in the world:

They say: "You're GAY!"

You say: "You wish."

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Toaster, don't go that far. I would be surprised if he has ever kissed a girl.


Franken, try not to worry about it. You're at that age where it stinks to do just about anything. No matter what you do, you're going to get teased. Just get through it now, knowing that the women you really want in the end are far more impressed with personality, intelligence, and ethics (work, personal, etc.) then how well you can fit in with the crowd and how well you can impress the "cool" kids. A lot of the "cool" kids I went to school with have done pretty much nothing with their lives and are now the last people I would want to be friends with or be married to. Work hard and continue your education or whatever goals you most what to persue, and never let what anyone else says get you down.

BTW, a lot of women are attracted to metro-sexuals. I married one myself. It's important to me that the guy I'm with cares about how he looks, dresses, and also shares a lot of my same interests. He's far more interested in the family then many "macho" men I know, and it's a total joy to know that the entire weekend is not going to be wasted sitting in front of a tv watching ball games.

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Most guys who accuse others of being Gay are usually trying to cover their own secret gay desires. :D

The most masculine men wear pink :) . Do not feel self consious. Life for God, not for Man.

Galatians 1:10


10For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.

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